Chapter 52: Strategy to be closer to Xu Yan

Chapter 52: Strategy to be closer to Xu Yan


2:08 pm.

After Zhou Changchun left, Tan Limei immediately pulled FengYu aside. "Bing Zhi, didn't you hear what I said? Why are you still so close toChief Zhou?! What if the rumors about the leaders who were unhappy with himknow about this? You will be in trouble! Chief Zhou had been here for a longtime. Even if there were some issues with his finances, the bureau will stilltake care of him and let him retire due to his illness! But you are different!Who would care about a newbie like you?" This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★

Dong Xuebing laughed. "Actually, there is no problem withChief Zhou finances. You all are overthinking."

Zhuang Zhi also said: "I... I think what Bing Zhi did isright."

"Right your head!" Tan Limei stared at both of them. "Nevermind. Do what you want. I can't be bothered with you all."

Guo Shunjie and Changjuan who had gone to deliver documentsreturned.

"Xiao Tan, are you unhappy at work?" Guo Shunjie spoke likea leader when he saw Tan Limei talking angrily to Feng Yu.

Tan Limei, who had been unhappy with Guo Shunjie, repliedpolitely. "I'm fine."

Guo Shunjie nodded and walked back to his desk with hishands behind his back. He glanced at the small office. He can't wait to sit inthat office. Guo Panwei looked at him and mumbled something. He grabbed a pileof documents and seems like he was about to head off to "report his workprogress" to some leaders.

Guo Shunjie looked at Guo Panwei. "Panwei, why are youdelivering documents to the leaders again?"

"Hehehe, didn't you just return from Political CommissarZhou's office?" Guo Panwei replied to Guo Shunjie's sarcastic remarks.

Dong Xuebing thought about the few members from the BureauCommittee he had met or heard off. In the end, he found someone who was notclose to either Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie. This person had the highestpossibility of speaking up for him and had a strong influence on who should getthe position of Deputy Chief. Xu Yan!

Knock, knock. Dong Xuebing knocked on Deputy Bureau Chief XuYan's office.

"Come in!"

"Chief Xu, Director Li asked me to send these documents toyou."

A middle-aged woman, who was sitting crossed legged at herdesk, was looking at a piece of paper. She said in a deep voice. "Ok. Leave thedocuments there!" She is Xu Yan. She is almost 50 years old, and there wererumors that she was a divorcee. Her hair was permed, and there were aged spotsat the corner of her eyes. She had average looks and the aura of someonesuccessful. She was one of the District Branch Bureau's committee members andthe Deputy Bureau Chief. At the same time, she was the General AffairsDirector. She can be considered Dong Xuebing's top superior. Because she wasthe person overseeing the General Affairs Department, she had a bigger say thanthe rest of the Deputy Bureau Chief on who to take on the role of Deputy Chiefof General Affairs Office!

If Dong Xuebing could foster a good relationship with herand let Xu Yan put in good words for him in the meeting, the chances ofpromotion will be much higher!

Dong Xuebing placed the brown envelope carefully on thedesk. He paused for a while. He wanted to speak to Xu Yan and leave animpression on her. He wondered if she had heard of the incident of him runninginto a burning room to retrieve documents. If she knows about this incident, itwould be easier. "Chief Xu, I..." Dong Xuebing also do not know how to start aconversation. He had only seen Xu Yan during meetings before and had neverspoken to her.

Xu Yan waved the A4 paper in her hand and asked: "Is thereanything else?"

"Huh? Nothing... I will leave now."

Xu Yan finally lifted her head and looked at Dong Xuebing."Eh? You are... General Affairs Department? Didn't I instruct everyone above 20years old and below 35 years old to participate in the soccer match? Why didn't I see you on the field>" Xu Yan was in charge of Western District BranchBureau soccer team, and they were participating in the City's agencies soccertournament. She was also the coach of the team.

Dong Xuebing was disappointed when he realized Xu Yan didnot recognize him. Sensing Xu Yan was getting angry, he quickly explained: "Iwas hospitalized before the National Day holidays and was just discharged two days ago."

Xu Yan just replied "Oh..." and waved him off.

Dong Xuebing was relieved and quickly walked out of theoffice and close the door lightly behind him.

Sigh... Seems like Xu Yan's character was similar to BureaChief Yan. Both of them were not easy to talk to. How can I establish a goodrelationship with her?