Chapter 147

Chapter 147

I had looked into the Demon God Cult but ultimately failed to learn anything about the revolutionary forces. A lack of time was a factor. On top of that, perhaps due to everything that had stemmed from our investigation into the unfounded rumors around the Demon God Cult, Charlotte seemed to believe that even if the revolutionary forces existed, they might not be any more substantial.

After all that had happened, Rudina treated me quite warmly whenever we crossed paths. It seemed she was quite grateful that I had listened to her outlandish story all the way through without mocking her.

“The final exam results are out. Go ahead and check them.”

The final exam season had passed by.

1st Place - Ellen

2nd Place - Louis Ankton

3rd Place - Vertus de Gradias



7th Place - Harriet de Saint-Ouen

8th Place - Reinhart

Since I hadn’t studied, it was only natural for my grades to drop. Still, securing 8th place didn’t seem too bad. It was, after all, an average ranking.

Everyone gave me passing glances, wondering how the midterm top-scorer had fallen to 8th place. Perhaps they were considering whether it was just a one-off, and if I was ever good at studying in the first place.

That was the essence of the glares that I got from those who disliked me.

“Ha! You made fun of me for getting 8th place last time, and now you’re the one in 8th place? Looks like I won this time, didn’t I?”

Harriet remembered being teased by me during the midterms and was quick to tease me back, reveling in the fact that she had outperformed me.

“Wow, you still remember that? You’re quite petty for a lady of a ducal house.”

“What? Pe-Petty?”

“Yes, you penny-pincher.”

“Penny-pincher?! Did you just call me a penny-pincher?”


“E-Eek!!! You’re not even good at studying!”

“It’s not that I’m bad at it, I just didn’t do it. If I had, you would have been trounced by me. Oh, and did you know that when we calculate the midterm and final grades for the overall score, you still lose to me? Oh? Now what? Lost again? What will you do now?”

“Th-That can’t... That can’t be right...”

I came in first in the midterms, and as for the finals, she was 7th and I was 8th. And she had one academic commendation, while I had two.

Harriet was undoubtedly ranked lower than me in terms of the overall first-semester scores. Upon realizing this fact, Harriet turned pale.

She thought she had won, and had boasted prematurely.

Harriet was always bound to lose out in any exchange with me. By this time, her persistently picking fights with me despite not disliking me that much seemed somewhat endearing.

‘No matter what you say, I have no intention of seriously fighting with you, so you’re bound to lose.’

“Number 11 and Number 4, quiet down.”


“S-Sorry Mr. Effenhauser...”

Both Harriet and I wilted at Mr. Effenhauser’s remark.

Ultimately, the final exam results followed the flow of the original story, with Ellen ranking 1st and Ludwig coming in last. Charlotte still seemed to struggle with the physical part, and was outmatched by Vertus.

The Temple’s grades were said to be an important factor in their competition, and the circumstances were overwhelmingly unfavorable for Charlotte to outstrip Vertus.

“Anyway, summer break begins next week. Though the Royal Class policy is that no official homework is assigned, I hope you all spend your time meaningfully.”

Mr. Effenhauser wasn’t one to belabor the point. The mention of vacation had visibly lifted everyone’s spirits.

No matter how favorable the Royal Class environment was, nothing beat a break.

“Numbers 2 and 11, follow me to the staff room.”

Mr. Effenhauser summoned Ellen and I, and brought the class to an end.


Mr. Effenhauser had summoned us not because we had gotten into trouble.

“You mentioned plans to visit the Dark Land during the vacation.”


“That’s right.”

Mr. Effenhauser had received the reports Ellen and I had submitted. There wasn’t a strict need to report our vacation plans.

However, reporting them was always the better option. Ellen had also made her report in advance.

“I thought it would be better to have a chaperone, but you refused.”

“... Yes.”

Of course, the Temple would be reluctant to allow two Royal Class students, who were only in their first year, to venture into a dangerous place like the Dark Land.

Therefore, Mr. Effenhauser had originally been assigned to accompany us as a chaperone, but both Ellen and I had refused.

The pretext was that we were going for real-world experience, and not for education.

Of course, I didn’t want Mr. Effenhauser following us because I had plans for Eleris to join us midway through.

