Chapter 51: Wilderness Etiquette

Name:Depthless Hunger Author:
Chapter 51: Wilderness Etiquette

"Oh, come on!" Kai pulled his bow off his back and threw it down on the ground. "I don't want to hurt anyone, and you of all people shouldn't feel threatened!"

The old man blinked at him and squinted down at the weapon. "Is that bow made of metal?"

"It's Irunian steel," Kai said absentmindedly as he picked it up. He'd been overcome by a moment of frustration, but if the old man was going to attack him, he really wanted to have his bow ready. When he looked up, however, he found the old man chuckling.

"You really are new, aren't you? Running to strangers, looking at everybody's soul, just answering questions..."

"I was banished literally yesterday." Since this was the friendliest anyone had been, Kai returned his bow to its place and tried a smile. "I'm trying to get by out here, but I feel like I keep screwing everything up."

"I remember when I was first banished. There's an etiquette out here, and it's not one they teach you in fancy clans." The old man sat back down and patted the rock beside him. "Why don't you sit down?"

"...should I?"

"No, you shouldn't! Anyone who's offering something for nothing, or acting too friendly, probably wants to kill you." The old man raised a wrinkled finger. "That's your first lesson, and the only one I'm giving you for free. If you want to be polite, you tell someone exactly what you want from them. Only if they accept a deal can you start acting friendlier. Now, what else have you been doing wrong?"

"I just don't... wait." Kai froze mid-step, then stepped back. "What do I need to give you for future lessons?"

The old man cackled and slapped his knee wildly. "Maybe you're not doomed to an early death after all! I love these boars, but it's getting hard to run after them at my age. If you bring me another one, I'll offer you another lesson. Sound fair?"

"Sounds fair."

It took him until dusk to locate one of the monsters, but once Kai finally spotted the boar, he took it down with a single arrow. He trotted back to the hill, carrying it over his shoulder. It had taken discipline to not immediately take the monster's core, since the old man might want it, or want to do something cooking-related with it.

Kai was curious just how he was apparently surviving on monster flesh, but he thought that would be a terrible first question. Especially if he had to pay for every single question with another boar.

"Not bad, not bad!" The old man clapped his hand together and eagerly came to take the boar from him. "It took me three entire days to track down the previous one. It's possible to eat the ruined dogs, but there's nothing you can do about the taste."NewW novels updates at

"Can you tell me how communities like the one to the south work?" Kai asked. The old man waved him to a rock opposite the spit, and this time it didn't seem to be another test.

"This is about the point where it's okay to ask someone's name. I'm Aglahai Clanless, what about you?"

"Kai Gr... Clanless."

"We're brothers, then!" Aglahai laughed at his own joke without reservation. "Listen, Kai, if you help me with a bit of hunting, I'll tell you what you need to know. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age, but I'd like to help you out. You remind me a bit of me when I was your age. Speaking of which, do you want some of this boar? It's getting just perfect."

Aglahai pulled the boar off the spit with his bare hands and skewered the new one. Even cooked, the monster smelled foul, but Kai was getting hungry. He decided that this was a good time to test just how generous the old man would be, so he asked his most pressing question.

As freely as Aglahai talked about anything, he actually took a long time to reveal much information about himself. Kai only gradually discovered that he was from much further south in Goralia. Apparently the lush heartland could be just as vicious when it came to clans. Exactly why he was banished, Kai had yet to learn, but the old man had apparently spent almost his entire life in the wastelands.

A week in, Kai began to wonder if it would be possible for him to build a new community outside the city. Either Aglahai picked up on it or the timing was bad, because the old man started asking about which direction Kai would go off on his own.

That was still an open question. Other than his general goal of the Krysal City States, Kai had nowhere he actually needed to go. Instead of worrying about it, he dedicated himself to learning everything Aglahai would teach him so that he could survive in the wasteland on his own. Running into a friendly veteran was a remarkable stroke of luck, and Kai had few enough of those that he couldn't afford to overlook them.

Obviously he couldn't absorb a lifetime of tricks, but after two weeks Kai thought that he had a solid foundation. Monster cooking, wasteland etiquette, tips for water, training suggestions, and more. Even though he knew the day was coming, Kai was going to miss the old man.

Eventually they sat around a fire much like the one where they'd met. Aglahai had been uncharacteristically quiet that evening and finally spoke up in an odd tone. "It doesn't take much, does it?"

"What doesn't?" Kai looked up from his food preparations curiously.

"Life. Everything was going great for me too, once. The Hunter Trials were a bit different in my day... but I suppose that's neither here nor there." Aglahai sighed like a creaking building. "The long and short of it is that I killed someone. It was an accident, but that didn't matter. They banished me as a murderer and that was just it."

"Your life hasn't seemed to turn out so bad."

"Oh, I don't know about that. Wouldn't seem that way if you asked my parents or my fiance."

"Did you ever see any of them again?"

"Only during an incursion, and I wished I hadn't." Aglahai's usual grin lowered to reveal surprising bitterness. "I suggest you get out of this place, sonny, and never come back. The whole Frontier is cursed. I don't mean the central wastes, I mean every nation fool enough to live near it."

Not sure what to say, Kai worked in silence. It didn't take long for the old man to continue.

"I might look strong to you, but the older I get, the more I realize I'm not. It's too early for you to think about, but there are all kinds of barriers in life. And at some point, you just get full up. You don't want it enough and you can't keep pushing yourself. I don't know what to tell you about life, but I'll say this: either find somewhere you can marry somebody nice, or stay hungry. Do both and you'll just end up like me."

"You don't seem weak to me," Kai said. Aglahai immediately scoffed.

"You'll eat those words, sonny. Now, I can see you have a Class problem, whatever is going on there. But I would bet you that even without a Class, you'll surpass me. In ten years your Physique and Soul will be so far beyond mine, you could kill me by farting. Though please don't."

Aglahai laughed and slapped his knee again, but it rang a little hollow. Both of them knew that they wouldn't have that much longer together. Kai looked over his potions and belongings, wondering if there was something he could give the old man to truly thank him. At the very least, he wanted to leave things on better terms than his rushed goodbyes with everyone in Monskon City.

In the morning when he woke up, Aglahai Clanless was gone.

Without him, Kai realized that he was going to need to make his own plans again. He was reasonably far from Monskon City now and extremely far from Krysal. Heading further north to find the mercantile path was still an option, but that no longer seemed appealing. After everything he'd learned, Kai had a much stronger sense for the wastelands.

Further northwest, there was a crossroads where travelers from many nations met. Wherever he ended up in the end, Kai's next step would be there.