Chapter 753: Chapter 753 Deets from Lily

Small reminder that

‘Lily said’ “followed by whatever”

Means that Kat is repeating something for Lily.


The commotion generated from Sue’s story, or perhaps just the amusement Kat was sharing across their link, was enough to cause Lily to stir. She tried to settle back down to sleep but could tell something was off. When she opened her eyes, it was instantly clear she was not sleeping on Kat. She looked around the room to search for Kat before hopping back to her girlfriend.

“Right, now that Lily’s awake we can grill her instead. We can get off my first kiss. Nothing more needs to be said!” chirped Sue happily.

[I feel like I’m missing something here...]


Kat quickly shared the climax of Sue’s first kiss. Lily’s eyes went wide and she couldn’t help but let out a small chuff, the closest thing she could do to a laugh really. [Kat you have to follow up on this. I have so many questions I don’t even know what to ask... actually how about...] “Sue, we can’t move on yet. We have to know how your first kiss affected your second, third and so on,” said ‘Lily’.

Sue glared at the cat before sighing. “Fine, but if I do, you’ve got to talk about your confession with Kat and the first kiss from your perspective deal?” Lily glanced at Kat who sent approval down the link causing Lily to nod. “Right. Fine. Ok... it was... it was a bigger issue then I ever thought it would be. I tried to move on by just finding a guy to snog but it didn’t exactly pan out. Every time I was about to kiss someone my mother’s laughing face kept appearing in my mind.

“You’d think it would be Dad’s considering what happened, but no. All I could think of is telling my Mum I’d kissed someone else and her bursting out in laughter and grilling me on how much worse a kisser whoever I’d chosen was. I couldn’t get that damned image out of my mind until I lost my virginity and managed to get a kiss in that way,”

Kamiko blushed and said. “It... it feels weird to hear about you loosing your virginity. I mean... I... it just kinda feels like you’ve never had one? Does that sound mean? I just... to me at least you’ve always been... well yourself. It just seems... out of character I suppose? For it to have been a thing? How did... um... how did you lose it?”

Sue tapped her chin a few times before glancing over at Kamiko. “I feel like that’s a story for later tonight. I mean, I’ll share it if you want but I just told a story, I really want to hear from Lily and we haven’t heard anything from you... so... Imma pass this buck I think. I score plenty enough already,”

Kamiko pouted a bit at Sue’s answer but turned to Lily. [Do you mind? This is probably going to be a bit awkward having you retell everything but I do want to talk about it. I feel like bragging and it’s not like I can do that with anyone on Earth. It’s not like I can brag to my parents or your adopted parents and Sylvie is way too young. So, if you don’t mind...]

*It really doesn’t bother me. As long as they know it’s you talking I’ll say whatever you want me to.* With that established ‘Lily’ nodded once again and asked “So where do you want me to start Sue? With the confession or the kiss?”

Sue, instead of answering, turned to Kamiko who looked somewhat surprised at being put on the spot. “Um... er... not sure why Sue wants me to take over... um... I think the confession first? Kat seemed to imply it was just as important as the kiss itself even if she wasn’t willing to tell us exactly what was said so... I think the context for that would be nice?”

“Right, I can start there... it...” Kat was mimicking the pauses and expressions Lily provided as best she could. Her mind running faster and the fact she was just repeating things made it a little hard to line things up but it wasn’t too bad. “I’m not sure how to really capture the emotion in that moment. I could relay the story I told Kat, and I guess I’ll be touching on part of it...

“But I’m not quite sure I can explain all the competing emotions in me that shattered what little remained of my self control. I mean, I spent more than enough time staring at Kat to be pretty sure she wasn’t gay and that she wasn’t interested in me sexually. I know why that is NOW but I didn’t think I had any chance with her until this all happened. Combine this with the fact that I had to move schools after I asked out my first best friend who...

“I mean, you can honestly just think of them as a knock-off Kat. She wasn’t as pretty, powerful, interesting, nice, basically in all areas she compares poorly to Kat but they look similar enough to imagine I suppose. I mean, you’d never think they were the same person but with a bit of makeup and maybe the right lighting and angle you could get it close.

“So for me... I was confessing to my best friend a second time, and repeating my single greatest mistake a second time. For someone like myself who loves research, intellectually I know that a sample size of one isn’t a good sample size... but I also promised myself not to do the exact thing I went and did anyway. So... the confession was not just me confessing but also revealing like the only other secret I had from Kat which is the horrible stuff that happened to me before I moved schools.

“So it was this big climactic thing where I was just so exhausted at the end. Then Kat had to go through her whole ‘I’m asexual’ shtick but she really drew it out at the time. I think it would have been better on my poor heart if she’d just said ‘I’m asexual but I’m still in love with you’ but I know it was a bit more complicated than that for her. So... that’s fine.

“That... that sort of covers what we talked about. I can go through the exact wording if you want? I might not have Kat’s memory but it’s not like I would ever forget?” Lily glanced over to Kamiko and Sue who shrugged. They both felt like they got the important bits. So ‘Lily’ continued, “Ok. Yeah that’s it for the confession. It did however, end in our first kiss. So Kat was doing her thing, and my emotions were going nuts. Pretty sure my heart broke like two times throughout her speech.

“But THEN. Then she goes and says, ‘I’m yours if you want me’ and it took me way too long to process those words. I think at this point you have a good enough idea of what I was feeling... but just to go over it again. This was never on the cards in my mind. For me, a best case scenario that I actually believed in was Kat giving me a few pity pats on the head and agreeing to go out for a bit, or Kat just saying she didn’t feel the same way but we stayed friends.

“I thought the likely outcome would be that Kat would be weirded out by me and we’d agree to stay friends but we wouldn’t really stay friends you know? Where we’d slowly drift apart because I was trying not to be depressed and Kat was trying not to be weird about things and it would have just been awkward to talk to each other...

“And of course worse case scenario is we repeat what happened the first time around. I’m so thankful that I never truly believed that to be likely. Stella, Kat was not and I trusted her at least enough not to bully me into oblivion.

“So when Kat said those words. Gave that offer. It was the greatest dream I’d ever had. It was beautiful and wonderful and already everything I could have ever wanted in the world. I...” Kat coughed and started to go read as she stumbled on the words. “... I’m not entirely sure I didn’t orgasm from the news. Bit of a blur at the time but the chances are higher than 0 certainly.” Sue couldn’t help it and started laughing. She was covering her mouth with a nearby pillow while her legs kicked as she tried to control herself. She didn’t really want to laugh but it was so funny to hear it coming from Kat’s mouth.

“Anyway that was all before I got to the kiss,” said ‘Lily’ “that’s what came after,” Sue’s laughter redoubled, “I practically dove for her. I’m not sure I actually believed it was all real just yet. I wanted to get in MY kiss before the dream ended. But it was real and wonderful and so sweet. My mind was on fire the whole time and I felt myself practically burning with joy.”