Chapter 301: Reuniting With an Old Friend

Name:Depthless Hunger Author:
Kai was accustomed to fate punishing him thoroughly every time he made a mistake, so he was still a bit stunned that everything had been resolved so quickly. Once Inafay vouched for him, none of the others attacked, and after he explained what had happened they even seemed to understand.

"The princes are always trying to call us in for their vendettas," one of them explained. "They can't manipulate the Frontier elite, but we haven't joined them yet, so we're fair game. You're not the first innocent person we've been sent after."

"Not innocent." An older member, likely in her thirties, spoke up. "What are you doing, dominating the Hundred Zephyr Rings like that?"

"I honestly didn't expect it to be so easy when I signed up," Kai said. "I've been on Rosemount for over a year and I went overboard."

"Yeah, you look strong." Inafay folded her arms as she looked him over, then nodded. "Even hiding it, I can tell how much you've changed."

Up to that point, he'd just been glad to see Inafay again after so long, but now he quickly checked her soul.e: Inafay Corinin

Total Power: 233

Windcutter Class: 82 (92)

Windborn: Onceswept (19)

Physique Level: E-2 (86)

Soul Level: 6 (36)


She had over 200 Power now, largely from how much she had advanced her Windcutter Class and her Physique, and it seemed that she'd awakened an elemental ability.

And yet he found himself a little disappointed, as if some part of him had hoped that Inafay would have blown away his expectations. He immediately realized that was unfair of him. She had grown far beyond the point he would have reached if he had stayed in Monskon City, never met Zae Zin Nim or traveled to other continents. But she was also limited by the energy available on Deadwaste, so even someone with her potential and drive wouldn't reach Rosemount levels of power.

"So what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," Kai said. "And I think I have more reason. You weren't the one exiled."

"Oh, so much has happened. Monskon City went through some serious upheavals. There was practically a civil war in southern Goralia and a bunch of us were there. The Frontier elites officially scouted me, so I'm trying to train up to that level. That's why I'm in the Elemental Nations, if you didn't already notice the new ability. Oh, and I got engaged."

"Engaged? Who?"

He wouldn't have wanted to trade his experiences. Not the revolution in Krysal, not Zae Zin Nim, not Omilaena. Yet choosing all of that meant that other experiences had fallen by the wayside. Even if he became immortal, he couldn't live every possible life.

"That's a very serious expression," Inafay said. "You're not going to get all weepy on me, are you?"

"Just missing everyone." Kai shook it off and took a deep breath. "What about Tusquo? Have you heard from him lately?"

"Goralia has been working more with Irun, and I got over there once for training, but we haven't seen him as much. It sounds like Irun has been struggling lately. Just an extension of their problems before, which he implied you already knew about. Apparently it's getting worse now and they don't know how long it can continue."

"I was afraid of that. And all the problems in the Elemental Nations? Are they as bad as they sound?"

"I don't know about bad, but they're definitely complicated." Inafay's smile faded as she stared up at him. "It's all so much more complex than it used to be. My training... that's fun, it's straightforward, I like it. But actually trying to defend the Frontier nations, to keep them together before the next incursion... I feel like I'm too young for all this."

"I know what you mean." Kai grinned down at her to try to lighten the mood. "I'm afraid I've mostly gotten better at killing things, though. I hope you have a use for that?"

"Oh, we definitely should."

While they walked, Orotaisin had slipped further behind as if in his own world. Even though the Windborn in this group seemed to be basically good sorts, Kai was glad to be with just Inafay again. Terrible as he was with women, he could feel comfortable with her: she was a direct person and they'd discussed it directly. Hell, maybe he should ask her how to avoid screwing things up with Zae Zin Nim.

But for now, he was glad to slip on the old friendship like familiar clothing. He wondered, if he had gone back to Monskon City, how easily he'd fall back into old mental patterns. Despite how much he thought he'd changed, there was probably more of his old self under the surface than he wanted to admit.

"I didn't get to see you fight for long," Inafay said quietly, "but it feels like you solved your problem? Because even if I vouch for you, if you show up looking like a monster, it will cause problems."

"I think it's settled." Kai pulled back his veil to let her see. "I have cultivation from Cloudspire that covers the soul aspect, and there's a power called the Savage Heart on Rosemount that covers physical changes. So that's one problem we shouldn't have anymore."

"Be careful or I'll have to fight you again." Inafay grinned briefly, but then shook her head. "I'm impressed, Kai. Everybody has been buttering me up about my progress, but you blew way past me."

"It isn't all me," Kai told her. "The other continents really do have an unfair advantage. But we've brought some of that back to share with the Frontier elites, so I hope it will help. And... to be honest, we were hoping to get their help in exchange. There are some things that only they might understand."

"I'm still in training, so I can't promise the world, but I'll do everything I can."

"Thanks, Inafay."

She reached up and squeezed his shoulder. "Still hard to believe you're really back. But... am I right in thinking that it's not for long?"

"For a while," Kai said. "Not forever."