Chapter 99: Meeting the beautiful woman again

Chapter 99: Meeting the beautiful woman again

On the way home.

There were still a few more stops to North Heping Street.Dong Xuebing was waiting for his bus at a bus stop outside of a shopping centernear to West bridge. He had been waiting for the bus for a long time, but thatdid not dampen his mood. He was humming a tune as he took out the packet ofHongtashan Cigarettes from his pocket. He took out a cigarette and light it.This was the packet Dong Xuebing bought after Director Li Qing gave him acigarette. He had opened up the pack a long time ago, and the taste of thecigarette changed. Dong Xuebing choked on the smoke and was almost in tears.

The taste was awful!

Dong Xuebing threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped onit to extinguish it. He also threw away that packet of Hongtashan into a bin. Explore the beginning of this data at n0v^lbin★

The bus had still not arrived. It was more than 20 minutes.

Just when Dong Xuebing was considering if he should take ataxi back, he saw a familiar figure walking towards his direction from thecorner of his eyes. That person was about 6 to 7 meters away. Her hair was tiedup into a bun, and her facial features were beautiful. She had a slim figureand long legs. This woman was that elegant woman which Dong Xuebing had helpedher to get her wallet back. She was wearing a black colored ladies suit and apair of black heels. She was stunning. Her beauty was totally different fromthe gentle Qu Yunxuan. She was more of the elegant type!

Dong Xuebing could not take his eyes off her. How couldsomeone be as pretty as her?

Oh, the last time we met was also not far from here. Doesshe stay around here? This place is quite close to my place.

"Chief Xie!" A middle-aged man appeared from anotherdirection and walked towards that woman.

That woman turned to look at him and smiled. "Old Li, youhave just come back?"

That man nodded and smiled. "I went to the parents-teachersmeeting at my kid's school. Are you going out?"

"Yes. I have some on."

That man looked at her. "Chief Xie, can I delay your timefor a while? I had asked someone to redo the thing I showed you the last time.We changed the core components to mechanical productions, and there are someother modifications..."

The woman smiled and waved her hand. "Can we not talk aboutwork on our off days?"

The middle-aged man paused for a while: "This is still notapproved by Minister Zhao's side. This..."

The other passengers, waiting at the bus stop, were staringat Xie Huilan. It was rare to see a woman as pretty as her.

Xie Huilan laughed and chatted with Dong Xuebing for awhile. After one minute of chatting, she looked at her watch and took out apiece of paper from her handbag. She wrote a string of numbers and passed it toDong Xuebing. "I got to go. This is my number. I owe you a favor. If you needany help, call me. Hmmm.... I am working at the Research division of the NewsBureau under the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Ok?"

Dong Xuebing took the paper from her and looked at thenumbers. Her handwriting was beautiful.

Eh? Wait! Where was she working at?

Damn! Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China?News Bureau? Research division?

This Publicity Department of the Communist Party of Chinawas different from other government departments. The research division underthe Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China was not a Sectionlevel department. It was a real Divisional level agency!!!

Dong Xuebing was stunned. "Sis Xie, I heard that man calledyou Chief Xie earlier. You... You are the Chief of the News Bureau's ResearchDivision?"

Xie Huilan laughed. "I'm only a Deputy."

Even if she was a Deputy, she was also a Deputy DivisionalChief!

She was promoted every two years, or did she enter thegovernment service earlier?

It might still be possible for Xie Huilan to reach hercurrent rank if she is in the Communist Youth League. But she is working for adepartment under the Central Government. She is a Deputy Divisional Chief underthe Publicity Department. She is a leader from the Central Government! Althoughher rank might be the same as Deputy Branch Bureau Chief Xu Yan, theirpositions are totally different. In terms of authority and career prospects,Deputy Divisional Chief of the News Bureau, Research Department is much bettercompared to State Security, Deputy Branch Bureau Chief! Her position is not aposition where anyone can reach with just capabilities alone!

Dong Xuebing was stunned and looked at Xie Huilan's departingback view.

A Deputy Divisional Chief under the age of 30? Whatbackground does she have?!

Xie Huilan was pretty, elegant, have a strong backing,capable, have good career...


The woman was too perfect!

Dong Xuebing was shocked by Xie Huilan. He thought tohimself if he should also try harder? At least, he should get the rank of aDeputy Section Chief first.