Chapter 37: Chance to prove myself again

Chapter 37: Chance to prove myself again

Outside of the cafeteria.

After Dong Xuebing, Tan Limei and the rest heard about thefire, they immediately ran out of the cafeteria and look towards the directionof the grey building. The fire was at the General Affairs Office's building.Thick billowing smoke was coming out from the second floor. It was slightlyfurther away from Dong Xuebing's office. The thick smoke had covered thecorridor and coming out from the windows. It seems that the fire was quite big.

"Whose office was that? Why did it catch fire?"

"Call 119!"

"We had called just now."

The compound was filled with people.

At first, Dong Xuebing still did not think much of the fire.It was none of his business. But when he saw Li Qing and Zhou Changchun's face,he immediately realized something was wrong. He looked at the second floorwhere the smoke was coming out. Damn! That was Li Qing's office!

Li Qing shouted: "Quick. All those from the General AffairsOffice, follow me!"

Zhou Changchun was wiping his sweat on his face and ranbehind Li Qing towards that burning building. "Hurry and put out the fire."

Guo Shunjie and Guo Panwei had caught up with them. DongXuebing knew that this was an emergency. He quickly ran forward with Tan Limei.Dong Xuebing knew that it was the faulty electric kettle that caused the fire.Li Qing and Zhou Changchun had forgotten to unplug it before leaving theoffice. They had to take responsibility for the fire, and the two veryimportant documents were still in his office. If the documents were damaged, thewhole General Affairs Office might be punished. This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

The corridor on the second floor was covered in thick smoke,and it was choking.

There were some people from the Political Section andFinance Department trying to put out the fire. They were throwing pails ofwater at the burning wooden door.

"The door is damaged by the fire and cannot be opened."

"Put out the fire on the door first. Stop it fromspreading."

"Get a few more pails of water! It is not enough!"

Li Qing was panicking. He grabbed a fire extinguisher alongthe way to the building and spray it on the door. Guo Shunjie and Guo Panweicould not find any fire extinguishers. They could only get the pails andcollect water from the washroom nearby. Changjuan, Dong Xuebing and the restarrived shortly and helped to put out the fire.

Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie thought the fire was only aroundthe door. But when they entered the room, they saw everything in the officewere on fire. The shelves filled with books, the stacks of documents in thecorners, computer, writing desk, etc. were all on fire. They were staring atthe raging fire in the office. Guo Shunjie and Guo Panwei were not willing togo in and risk their lives. No matter how big that credit was, it was not worthusing their lives to exchange for it.

"I can't. The documents must have been burnt by the fire."Guo Panwei moved back.

Guo Shunjie also took a few steps back. He was afraid thefire would burn him.

Li Qing cursed silently and clenched his fist. He wanted torun into the room, but he hesitated. He does not have the guts to enter theroom.

"The fire extinguisher is here!" Zhuang Zhi and Tan Limei wererunning from a distance with a fire extinguisher each. They tried to extinguishthe fire.

Everybody at the scene knew there was no way to save thosedocuments. The fire was raging.

Director Yan pointed at Li Qing and Zhou Changchun: "Whatthe hell is your General Affairs Office doing?!" He paused for a while andcontinued. "Do you know what those documents are? Do you know?! Your departmentcannot even do such a simple task. What is the use of keeping all of you here?I want your resignation letter on my desk tomorrow!"

Zhou Changchun knew there was nothing he could do. Helowered his head and kept quiet. He thought he would be able to retire at therank of Section Chief, but now.....

Tan Limei, Guo Panwei and the rest were all looking down inshame.

Li Qing could not say a word. Resign? This job was essentialto him. His daughter needs his salary to pay for her medical treatment. If helost his job, what would he do? There was no way he could do anything now.

Suddenly there was a loud splash.

A man snatched a pail of water and splashed on himself,making himself all wet and ran into the burning office. Everybody was shocked.

It was Dong Xuebing!

Everybody at the scene was staring in disbelieve.

This person dares to jump into the sea of fire?

"Xiao Dong!"

"Bing Zhi!"

"Are you trying to kill yourself? Come back! The documentsare burnt!"