Chapter 113: Searching the house

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Chapter 113: Searching the house

News of Dong Xuebing's clash with Branch Bureau Chief Zhou spread throughout the branch.

Everyone was surprised by this piece of news. They were speechless and felt Chief Xiao Dong was too daring!

Whistleblowing against his top superior? Is there anything else he does not dare to do?

Clashing with Zhou Guoan was Dong Xuebing's last straw. He had offended the Branch's no. 1 man and loses his position as the Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office. His enemy, Guo Shunjie, had replaced him and become his direct supervisor. But the furious Dong Xuebing could see the whole picture now. It does not matter if Guo Shunjie was the person that had framed him. As long as Zhou Guoan was the Chief of the branch, it will be the end of his career. There was no way for him to survive at this place. If Dong Xuebing could drag Zhou Guoan down from his position as the Branch Bureau's Chief, all problems will be solved. He might even be reinstated as the Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office.

Dong Xuebing had only one choice left!

Xu Yan's office.

Xu Yan and Song Shoujie were drinking tea in the office. Xu Yan received a phone call and knew about what Dong Xuebing did. After hanging up, she shook her head. "This Xiao Dong is too impulsive!"

Song Shoujie asked: "What's wrong?"

"He argued with Chief Zhou and was chased out of his office."

"He is not to blame. After Xiao Dong entered the General Affairs Office, he had made significant contributions and performed extremely well. But now, he caught in this situation, and anyone in his position will also be pissed!" Song Shoujie sighed. "Old Zhou is going to deal with Xiao Dong harshly. What should we do?" At the Committee Meeting, Song Shoujie and Xu Yan had lost to Zhou Guoan. The whole branch was looking at them.

"We cannot do anything!" Xu Yan sipped on her tea and frowned. "Can't you tell from the meeting? Pang Bin had already gone over to Zhou Guoan's side. The rest of the people are on Zhou Guoan's side too. They are all making eye signals with each other and even Cheng Haimei.... Now, the power is thrown off-balance. Our days here will not be peaceful in the future!"


Xu Yan and Song Shoujie had thought of leaning over to Zhou Guoan's side. But this was impossible. It was because of an incident which happened a few years ago. Not many people knew about this incident. Commission for Discipline Inspection Secretary Song Shoujie had received an anonymous letter from a whistleblower. The letter states that Zhou Guoan had accepted bribes and provided some shreds of evidence. At that time, Song Shoujie and Zhou Guoan had no grudges but were also not close. Because of his duties, Song Shoujie and Xu Yan had to conduct an investigation secretly. But in the end, they could not find concrete evidence. News of this investigation was leaked, and Zhou Guoan knew about it. Although Zhou Guoan did not show any unhappiness, Xu Yan and Song Shoujie could tell he still remembered this incident and was waiting for a chance to get back at them. After this incident, both sides could no longer work peacefully with each other.

Knock, knock, knock. Someone was at the door.

Xu Yan shouted: "Come in!"

Dong Xuebing entered the office with a furious expression. "Chief Xu, Secretary Song!"

Xu Yan looked at him. "Did you go and look for Chief Zhou just now? Didn't I tell you to stay low for the time being? Go back to the Party School now! Complete your training course first and don't come back to the branch before your course end!"

I had lost my position! Do I still have the mood to attend the course? Dong Xuebing controlled his anger and asked: "Chief Xu, I only want to ask something. I will leave after I get an answer!"

Xu Yan put down her teacup. "What is it?"

Dong Xuebing's following question stunned Xu Yan and Song Shoujie.

"If I can get evidence of Chief Zhou receiving bribes, can he be brought down?!" Dong Xuebing was too direct. But he did not have any other solution. "I am talking about concrete evidence!"

Xu Yan and Song Shoujie looked at each other without saying anything. Evidence? Xu Yan and Song Shoujie also wanted to get proof and bring Zhou Guoan down. This way, they would have a breather. But both had investigated Zhou Guoan for a long time and could not find anything. A junior staff member, who had joined the bureau for a few months, can find the evidences? This matter was very sensitive, and Xu Yan wanted to tell Dong Xuebing to handover any evidences he has on hand immediately. But both of them do not think that Dong Xuebing have any evidence on hand.

Dong Xuebing got the answer from Xu Yan's expression. "Can you tell me Chief Zhou address at the Branch quarters?!"

Xu Yan was stunned. You want his address? What are you trying to do? Go to his house and steal the evidence? How can this be possible?!

Song Shoujie was also shocked. "Xiao Dong. Don't be impulsive!"

Dong Xuebing replied: "I understand, but his address..."

Xu Yan kept quiet.

"Chief Xu...!"

Xu Yan stared into Dong Xuebing's eyes for a long time and then took a sip of tea. "Old Yan in your office is going to retire?"

Dong Xuebing was confused and did not understand what she meant. "I think so. What's wrong?"

Xu Yan replied: "Nothing. I am just asking. Oh, yes. Your rank is Deputy Section Chief benefits now?"

