Chapter 79: First day at work after promotion

Chapter 79: First day at work after promotion

Today was the first day after the official orders came out. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

Morning. Dong Xuebing looked at himself in the mirror andadjust the suit he was wearing. He purposely leaves home slightly later andmade his way slowly to work. Why did he intentionally go to work late? DongXuebing understood why all the leaders in the government agencies went to worka few minutes late. That's to show their status. If the leader was earlier thanthe staff members, then what's the difference between being the leader and therest? He needs to show his staffs that he got the privilege to be late.

Branch Bureau's compound.

"Good morning Chief Dong."

"Chief Dong."

A few staff members from other departments greeted DongXuebing politely.

It was pleasant to his ears. Dong Xuebing smile and nodded."Good morning..."

In the past, Dong Xuebing walked around his workplace at afast pace. This will leave an impression with the leaders that he washardworking and eager. But now, Dong Xuebing slowed down. He needs to create asteady image. His position was different now, and the things he had to considerwas also changed. Dong Xuebing slowly got the hang of how a leader shouldbehave.

He walked along the corridor and entered the General AffairsOffice.

The moment he stepped in, there were sounds of chairsdragging. Tan Limei, Zhuang Zhi, Changjuan, Guo Panwei and the rest stood up.

Changjuan, with thick makeup, smiled: "Chief Dong, you arehere."

Tan Limei awkwardly greets: "Good morning Chief Dong."

Tan Limei looked at Dong Xuebing nervously: "Errr... this isnot right."

"Save it." Dong Xuebing laughed. "When I hear you calling meChief, you give me the feeling that you are up to something no good."

Tan Limei stared at him: "Who is up to no good? Hmph! Youare the one who said this, I will call you Bing Zhi. Bing Zhi, sign here!"

Zhuang Zhi laughed and passed the document over.

"Ok. Let me take a look first." Dong Xuebing scanned throughthe document and signed it. "Send it to the filing department."

Tan Limei smiled and replied in a weird tone: "Chief BingZhi, you are so successful now. Don't forget us when you become a director of adepartment or the Branch Bureau Chief in the future. Zhuang Zhi and I willfollow your footsteps closely." She expressed her desire that they will becomeDong Xuebing's loyal aides.

Dong Xuebing replied: "I barely got this position and youare talking about bureau chief? Stop teasing me. But as long as I am in the GeneralAffairs Office, I will make sure no one will bully you all."

"Hahaha. We will remember your words." Dong Xuebing did notput on the airs of a leader in from of them, and Tan Limei was glad. Shereturned to her usual ways of being straightforward. But she still has to becareful of her words when speaking to Dong Xuebing. She cannot speak her mindwithout thinking.

After Tan Limei and Zhuang Zhi left, Dong Xuebing thoughtabout how he could improve this office.

A new broom sweeps clean. Should he do something about theoffice?

Who should he target first? Who else? Guo Shunjie, ofcourse!

Dong Xuebing also knew that if he creates trouble for GuoShunjie, who had grudges with him in the past, others will see him as someonepetty. But Guo Shunjie had been bullying him since the day he joined the bureauand had even claimed that he kicks him out of the bureau when he becomes theDeputy Chief. Now, Dong Xuebing was promoted instead of him. There was no wayDong Xuebing would let him off. Take care of him and let him off to show othersthat he was a magnanimous person?

Damn! Who cares about all these?

I must take revenge on him!