Chapter 49: Vying for the position of Deputy Chief

Chapter 49: Vying for the position of Deputy Chief

The next day, it was busy as usual at the General AffairsOffice. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

Dong Xuebing was printing something at the copier machineand observing the rest secretly.

"Xiao Tan, is the speech for Director Li ready? Give it tome. I will send it to Director Li." Guo Panwei said.

"Xiao Sun, is that document printed? Chief Xu is waiting forit. Give it to me." Guo Shunjie said.

After both of them finished speaking, they stared at eachother. It was tense. After the news of Chief Zhou's retirement was made known,Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie were competing for the position. Guo Shunjie usedhis bootlicking skills to "report his work status" with almost all the leadersin the District Branch Bureau. Especially the Chief of the Political Sectionand the District Bureau Chief. Guo Shunjie used a different tactic. He targetedother higher-ups. He tried his best to perform in front of the other leaders ofthe General Affairs Department and start to contact the District PoliticalCommissar more often. They were working all their means to get the position ofDeputy Chief of the General Affairs Office.

On the other side.

Old Yan was still acting normally. He was still drinking histea and reading his newspapers. He does not seem to be interested in the DeputyChief's position. Changjuan was also about the same as before. But compared tolast time, she chatted more often with Guo Shunjie. She should be placing hermoney on Guo Shunjie.

"Zhuang Zhi." When the two Guos left, Tan Limei cheerfullyasked: "Who do you think will become the Deputy Chief?"

Zhuang Zhi was a bit slow when replying. "I don't knoweither. But isn't everyone in the office had the chance of being promoted?"

Tan Limei rolled her eyes at him: "Are you stupid? Nevermind. Bing Zhi, who do you think?"

Dong Xuebing replied listlessly. "The 3 of us does not standa chance."


During lunch, Tan Limei pouted and looked at Guo Shunjie andGuo Panwei who were sitting at their tables not far away. "Did you see it? Theyare not even promoted, and they are already acting as leaders. Even when ChiefZhou was not as commanding as them. Hmph! I want to see what they will do ifthey are not promoted."

Dong Xuebing took a big bite off his bun: "That's right. Butthere is no one else competing with them for the position. The next DeputyChief of our office will surely be the surname Guo."

Zhuang Zhi quickly shushed them: "Lower your voices. Don'tlet others hear you."

Tan Limei angrily said: "This is so unfair. Bing Zhi will bein trouble this time. No matter which one of them became our chief, they willbe looking for trouble with Bing Zhi."

Dong Xuebing waved his hand and sighed. "What else can Ido?"

Dong Xuebing had analyzed the situation last night. Theposition of Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office will definitely be outof reach for the 3 of them. He and Zhuang Zhi had only joined the office forless than 2 months. They were considered newbies. The Government sector focusesmore on seniority than ability. Even if Dong Xuebing did one or two moreoutstanding performances, it was also useless. It was the same for Tan Limei.She had joined the State Security one year earlier than them. She was stillconsidered too junior.

Old Yan had offended a leader from the City's Bureau. Hisrank had been stagnant for so many years. Now, he was near his retirement age,and it was almost impossible for him to be promoted. At most, the agency willgive him a promotion to Deputy Division Chief months before his retirement. Asfor Changjuan, she was senior enough to be promoted. But her character was hermajor flaw. The impression she gave others was too frivolous. The agency willsurely not consider promoting her.

After looking at everyone in the office, the two Guos hadthe highest chance of getting promoted.

Guo Panwei was close to many leaders in the Bureau. If heput in some effect in getting their support, he stands a high chance to bepromoted.

Guo Shunjie knew the District Political Commissar. If the DistrictPolitical Commissar really wants to groom him, Guo Shunjie does not even needto do anything, and he will be promoted. Furthermore, Guo Shunjie looks morematured, and his chances are slightly higher than Guo Panwei.

No matter what, one of them will be the Deputy Chief.

After analyzing all the possibilities, Dong Xuebing becamedepressed. If he had 6 months or 1 year, he would qualify for the promotiontoo. But now, there was no point to try and vie for the promotion. Dong Xuebingonly hope now was for the Bureau to transfer someone from another district overto be their Deputy Chief. It will be hell for him if any of the Guos gets promoted.