Dong Xuebing was still confused. Why was she asking the obvious? "Yes. I am still not promoted to Deputy Section Chief rank."

Xu Yan nodded and said: "That's all. Go back now."

What does she mean? What about the address? Without the address, how can I get the evidence? Deputy Section Chief benefits? Why was she asking about this now? Dong Xuebing left Xu Yan's office reluctantly. He thought about what Xu Yan said to him as he walked along the corridor towards the stairs. Suddenly his eyes brighten up and smacked his forehead!

Old Yan?

Deputy Section Chief benefits?

Deputy Branch Bureau Chief Xu was hinting to him that Old Yan knew Zhou Guoan's address and was implying that if he could get the evidence to bring Zhou Guoan down, then he will... be promoted to Deputy Section Chief rank! This was what Xu Yan wanted to tell him!

Dong Xuebing quickly walk back to the General Affairs Office.

The master bedroom was simple. There was no expensive furniture. There was an old white wardrobe, a queen-size bed, and a small bedside table. Other than this furniture, there was nothing else! But Dong Xuebing felt this was too suspicious. A Divisional Chief Rank officer can't even afford to change the wardrobe? He must be hiding something!

Dong Xuebing opened the wardrobe and started throwing all the clothes out. He also touched the pockets to see if there were anything inside.

After that, Dong Xuebing stood on a chair and searched the higher compartments of the wardrobe.


He could not find anything!

There were only 4 minutes left!

Dong Xuebing could hear some commotion outside the unit. A woman living on the second floor asked: "What are you all doing?"

That older security guard, who was still knocking on the door, turned and replied: "Mrs. Zhou had fainted at home. I think she is sick!"

The woman asked curiously: "No. Sis Liu had gone to her son's place this afternoon. She will be back later in the evenings. She is sick? How come?"

The older guard realized what was happening. He shouted towards downstairs: "Xiao Sun! Quick! Climb up through the fence and see what is happening!"

Dong Xuebing heard their shouting and knew that his lies were exposed. He did not have much time left. He must hurry!

Dong Xuebing kicked the bedside table hard and broke the drawers' lock. A few documents were scattered on the floor. These were unimportant documents. There was a bank book, and the amount in there was only 85,000 RMB!

There were only 3 minutes and 22 seconds left!

Crashed! It was the sounds of someone breaking the windows. Someone had climbed into the unit through the windows!

There's no more time! Dong Xuebing still have not searched under the bed and the balcony!

Dong Xuebing's heart was racing. He threw the pillows off the bed and pulled the covers off. There was nothing!

Bang! Someone was hit the bedroom's door. "Open up! Open the door now!"

Dong Xuebing cursed under his breath and pulled the queen-sized mattress off the bed with all his strength!

There were a red ICBC bank book and a small black colored notebook. Dong Xuebing's heart skipped a beat and dashed forward to open up the bank book. 1.75 million RMB! There was 1.75 million in this account! But this account was not under Zhou Guoan's name. It belongs to someone by the name of Li Yan!

Dong Xuebing was overjoyed with this finding. He quickly opened up the small notebook.

Bang! The people outside were trying to kick open the door! The door was almost kicked down!

"Shit!" Dong Xuebing knew the person outside will be giving the door a second kick. He rushed over and pushed against the door with his back!

Bang! It was the second kick!

The bedroom door shook from the impact. The door could not hold on any longer!

Dong Xuebing quickly opened up the notebook and saw a few familiar names. One of it was a Deputy Chief from the Political Section, Guo Shunjie, and a staff member from the Finance Department. There were numbers behind the names. The number behind the Political Section staff's name was 9. Guo Shunjie was 6, and that guy from the Finance Department was 2. Behind those numbers, there were more numbers which resemble date and year!

This was a ledger book?

A ledger book recording all the bribes he received?!

"Open up! If not, I will shoot!" The guard outside gave the door another hard kick!

Dong Xuebing had no time to be shocked or excited. He was focusing all his attention to memorize the contents of that ledger. His memory training for his civil servant exam came into good use now. He immediately memorizes the names and numbers written in the notebook!

3 seconds...

5 seconds...


The door was kicked open! Dong Xuebing, who was leaning against the door, fell forward!

When Dong Xuebing turns around, a black gun barrel was pointing to his head. He immediately shouts: "BACK! BACK! BACK! BACK! BACK!..."

The surrounding flashes! It flashed 8 times!

The branch bureau quarters' entrance.

Dong Xuebing was standing outside the main gate and felt a cold breeze against his face.

It was peaceful and breezy. Birds were chirping, and the two guards in the guardhouse were chatting happily with each other.

Dong Xuebing let out a sigh of relieved and walked towards an alleyway. He took out his pen and notebook while walking, to jolt down the contents he memorized. There were too many dates, and he did not have enough time. He could only remember 6 to 7 names and dates. But it should be enough!


I got the evidence!!!