Chapter 253: Looking Beyond the Earth Soul Stage

Name:Depthless Hunger Author:
Chapter 253: Looking Beyond the Earth Soul Stage

Once, reaching the Earth Soul stage would have been an incredible accomplishment, the point where she could begin earning her freedom. Now, even as Zae Zin Nim devoted herself to cultivation, she wondered if it was enough.

Reaching Earth Soul would only put her on par with her father's top cultivators as well as a great many threats on Rosemount. In theory the Blackblood Physique would finally show its true worth once she recovered but she feared that she was missing something. It had already failed to restore her beauty as quickly as she expected during her last advancement. Was it possible that she was fundamentally missing a step to unlock its power?

Aside from that, she had still failed to find a source of chakra that could equal her cultivation - none of the abilities she'd heard about particularly appealed. That was fine, unless she needed to incorporate chakra early. In that case, she would need to wait until she reached Sky Soul... though she hoped to reach it one day, that would clearly be far in her future.

The closer she got to the peak of the Nascent Foundation stage, the more she felt like she was speeding toward a cliff instead of approaching a destination. When an elf entered the grove she was actually relieved at the interruption.

"Excuse me, cultivator. We have news."

"What is it?" Zae Zin Nim had found that these elves weren't as stiff as she had expected, once you got to know them. Her steady cultivation and respectful treatment of the qi in their oasis seemed to have won them over.

"Our kin in Crescilor have reported that there are cultivators from the Brightwind sect searching the nation."

"Did you tell them to search specifically for that?"

"No, we only asked them for news of Cloudspire." The elf bowed respectfully as he backed out. "Never fear, very few know of your location here. Oases in the Elven Wilds host enough foreign cultivators that your presence will not be news."

"Thank you." Zae Zin Nim had been more concerned about them spreading information that could be traced back to her, but the elves seemed to have their act together. Even though their factions fought with one another, she liked how they took care of their own across the continent.

Unfortunately, the interruption only strengthened all of her worries. There was no point rushing to Earth Soul if she only caused a blockage for herself when she needed to reach Sky Soul. It wasn't exactly a fire deviation, but it could inhibit her progress nonetheless.

Perhaps she should no longer shoulder this burden alone. Zae Zin Nim was accustomed to cultivating for weeks at a time, but it had been easier when she was working in a sect with only rivals on all sides. She missed spending time with Kai, and even Omilaena's presence. The other woman was probably the one that she needed to speak to, if she was going to come to any conclusions beyond the cultivation that she'd grown up with.

When Zae Zin Nim emerged from the grove she was surprised to find that it was dark because light and qi all blurred together during her work. The oasis community was beautiful at night, glowing with all the elven lanterns. No one disturbed her as she walked out, though she avoided Heruul Cryswind and his cronies.

Her companions were still making their own camp outside the elven community. At a glance, it looked like Omilaena used the magical tent and Kai slept in the crystal ship, which was at least an appropriate division. At the moment Kai was training alone at the reed pond, which was unsurprising.

What shocked her was that Omilaena was training physically in a rocky area not far away. For the first time Zae Zin Nim had seen, the other woman wasn't wearing an elegant dress. Instead she wore... basically a gray sack. It bounced around shapelessly as she did an aggressive routine that involved rushing between several different exercises with no rest in between: leaping atop a boulder, jumping back down, doing a squat, flipping into a push-up. Sweat streamed down her body and clearly soaked the material, so perhaps she wore this to avoid ruining one of her dresses.

They sat in silence for a time. It was true that there were no simple solutions. Before Zae Zin Nim could find any answers, the other woman spoke again.

"You could try this." Omilaena rummaged in her satchel and pulled out a small vial filled with golden chakra. "I bought a little of this for my own experiments but this is a worthy experiment too. Taste this and see if it reacts negatively to your cultivation."

"Very well." Zae Zin Nim took the vial and was surprised at how sweaty the other woman's fingers were - Kai was really pushing her training hard. She took a drink and felt the chakra course through her.

Unlike most chakra she'd tried, which raged with strong emotions, this was almost peaceful. It definitely pulsed with some sort of natural power, pregnant with potential. Yet it seemed to resonate with her body instead of mixing with her qi or mana. Not like a Physique-boosting elixir, more like it was trying to bring out some other potential she couldn't quite pin down...

"It slipped away," Zae Zin Nim eventually said. "Was that a failure?"

"Not unless you think it reacted poorly. Did it?"

"No, it seemed agreeable. What is it?"

"We might not be able to find a chakra ability perfectly suited to you, but we can raise your chakra potential." Omilaena took the vial back and rolled it over her fingers, more sluggishly than usual. "Think of it like gathering qi in preparation for cultivation. Your body can adjust to absorbing chakra and build up a store of it over time. Currently it will be completely useless to you, but in the future you'll be able to unlock that work."

"Oh." Zae Zin Nim considered the idea, liking it more with every passing moment. "Do you think I could use this to adjust my cultivation further? I could advance in the presence of chakra without needing to integrate it like I did before."

"You're the cultivation expert, but I think it might be worth trying."

"Yes, it is. But if I do this... the Sapphire Wind Oasis might not be the appropriate place. I would need somewhere with more... actually, I suppose I'm not sure what I need. I would need to gather chakra and see how it affects my qi."

"Remember that you have all the qi in the Elven Wilds open to you," Omilaena said. "Ceryyn has been inviting us back to Sandflower City for a break and we've been turning her down. We could use that as an opportunity to consult some experts and figure out where you want to advance."

This seemed like an excellent plan and Zae Zin Nim's hopes were restored. She wanted to thank the other woman, but it felt awkward after their usual sparring. Before she could figure out her words, Kai approached them. He was sweating as well, which forced vulgar thoughts into her mind about the other two sweating together...

Omilaena might have noticed, or perhaps she didn't. In any case, she just smiled lazily at Kai as she spoke. "If you want to stop playing around and earn your right to that unicorn hunt, now would be the time. We might be leaving the oasis soon."