Chapter 35: Two very important documents

Chapter 35: Two very important documents

The next day.

Western District State Security Branch Bureau.

Dong Xuebing wore his newly bought suit to work. He greetedthe old guard at the guard house and before walking into the compound.

Only Tan Limei and Zhuang Zhi were in the General AffairsOffice. When Tan Limei saw Dong Xuebing, she gasped in surprise. "Bing Zhi looksso mature today. So handsome."

Dong Xuebing replied: "I do not have many nice clothes likeyou. You are dressed up so pretty every day." Trace back the roots of this material to n0v$lbin

Tan Limei laughed happily. "You are so good at praisingothers." There was no one else in the office, and Tan Limei playfully pattedZhuang Zhi's tummy. "Hey, you should learn from Bing Zhi. Look at him. He hadjust joined our office and had gotten the trust of Chief Zhou. If this carrieson, he should be replacing Zhou Panwei position in Chief Zhou's heart. Look atyou. You are not good with words. How can you leave a good impression with theleaders?"

Zhuang Zhi scratched the back of his head: "I... I cannotspeak well."

Dong Xuebing looked at Tan Limei. "Tan Zhi, why do you careso much about Zhuang Zhi?"

Tan Limei blushed. "Who do I care about so much? Hmph! It'smy turn to clean the office today."

Zhuang Zhi quickly stood up. "I will help you."

"That's more like it." Tan Limei passed the mop to him.

Was Dong Xuebing good with words? Knows how to make theleaders like him? This was impossible if it was in the past. He was a quietperson since middle school to university. He could not speak well and get alongwith others. But after he set his goal, he felt he had changed a lot. He forcedhimself to say things that will please others. He did it for his promotions.

Dong Xuebing was falling asleep and controlling himself fromyawning.

The people from the General Affairs Office were used tothis. Other than Old Yan was doing his own things, the rest were trying theirbest to pay attention.

"That's all for today." Zhou Changchun drank his tea andcleared his throat. "Two of you will follow me. The rest return to the office.There is a lot of work this morning. Do your best." Zhou Changchun lookedaround the meeting room thinking who to pick to follow him out for someerrands.

Dong Xuebing and Guo Panwei puffed out their chest andstraighten their backs.

Then Zhou Changchun said. "Panwei, Shunjie, both of youfollow me."

"Yes, sir." Guo Panwei replied immediately and proudlylooked at Dong Xuebing. It was as if he was telling Dong Xuebing that did yousee it? Even if you have some credits, Chief Zhou still trusts me more thanyou. Guo Panwei was had been upset with Dong Xuebing immediately felt better.

Guo Shunjie did not expect Zhou Changchun would call hisname. He brightens up. This means the leader had forgotten about the incidentthat day. He also looked at Dong Xuebing who had been trying to be closer toChief Zhou recently. He was delighted to see Chief Zhou not calling Dong Xuebing.Dong Xuebing was still a newbie.

"Oh yes." When everyone was walking out of the meeting room,Zhou Changchun suddenly said: "There will be two very important documents whichwill be sent to Chief Li Qing there. Two of you must go and collect it and sendit to the confidential department. Nothing must go wrong.... Errr....."

Dong Xuebing puffed up his chest and had a "leave this tome" expression on his face.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Changchun looked at DongXuebing for a second and said: "Xiao Chang and Xiao Tan, both of you will dothis. The Confidential Department might be having a meeting this morning. Ifthere is no one to collect the documents, don't bring the documents back to theoffice. Return it back to Chief Li Qing. There are no duplicates for thesedocuments. Nothing must happen to the documents."

"Rest assure Chief." Tan Limei and Changjuan nodded.

Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie looked at Dong Xuebing. Therewere laughing at him in their hearts.

Dong Xuebing felt helpless. After all, he was still new inthe office. Zhou Changchun had only started to trust him. But compared to therest of the staffs, he still trusts the seniors more. Especially Guo Shunjiewho was Zhou Changchun's, right-hand man.

Sighed.... It will be a long journey...