Chapter 95: Stone gambling

Chapter 95: Stone gambling

Dong Xuebing, who had discovered the ability to accumulatehis BACK's timings, was surprised and shocked. He was not sure if he was right.Could BACK be only accumulated for only one day? If he carries on accumulatinghis BACK, will he be able to use it several times in a row? Dong Xuebing felthe must experiment with it. This way, he will be able to use BACK to its fulleffects. So, he stopped himself from using his powers. From Tuesday toSaturday, five days, Dong Xuebing did not use BACK. If his guess were right, hewould have collected 6 days of BACK, including Sunday's. That means DongXuebing would be able to reverse time to 6 minutes ago!


Morning, at 8.30 am.

Dong Xuebing was sitting on his sofa and lowered the volumeof his TV. He grabbed his iPhone 4 on the coffee table and stared at the timeon the phone. He was able to experiment with BACK.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong. Someone was at the door. Embark on a journey to the beginning at n0v#lbin★

Dong Xuebing thought it was Aunt Xuan and immediately rushedinto the bathroom to comb his hair before opening the door.

But it was not Aunt Xuan. It was a middle-aged woman."Hahaha, did you just wake up?"

"Oh, Auntie, why are you here? Come in please." Dong Xuebingstepped aside and invite her into her house. "I had just woke up. What time didyou arrive? Where's Aunt Xuan?" This woman was Qu Yunxuan's mother. She seldomcomes over to visit Aunt Xuan, and Dong Xuebing had only seen her a few timesover the years.

"I have just arrived. Yunxuan had received a call and had tomeet her clients." Qu Yunxuan's mother passed a paper box to Dong Xuebing. "Ihave brought some prawns from my hometown. Keep it in the refrigerator."

"Thank you. You don't need to bring anything over." DongXuebing said and kept the box of prawns in his freezer.

"I must bring something for you." Qu Yunxuan's mothersmiles. "Yunxuan had only told me that you saved her life this morning. If Iknow about this incident earlier, I would have come over to thank youimmediately after the incident."

"Don't mention it."

Qu Yunxuan's mother grumbled: "She is already so old and sheis still not anxious about her future. She is just working every day. XiaoBing, how long do you think it will take for her to save enough to set up herown company with her miserable salary? She still insists on waiting under shehas her own career before she considers dating anyone. She might have to waitfor years. I really wish she would hurry up and get married to a wealthyfamily. This way, she will be able to set up her own family, and at the sametime, she will have her own company. Isn't this a good idea?"

Dong Xuebing mumbled a reply.

"Ok. I should be going. I will visit you another day." QuYunxuan's mother stood up. "Xiao Bing, help me talk to Yunxuan. If you know anyguy that have acceptable looks and a wealthy family, let me know."

"Ok. Be careful on your way out."

After Qu Yunxuan's mother left, Dong Xuebing sat down on thesofa. He did not blame Qu Yunxuan for being snobbish. All parents want the bestfor their children. They all wanted their daughters to get married to someonewho could take care of them financially. Aunt Xuan is so pretty and gentle, andthe requirements for her partner should be higher. Dong Xuebing knew QuYunxuan's mother would surely look down on him if he wants to be Qu Yunxuan'sboyfriend unless he can take out 1 million RMB for her to set up a company.That might also cover the fact that he was much younger than Qu Yunxuan andgained her mother's approval.

Dong Xuebing picked up his iPhone 4 again to experiment withhis power.

But he held the phone in his hands and did not say the magicword, BACK. He then put down his phone.

It would be a waste if this experiment were a success. It's6 minutes. He could do a lot with 6 minutes!

Dong Xuebing paced around his living room with his handsbehind his back. He was thinking of how he could earn 1 million RMB. He thoughtabout what Qu Yunxuan's mother said. Dong Xuebing suddenly stopped. He had abold idea. Time waits for no one, and it was not easy to wait for 6 days. Thiswas a rare opportunity, and he should use the BACK he saved up, to make money.If he succeeds, he will be able to make a large sum. If he did not succeed, hewould lose 220,000 RMB at most.

That's right! He got to take a gamble!

But what should he do?

6 minutes... 6 minutes... 6 minutes...


Dong Xuebing suddenly brightens up. If I have enough time,why not go for stone gambling?!

If BACK had accumulated to 6 minutes... then he will surelywin this gamble!