Chapter 780: Chapter 780 The Many Outfits of Kat Part

Still Lily’s perspective

While Kat and Lily were having fun, or rather, Kat was having fun with Lily’s reactions while Lily tried not to enjoy herself immensely. Apep was slowly turning his gaze around and up towards that of the looming shadow of the Head Chef. “Now young master,” Apep could practically hear the unsaid ‘little boy’ in her words, “what might you be doing in the kitchen at this hour?”

Apep swallowed down his immediate answer. Yes he had one. He wasn’t just buying time at all. His mind scrambled slightly trying to come up with an answer, and he instinctively looked down to Lily for an answer, only to jerk his head away as he realised he really wasn’t supposed to draw attention to the ‘cat’ in his hands. “Nothing?” said Apep.

The Head Chef placed a heavy hand on Apep’s shoulder. It wasn’t meant to be threatening... well not overly so anyway. It was the gentle hand of a very large adult that had caught her charge doing something he shouldn’t have been. “Nothing?” asked Birtha, the Head Chef, “Well, if you are doing nothing then should you really be in the kitchen?”

“No?” said Apep, though it clearly sounded like a question.

“I see. In that case, if you are doing nothing, and people who do nothing should not be in the kitchen... why are you in the kitchen?” asked Birtha as if this whole conversation was a reasonable one between equals, and not as if she was subtly threatening a minor.


While Apep was desperately coming up with some form of answer for Birtha, Kat was having more fun with Lily. After she’d denied that Kat’s current outfit was a reference to anything, Kat just shrugged and stalked back into the closet, letting her hips sway and her tail draw attention to her backside. Kat was letting her instincts run wild and honestly have a great time of it. She might not find people sexually attractive, but Kat was finding that attention, specifically Lily’s attention, was a very welcome thing.

So into the closet she was, and she needed something quick to put on, even with the quick change. So she discarded her white outfit for the swimsuit nearby. It was interesting actually, because this was the only item of clothing that was real. Somewhat anyway. It wasn’t actually the swimsuit Kat wore when the school, or the orphanage kids, went to the local pool for a day and not just because this was all in Lily’s head. Kat also didn’t miss the fact that once the outfit was on, she felt like a bucket of water had been dumped on her.

Kat padded out of the closet, not concerned at her state now that she was soaked through. Lily, well Lily was trying to decide if this was too far, or if it was purrfect. Kat was of course, in a very nice swimsuit. It was a one-piece swimsuit in a navy blue that was basically black. It was leotard style and showed off Kat’s whole body quite well. It was, like the nun’s habit, plastered on. It was at least one size too small, probably two, and unlike the habit that hid Kat’s legs from her view, now they were on full display and covered in a slight sheen of water.

Lily felt her mind completely short circuit. It was too far.

Kat pouted at the fact her girlfriend had just completely checked out this time. Apparently, this was too much. “Well bother. Then again...” Kat glanced down at the swimsuit and was not ignorant to the fact that this particular model wasn’t actually designed for the water she was currently covered in and provided a rather... complete... view of things where wet material clung to her body. Considering how tight it was... well... Kat decided it was in fact a bit much for her poor girlfriend and headed back to the closet.

“No reason?” was the best answer Apep could give to Britha’s question. Even with a plan beforehand. Even with Lily obviously in his arms. Even with the packet of jerky Birtha would know well enough was NOT for him. Apep couldn’t find it in himself to do anything other than tell a very obvious lie.

Birtha let out a long sigh, as if she had been deeply and personally wronged by such a non-answer. “I see... I see... so what you’re saying is the cat thing your carrying has nothing at all to do with the jerky that certainly didn’t come from our storeroom?”

“Um... yes?” said Apep only for Birtha to raise both eyebrows. She couldn’t actually do the single eyebrow raise, but she was intimidating enough it didn’t matter. “Can I change my answer to no? I mean... I’m not even sure I know what you are asking anymore but I feel like my first answer wasn’t correct for some reason...”

“Ah just get outta here kid,” said Birtha with a ‘light’ slap to Apep’s shoulders that made his teeth rattle and would have been enough to get Lily to take notice of the real world again if she wasn’t completely checked out. Apep just nodded, opened the door and ran for it. He pretended not to hear Birtha’s barking laughter ringing out behind him before the door fully shut. He just kept running. All the way to the main house. The guard at the door just opened it for the young master as he charged past.

Unlike Birtha, who had regular contact with the family and had worked as the chef for quite some time now, this guard had never even talk to the family of the house. He also was not paid enough to go outside of his job description, which was ‘alert someone else if you see an intruder and delay’. Well, Apep wasn’t an intruder, and the cat didn’t count... probably. They had wards for that stuff. So it wasn’t his job. Lily, once again, was too out of it to notice the rough treatment.

Back in Lily’s head, Kat was in the closet once again and looking for something that at least looked a bit more acceptable. After glancing through the outfits, many of which were just underwear, Kat decided on the maid outfit. It wasn’t all that accurate, even when compared to the stuff Callisto wore, which was a step removed already. Kat smiled at it though because as she slapped it onto her body, the water vanished, something she hadn’t quite thought of, and she noticed that her tail wasn’t phasing through anything. Kat grinned and strode out once again.

“Sorry about breaking your mind a bit Lily. Let me clean up the mess!” said Kat cheerfully. Lily was of course dragged out of her stupor by the sound of Kat’s voice. Part of her was afraid of what she would see. Part of her was right. The maid outfit Kat wore had bright white stockings, something they both new would catch dirt like nobodies’ business, and small Mary Jane style shoes with an oversized buckle that shined in the light.

The top was a puffy blouse like setup that actually covered Kat’s chest well. It drew some attention, but nothing like the others. Kat had the headpiece on as well, and her wings were free at the back. That’s where the decent parts of the outfit ended. See the issue was the skirt. It wasn’t even that short. In fact, by pure measurement it was of an acceptable length. This was made completely irrelevant by the fact it started at belly button height. It just barely covered Kat’s undergarments like this, and Lily was perfectly aware of the fact it did NOT continue to do so when Kat walked. White as well of course, with matching little bows.

Lily knew her blush would be molten if she was in human form. It was... just barely acceptable. She wanted to look away from the scene just to save herself so small part of her modesty but not only could she not look away, this was all in her mind, so she had neither hands no eyelids to block the sight even for a moment. Of course, the rest of her was BURNING THE SIGHT INTO HER MEMORY because it was wonderful. *Glorious. Though I might never be able to look at Callisto the same way.*

“Well hopefully it’s not in the same was as me. I might feel a little jealous,” teased Kat. *You know very well that is NOT what I’m talking about in the slightest Kat. I mean. This is completely indecent who would wear this in real life.*

“Well, point one, I would happily wear this for you in real life. Point two. This is YOUR head Lily. I didn’t come up with the designs. YOU did,” said Kat with a teasing smile.

*Have I actually been a pervert this whole time? NO It must be Kat who is the pervert.*

“Keep telling yourself that you useless lesbian,”

*Kat where did you hear that?* Thought Lily with some shock, not actually believing her original statement on Kat’s perversion.

“I dunno... the longer I’m in your head the more ideas I get...” said Kat carefully in response.

*Kat... should you maybe... not be playing into my fetishes? This... you um... yeah... pretty sure that’s um... some bleedover from me... cause... yeah... that’s... that’s not something you’d ever say... and I have concerns now.*

“Eh, I regret nothing,” said Kat. It did not pacify any of Lily’s worries.