--- Kat ---
After dinner they were shown to their rooms and left to sleep. Before splitting up, Hunter informed the group she had something to discuss in the morning, a more serious conversation that would likely eat up quite a bit of time. With that ominous warning it was agreed they'd get up early, Lily would have to catch up on her sleep after the meeting.
Kat and Lily slept together of course, with Lily actually in her human form for once. Kat smiled at that. Nothing else happened, but it was nice and very comfortable. Kat did wake up to find Lily chewing on her tail, but it's not like it hurt so that was fine. Lily was jostled awake and then pushed into the shower while Kat did up some finger food for the discussion.
Once Lily was ready they headed out of their assigned room, it was connected to a central hall that split of into six but nobody else was using the rooms right now. Hunter was already in the room, but clearly half dozing. She'd spread herself out along one of the couches. She didn't quite fit, but as a lamia having a bit of her tail hanging off the side wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest.
"Good morning, Hunter," said Kat with a smile. Lily just nodded in Kat's arms.
"Good morning, Kat. I hope Kamiko will appear before us soon. I have information to share from the conversation I had with Stph. It is nothing confirmed, but my experience tells me we have some potential issues with our quarry," stated Hunter.
"Right, well I do have some finger food for everyone but I think it'd be best to wait for Kamiko to get here as well?" said Kat hesitantly. .net
"That is fine. I consumed a sufficient amount of food last night and I do not require more to maintain top form. Additionally I have sufficient food within my own ring that is prepped to eat if that is what it comes down to. For now I am content to wait for Kamiko to awaken. Did you have any questions in your mind that we could use to pass the time?" asked Hunter.
"Um... not really? At least I didn't come with any planned," said Kat as she looked down at Lily who just gave a mental shrug back. "Yeah we both came into this ready for you to talk about the issues, whatever they are, and hadn't thought of anything else yet."
"That is no issue. If you do have questions for me feel free to ask," said Hunter.
"Eh... ur... well I've always been quite happy with my body even before the changes. After has been good as well. Um... I'd probably want to pick something that can fly? I don't spend as much time flying as perhaps I should because it's a great ability and having had it as an option I'm not sure I'd want to give it up. Um... I don't really know a lot about my options once that option has been brought up.
Not really dealt with too many different kinds of demons," answered Kat.
"Flight based in biology, by which I mean, flight not granted by a Rank up, is both rare and yet quite common. Many demons have a sub-type of themselves that can fly. You yourself are an example of this. Some succubi have wings, but not all of them do, and of those that do, many are like Kamiko and do not allow for flight initially.
"Still you have options. Shadows that are not so bound to the walls or shadows can usually glide forever, technically not flight by they don't really weigh anything either so things get a bit wonky when they're involved. Certain lamia species do end up with wings but it's very, very rare and the rarer again for them to work.
You'd have to be a rather small lamia for that to be the case, such as myself.
"Changelings can manage it with a lot of practice. Pit fiends? Those are the big ones. Oh and beholders. One the one hand, most pit fiends have wings, on the other most need a lot of ranks to fly. Beholders... they levitate.
Which isn't really flight but once you're strong enough a Beholder can levitate so high that it might as well be flight. Apparently it feels very different to move around that way, but that's just what I've heard. Hmm... what else...
"Nothing specific comes to mind. Really any demon that has taken in wings from another race has the potential for flight, it's just not usually realised. I wonder how likely it is your children would inherit the ability for flight? Considering both yourself and Lily are capable of it the odds are likely better for you then most, even if Lily's wings are quite small,"
Lily collapsed into a nuclear level blush, hands covering her eyes as she wiggled around with her face pressed into Kat, barely able to handle the mental image. Kat... actually wasn't much better. For all of their teasing, Kat had to admit she hadn't considered kids much at all. It was very much a 'deal with it later' thing. If it was even possible.
Of course with demonic technology and Hunter's 'hints' it did seem to be a thing.
Regardless of how easy or likely the idea was in theory, in practice Kat wasn't any better at dealing with it then Lily. Her face was bright red and she was covering her eyes with her wings to try and hide from Hunter's line of sight while she hugged Lily close, not sure how to deal with the mental images assaulting her.