“You should take a break during vacation too, sir,” I said with a slight smile.

‘Honestly, man, do you really want to babysit students during your vacation as well?’

Mr. Effenhauser stared at me intently. “Just because students are on break doesn’t mean the teacher gets to rest as well.”

—I’m visiting several places, but we’re planning to gather and hang out towards the end.

—Oh, really?

Riana was indeed a cool character.

—Do you want to come?

—R-Really?! Is that okay with you?!

—Sure. Well then, I’ll let you know the date and location.

—Th-Thank you!

That straightforward and cool temperament.

The more I saw of it, the less disagreeable it seemed.

Heinrich seemed utterly surprised to have been invited by Riana, and his face turned red.

Some students from Class B came to see us as well.

“... The Dark Land, really? I’m so stunned I’m lost for words,” sighed Charlotte.

She had learned too late that I was going to the Dark Land. She would have definitely stopped me if she had known.

“Don’t you have any fear at all, or what?”

“There’s treasure in the Dark Land. I’ve got to make some money.”

Charlotte’s mouth dropped open slightly in disbelief.

“Would you not go if I gave you the money?”

Clearly, if money was the goal, she was willing to give it to me so that I wouldn’t have to engage in such a dangerous activity.

‘Wow. She’s giving me butterflies in my stomach.’

“But then Ellen would have to go alone.”

“... I doubt you’d be of any actual help to her, you know?”

‘Hey! Isn’t that a bit harsh, even coming from you? I can get hurt too, you know!’

“Anyway, it’s not just about the money. I wouldn’t go if it was that dangerous.”

Charlotte raised her voice. “If the dangers of the Dark Land were well-known, do you think adventurers would flock there? They go because it’s unknown.”

We were in the Class A dormitory, which she seldom visited. Even when Vertus happened by, she didn’t stop.

I was quite moved that she was showing such concern for me. Recognizing my unyielding attitude, Charlotte sighed.

“... It’s even more absurd that I’m even having this conversation with you.”

It seemed ridiculous to her that, despite being friends, I wouldn’t listen to her. Even more ludicrous was the fact that she wasn’t giving orders, but actually trying to dissuade me.

“Come see me before you leave. I have something for you,” she said.

She glared at me briefly as if I were a madman, then swiftly turned and walked away.

Ludwig appeared as well.

“Reinhart. Is it true you’re going to the Dark Land?”


“Will you be okay? Isn’t it dangerous over there?”

“I’m going with a decisive weapon by my side. What’s there to fear?”

Saying I had a decisive weapon made Ludwig think of Ellen, and he burst into laughter as if that explained everything.

‘Of course you’d think of Ellen, but what I truly meant was Eleris.’

“I’m planning to go to Delphine’s homeland this time.”


“Yeah, I’ve arranged to take some ranger lessons. They said it would be fun. Reinhart, do you want to join me next time?”

“Sure, if I have time.”

Ludwig was following the original storyline and heading to Talfarad—Delphine’s hometown—to receive ranger training.

Seeing all these people concerned about me felt strange.

It was as if I’d suddenly become popular.

Anyway, the rumor that I was going to the Dark Land had spread throughout the entire first year, which made the start of the vacation quite noisy.


Monday passed, and then came Tuesday...

“Junior, you’re going to The Dark Land?” Adriana asked me this during our morning exercise. She seemed worried.

“Yes, but don’t worry. I won’t go anywhere too dangerous.”

“Hmm... I know you’ll take care of yourself... but it would have been nice to go together.”

Adriana seemed concerned that Ellen and I were going to a dangerous place by ourselves.

Considering that Adriana could cast healing spells, it would indeed have been great to have her along, given her ample skills.

Adriana sighed. “I’ve arranged to return to the monastery this vacation for training...”

However, it seemed Adriana had a packed vacation schedule. Despite her contemplation about her faith itself due to the situation with Olivia and the Order of the Holy Knights, Adriana hadn’t given up on her path to become a priestess.

Seeing her apologize for not being able to accompany us, I chuckled. “It’s okay.”

“Let me know in advance the next time you go. I’ll make sure to find some time.”

After that, Adriana spent the entire workout session nagging me to not get hurt and to avoid dangerous places at all costs.