Chapter 121: Dong Xuebing’s fury

Chapter 121: Dong Xuebing's fury

The taxi was speeding down the road towards the south!

A minute passed...

2 minutes passed....

Dong Xuebing almost smashed his phone from his anger. Suddenly, he noticed a minibus parked in a secluded spot of the road in front. That minibus was not those proper tour coach. From Dong Xuebing's position, he could not see what was happening clearly. But he could see some people pushing and shoving beside the vehicle. Dong Xuebing sat upright and pointed to that direction: "There! Go over there now! Quick!"

50 meters...

40 meters...

30 meters...

The driver was nervous. He applied the brakes and stop his vehicle. He dares not to stop too near to those people. Dong Xuebing also did not ask the driver to get closer. He opened the door and jump out. The driver saw Dong Xuebing had alighted from his taxi and quickly reverse his taxi and drive off. He does not want to get involved. Robbers were dangerous.

20 meters...

10 meters...

The minibus was right in front of Dong Xuebing, and he could see the passengers in the vehicle looking at the other side. The shouting got louder as Dong Xuebing got nearer. He recognized the voice. It was Sister Cao. She was shouting: "Yunxuan! Run!" Dong Xuebing felt his blood rushing to his head and ran faster. He ran to the other side of the minibus from the back and what he saw made him furious!

A woman, about 26 years old, was kneeling on the floor hugging her tummy. She should be Sister Cao. There was a red mark on her face, and she seems to be slapped by someone. All her belongings were scattered on the floor in front of her. There were small cosmetic boxes, small mirror, wallets, etc. There was also a smashed digital camera and a torn-up notebook.

Dong Xuebing's precious Aunt Xuan was not far away. A man, about Zhuang Zhi's size, was grabbing Qu Yunxian by her hair. A dark complexion female tour guide was trying to snatch Qu Yunxian's handbag. Qu Yunxuan was in pain, and there were lots of bruises on her hands.

"Yunxuan! Give them the bag. Give it to them first!" Sister Cao was shouting.

Qu Yunxuan refuses to let go of her handbag: "Let me go! You are all criminal!"

That driver used more strength to yank Qu Yunxuan back. "F*** you! Xiao Hong! Check if she has any other cameras in her bag! Check her phone too! We cannot let her report us in the papers!" Witn€$$ th€ origin of thïš c0ntent, flowing fr0m n0v!lbin★

That tour guide scold: "F**king bitch! Let go! Give me your bag!"

"Aunt Xuan!" Dong Xuebing had lost all his cool at this moment. He felt he had gone crazy and could feel his blood boiling. "You are to touch her one more time! I will kill you!"

Sister Cao, who was still on the floor, was stunned: "Dong Xuebing?"

Qu Yunxuan panics, and quickly shouted: "Xiao Bing! Don't come over! Call the police quick! You are no match for them!"

Dong Xuebing could not hear a thing. He threw his locked money box aside and rushed forward towards that driver. He only had one thing in his mind. He must kill this mother f**ker!

Dong Xuebing was still about 80 cm away from that driver's face!

This was what happened 1 minute ago!

The driver can't be bothered with Dong Xuebing. He was very confident of himself, and he could easily beat 4 of this skinny young man! It was like a child trying to fight an adult. The driver could tell Dong Xuebing had never fought before from this punch. He prepared himself to give Dong Xuebing a kick with his full strength!

Dong Xuebing, who had just regained control over his body, knew his punch would not connect. He quickly shifted his body weight to his left leg and did not pull back his punch. He knew it was too late to pull back his punch. He raised his right foot and kicked forward at the driver.

The driver also raised his leg at the same moment!

Everything happened too fast, and something unbelievable happened!

Everyone on board the minibus, Sister Cao and Qu Yunxuan were shocked. Dong Xuebing had kicked towards the air. There was nothing in front of him, and everyone was confused by his actions. But the next moment, the driver's kicked out towards the empty space in front of Dong Xuebing!

The angle of the driver's kick was very accurate. If his kick had moved slightly forward, it would hit Dong Xuebing's stomach.

But when everyone saw the angle and height of Dong Xuebing's kick, no one felt the driver's kick was accurate!

The driver's leg looks like it was rushing forward to receive Dong Xuebing's kick. Bang! Dong Xuebing's kick had hit the driver!

This kick landed on the driver's calf!

The driver fell backward. He could not believe his eyes! What happened? How come this young man knew where he was going to kick? Impossible! He was about to punch me! Why did he change to kick suddenly? Damn! This young man was a martial arts expert?!

The driver was not about to give up. The second before he fell, he swung his leg and tried to sweep Dong Xuebing's legs!

Dong Xuebing almost fell.

The driver tried to stand up immediately. But his injured leg gave way, and he almost kneeled down!

Dong Xuebing who had regained his balance, quickly look around him. He knew he would not win if he tried to fight the driver in close combat. Dong Xuebing saw a round stone about the size of a basketball 2 meters away from him. He moved forward and picked up that 5 Kg stone. He then turned towards the driver and cursed: "F**k you!" He raised the stone and threw it at the driver!

After injuring his leg, the driver could not dodge the stone!

The stone hit the driver's right waist and caused a deep cut!

"Ahhhh!!!!" The driver fell onto the ground again, and he was holding onto his waist screaming in pain. Blood was gushing out from the wound on his waist, and his orange jacket quickly became red!

Qu Yunxuan, Sister Cao, the female tour guide and all the tourists on the minibus were shocked.

The driver was so strong and fit. He looks like he could smash a big rock with his fist. He was muscular... but he was beaten up by a skinny Dong Xuebing? He could not even fight back!


Those muscles were for scaring others?

You can't even fight back with all those muscles?!