Chapter 113

Name:Demon Lord Gets Married Author:
Chapter 113 - A Mountain Higher than a Mountain

As the footsteps approached, Yin Xu and Teng Yu realized these people had begun to spread out, surrounding and attacking them.

“Can you handle him?” Yin Xu silently mouthed.

Teng Yu nodded and firmly squeezed Yin Xu's hand, indicating his confidence. Yin Xu raised an eyebrow, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it in another direction.

“Pata.” The stone struck a tree trunk, making a slight noise, which immediately drew the attention of the group of black-clad individuals.

In that moment, Yin Xu leapt onto a branch, flipped through the air, and kicked the nearest black-clad man. The man fell to the ground unprepared, and before he could get up, Yin Xu's cold dagger had slashed his neck.

Fresh blood spurted out. The man in black convulsed briefly before losing his breath.

Yin Xu didn't check if the man was dead or alive. His attack had already drawn the attention of the other black-clad men. While they attacked him from all sides, Teng Yu stealthily approached another black-clad man from behind. By the time the man sensed someone behind him, Teng Yu's hand was already around his neck.

In an instant, two black-clad men were dead, but this exposed Teng Yu and Yin Xu. The remaining black-clad men automatically split into two groups, surrounding Yin Xu and Teng Yu separately.

“Who are you? Why are you in Shenlu Mountain?” Teng Yu shouted with all his might.

“Heh, the ones who want your life!” One of the black-clad men gestured, and all ten of them attacked simultaneously.

Teng Yu remained cautious. This group of black-clad men had strong auras, steady steps, and their moves showed they were not weak, likely as skilled as his Dark Guard.

He never imagined such a group would be hiding in Shenlu Mountain.

Fortunately, the Emperor had already returned to the capital. Otherwise, if he had followed his plan to hunt in the mountains, things could have gone terribly wrong.

Although Teng Yu hated the Emperor, he didn't want him to die at the hands of outsiders.

The black-clad men grew increasingly shocked as they fought. They initially thought these two were just young noblemen, but they persisted against the siege of ten men without showing any weakness.

“Ugh...” A black-clad man was stabbed in the chest by Teng Yu's dagger. He groaned, held his chest, retreated two steps, quickly applied medicine to his wounds, then rejoined the fight.

Teng Yu could tell these black-clad men were either warriors from families or assassin groups. Their moves were ruthless, and they knew human weaknesses well.

When facing such opponents, he couldn't rely solely on his inner strength and moves. If he couldn't win, being caught by the enemy would result in serious injury.

Teng Yu fought while keeping an eye on Yin Xu. Although they seemed evenly matched, he wasn't sure if Yin Xu could easily defeat his opponents.

But his worry was unfounded. After about ten moves, he still had nine opponents, while Yin Xu had six left.

Yin Xu noticed the situation on his side as well. After dodging a black-clothed man's sword, he retreated a few steps, leaned against a tree, and shouted, “Want to bet?”

“Bet on what?” Teng Yu's fist struck a black-clothed man's head, resulting in a clear bone-cracking sound, followed by the black-clothed man's voice as his brain matter spilled out.

“It's what we discussed last night. Whoever finishes off these people first wins.”

Teng Yu swept the legs of one of the black-clothed men and turned to observe the battlefield on Yin Xu's side, “Alright, but you'll have to start over.”

“Fine, then I'll wait for you to kill two more people.” Yin Xu smiled at the black-clothed men and joked, “How about taking a break?”

“Since the Third Prince has said so, I truly can't let you leave safely today. Otherwise, the imperial government will have to issue an order to pursue you tomorrow.”

“Do you think you will be safe and sound after killing us? Are you sure everything is going as planned?”

“Otherwise? Hehe, all thanks to the Third Prince for daring to enter the heart of the forest without even bringing a guard. Once you all die, we'll dig a pit and bury you.”

The masked man glanced at Yin Xu and suddenly realized something, “I presume this is the Seventh Young Master Huo, rumored to be favored by the Third Prince.”

Yin Xu was not in the mood to respond. He carefully observed the surroundings, looking for an opening.

In his previous life, he had been surrounded before. It wouldn't be easy to take him down.

“May I know your name, sir?” Teng Yu held Yin Xu's hand behind his back and lightly wrote a word on his palm with his finger.

“Third Prince will not know of a nameless junior.”

“This Highness knows that the Patriarch of Sky Piercing Sect is the infamous Tong Wei Hua. The Left Right Protectorate operates both overtly and covertly under his command. I presume you are the one overseeing the dark forces?”

“Haha... As expected of the dragon's descendant, someone with both vision and bravery. He is far superior to the First and Second Princes, such a shame...” As soon as he finished speaking, he signaled to the assassins, and a chilling murderous aura enveloped them.

Teng Yu and Yin Xu were not ones to sit idly by and wait for death. As the enemy charged, they also moved. Teng Yu discarded his dagger and took a long sword from a fallen foe.

“Eh, Flame Yang Spell?” The masked man exclaimed in shock at the sword in Teng Yu's hand. Everyone in the martial world knew the Huo Family was famous for its Flame Yang Spell, a top-tier technique even in the martial arts world, said to be practiced only by Huo Family disciples.

How did the Third Prince obtain the Flame Yang Spell? Could it be that the Huo Family had allied with the Third Prince?

It seemed unlikely; the royal family's teachings couldn't be easily disregarded. If the Huo Family truly sided with the Third Prince, they would face global contempt.

Knowing Huo Zhengquan's character, he would never do something so dishonorable.

While still in a daze, a gust of wind struck him. The masked man instinctively stepped back and turned to see his attacker.

He was even more astonished. Standing outside the battle circle, surrounded by dozens of assassins, even a fly couldn't escape.

But how did Huo Family's Seventh Young Master break free? Clenching his fists, the masked man laughed loudly, saying, “Today has truly opened my eyes. There's always a higher mountain!”

“You talk too much!” Yin Xu propelled himself forward, like a sharp unsheathed sword flying towards the masked man's face.

However, before he could touch the man's clothes, he was intercepted by a man in black from both the left and right.

Yin Xu made a swift decision, grabbing a blade swung at him. The sharp blade cut his palm, but in the next moment, it was sliced in two, the wound blackened and smoking.

Yin Xu licked his palm wound, a ghostly smile on his lips: “Not bad, but the weapon is quite subpar.”

Among the Sky Piercing Sect, probably only the Sect Leader possessed such strength to break this heavy greatsword.

Appearances can be deceiving!

“To me, a long blade is merely an embellishment. It's not my specialty.” The man discarded the broken blade and took out two gloves from his belt. The gloves glowed with a silver light, clearly not ordinary.

Yin Xu thought to himself: It seems this Sky Piercing Sect is indeed wealthy. After settling today's matter, I must raid their lair, even if it's just to compensate for today's bloodshed.