Chapter 133: Badmouthed

Chapter 133: Badmouthed

The next morning.

Xu Yan arrived at work and was about to go upstairs to her office when she met Zhen Anguo.

"Chief Zhen." Xu Yan slowed down and walk slightly behind Chief Zhen. "How is your apartment? I had asked my people to prepare it for you. If you find anything lacking, let me know. I will ask them to prepare it for you. Haha, our branch's quarter is quite old. When Chief Yan was around, he had proposed to the higher-ups to rebuild it. But it is not approved. We can only do some simple renovations."

Zhen Anguo smiled: "Thanks for preparing the apartment for me. It is quite good and is much better than my previous lodging."

Xu Yan maintained her speed to be slightly behind Zhen Anguo. "I'm glad you are satisfied."

Zhen Anguo immediately noticed her movements and knew she had something to talk to her.

When Xu Yan reaches her office's floor, she did not turn into the corridor. "Chief Zhen, I remembered something suddenly."

Zhen Anguo looked at her. "Let's talk in my office?"


By right, the secretary of the leader must clean up the office before the leader arrives. But Yan Lei was not considered Chief Zhen's secretary. Zhen Anguo also did not give Yan Lei his office's keys due to the regulations. State Security was a department which handles lots of confidential information. Zhen Anguo got to be careful. The past two days, Yan Lei could only wait patiently outside the office for Zhen Anguo to arrive, before going in to clean up the office. But today was different. Yan Lei saw Xu Yan walking with Zhen Anguo to the office, and he just greeted both of them, before returning back to the General Affairs Department. He knew these two leaders must have some important discussions.

After they entered the office, Zhen Anguo smiled and asked Xu Yan to sit.

They discussed some unimportant issues about work as they waited for the water dispenser to boil the water.

When they saw the water had been heated up, Xu Yan walked over and poured a cup of water for Zhen Anguo. Zhen Anguo did not wait for Xu Yan to place the cup of water on his desk. He knew Xu Yan's friction was influential in the branch, and he stood up to take the cup from her. "Hahaha, Chief Xu had poured a cup of water for me. I am flattered."

"It's my job. Before you are transferred here, the city bureau is not quite happy with the performance of the Western District Branch. Hahaha, we hope you can lead us to achieve and improve our performance. All of us are depending on your leadership." Xu Yan said as she poured herself a cup of water. She had lowered herself to pour water for Zhen Anguo. This gesture was to show her decision to be on Zhen Anguo's side, but at the same time, she did not lower her status too low. All of Xu Yan's movements had meaning.

Yan Lei was cleaning up the office with a rag.

Zhen Anguo was sitting in his leather chair, signing a document. Suddenly, he put down his pen and looked at Yan Lei. "Xiao Yan, are you getting used to working here?"

Yan Lei put down his rag and stood at attention. "Yes, Sir. As soon as I am with you, I will get use to whatever environment."

Zhen Anguo laughed. "Actually, I wanted you to remain in the Public Security for a few more years, before transferring you to a county Public Security branch as the Deputy Chief there. But my transfer was too sudden. Even I did not expect it. That's why I drag you along with me. Hahaha, do you hate me for this decision?"

Yan Lei immediately replied: "Of course not. I am glad to be able to learn from you."

Zhen Anguo nodded. "Wait for a while more. When the time is right, I will transfer you to the lower levels to gain some experience."

Yan Lei also wanted to be transferred to the lower levels as a Deputy Branch Chief with authority. That will be much better than being an unofficial secretary. Also, there were too many restrictions in the State Security. He did not have many career paths like Public Security. But even if he thinks this way, he could not tell Chief Zhen about it.

"Oh." Zhen Anguo suddenly remembered about his discussion with Xu Yan in the morning. "Do you know Chief Xiao Dong from the General Affairs Office?"

Yan Lei was stunned. He thought Zhen Anguo had heard about what happened and quickly tried to explain himself: "Chief Zhen, it's him..."

"Chief Xu had spoken to me about Chief Xiao Dong this morning. She is proposing to promote Xiao Dong to Deputy Section Chief." Zhen Anguo still has not made his decision. He asked: "I would like to hear your opinions. I heard that this Xiao Dong is very capable."

"Promote to Deputy Section Chief?" Yan Lei was surprised. He looked at Zhen Anguo's facial expression and then replied: "Chief Zhen, I had met Xiao Dong yesterday. He is too young and is a Deputy Chief of the General Affairs Office at age 23. How can he be promoted to Deputy Section Chief rank? This is not right." Yan Lei had conducted a background check on Dong Xuebing. He knew Dong Xuebing had just graduated from University. He did not have any experience at all.

"Chief Xu was thinking of granting an exception for him and use him as an example for others. What do you think?"

Yan Lei had been thinking for getting back at Dong Xuebing. Now, this is the best opportunity. "I will be honest with you. Yesterday, I had gone to the General Affairs Office to ask Chief Dong for some help with your matters. I asked him to help me carry some stuff. This is supposed to be the General Affairs Office's job. But he ignored me. I called him twice, and maybe he thinks to carry some stuff for you will affect his status. He is too immature and did not think of the big picture. He also disrespected you. How can such person be promoted?" Yan Lei purposely skipped the parts that he was the one who caused this conflict.

Zhen Anguo heard this and laughed. "It's only a small matter. You don't need to mind this."

Yan Lei frowned and replied. "This is not a joking matter. He has no respect for you."

"Fine. I know." Zhen Anguo knew Yan Lei might have some unpleasant clash with Chief Xiao Dong, and that's why he was biased. As a leader for so many years, he could sense it, and will not trust his words entirely.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.