Chapter 99: On Standby (5)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 99: On Standby (5)

The seniors had the TV perfectly surrounded, and Kang Jin-Ho couldn't even get a peek at the screen.

'What a sad sight this is...'

The sight of a bunch of soldiers surrounding a TV to cheer and dance around like madmen was making Kang Jin-Ho somewhat sad. These men must have been regular people in the outside world, yet... What was it with the military that could turn these young men into brain-dead idiots

Kang Jin-Ho found it so mysterious and pitiful that normal people with only a passing interest in female idols would suddenly start memorizing their favorite singers' genealogy as soon as they put on the service uniform.

Kang Jin-Ho tried to get a peek. “Sir? Just who is on the TV?”

"It's a new, up-and-coming singer, you see! But she's so damn hot! Not only is she pretty, but her figure is also superb! And she's a great singer and a dancer, too! She's the Real Deal, I tell ya!"

“Did we mention she's sexy, too?”

“Kuh, she's so cool...”

Kang Jin-Ho sneakily groaned at the overblown responses of his seniors, then started mopping the part of the floor with no one on it.

One of the seniors glanced at Kang Jin-Ho. “Aren't you interested in stuff like this?”

“Not particularly, no.” Kang Jin-Ho shook his head.

"Come on, now. You think we were this crazy about idols before enlisting, too? You're a soldier now, so you must start respecting the President of the Army more."

“...I'll do that at a later date, sir.”

“Hah, this brat. I'll give you a month before you submit to the greatness of the President of the Army.”

Another senior soldier suddenly butted in and offered his opinion. "By the way, it has only been a month since Se-Ah made her debut, you know? Is it okay to give her the President title already? If Ah-Yeon or Bo-Ram heard you, they'd get sad, sir."

“You dumbass, why are you asking me the obvious? A perfect 10 finally showed up, so it's time for the aunties to call it a day.”

“Huh But, sir. Weren't you swearing your undying loyalty to those ladies last month?”

“Listen, one's loyalty should be flexible. Flexible, I tell ya!”

“That's being disloyal, sir.”

“What was that?!”

Kang Jin-Ho silently listened to the bickering soldiers and inwardly groaned. The high-pitched singing coming from the TV speakers seemed to be piercing his eardrums, and he had to frown deeply in displeasure. He wasn't trying to belittle modern pop music, though. It was just his ears had been conditioned by decades of listening to calm, gentle music, so the up-tempo stuff like modern pop sounded unnatural and anxiety-inducing.

'Besides, the singer's vocal ability is only so-so, too.'

Indeed, the idol named Se-Ah didn't seem to be a good singer, either. Even if the song being played weren't your cup of tea, you'd still appreciate an idol boasting remarkable vocal chops. There should be plenty of idols fitting that criteria, so to find out that a singer with an average singing ability could be this popular... What a sad state of affairs this was.

The senior soldiers enthusiastically chatted among themselves, totally unaware of Kang Jin-Ho's blasphemous inner thoughts.

"Did you hear about how crazy Se-Ah's popularity has gotten lately "

“Right! Didn't she land in the no.1 spot already? She's blown the roof wide open!”

“Just where was a girl like that hiding all this time, I wonder?”

"Nowadays, the pretty kids aren't interested in acting or stuff like that and just want to become the next breakout idol, sir. That's why we keep getting prettier and prettier idols with better talents, sir!"

"Kuh~! However! Don't forget there's still something called class. Having a pretty face isn't enough to explain Se-Ah's class, you know!"

“I agree, sir. Her kind personality is a real deal!”

Kang Jin-Ho just couldn't understand the enthusiasm of his seniors. Regardless of whether an idol was a beauty or a singing maestro, she'd still be just a digital image on the TV screen. Sure, it wasn’t like he couldn't understand where the passion of these soldiers was coming from since this world was choke-a-full of people who had fallen in love with mascots or anime characters. However, people losing their minds over some celebrities with zero ties to them didn't sit well with Kang Jin-Ho's sensibilities.

“Hah?! This brat! You dare groan in front of our dear Lady President?!” Jeon Hyeok-Su flew off his handle and forcefully yanked Kang Jin-Ho to the front of the TV. “Let's see if you can still stay composed after you clap your eyes on her!”

Kang Jin-Ho was on the tall side, so simply being near allowed him to look at the TV screen over the shoulders of his seniors. However...


The wooden handle of the mop issued a bone-chilling crack as it snapped in half.

“...?!” The seniors tensed up at that scary noise and looked behind them, only to be greeted by the newest addition to their unit displaying the face of a terrifying specter.

"Kang... Eun... Yeong!" Kang Jin-Ho growled like a murderous beast. He suddenly threw the broken mop on the floor and walked out of the living area in a huff.

“...What's gotten into him?”

“Not sure, sir.”

- What were they thinking when they made a child do such things!

“Mister Jin-Ho, your sister is practically an adult already.”

- Oh? Are you implying that an adult can prance around in such revealing clothes on stage

Jo Gyu-Min stuttered helplessly, "N-no, but... Uh, I didn't think it was that suggestive..."

What was an idol supposed to do, then? Do a bunny dance or something?! Kang Eun-Yeong's concept was solidly in the 'innocent idol' category, yet Kang Jin-Ho still had a problem with that? In that case, why did he even let her become an idol in the first place?!

Dissatisfaction and complaints rapidly filled Jo Gyu-Min's head, but he was wise enough not to voice them. It was blindingly obvious what would happen if he voiced them, after all!

- Change her idol concept immediately and slow down her schedule.

“T-That's not going to be feasible, Mister Jin-Ho...”

- Not feasible, you say

Jo Gyu-Min momentarily thought he heard the sounds of something writhing on the other side of the line. More cold sweat soaked his clothes as he desperately thought about what else he could say. Suddenly, he recalled Kang Jin-Ho's ominous figure during his visit to Choi Yeong-Su's home. One wrong thing muttered now, and Jo Gyu-Min might have to deal with that version of Kang Jin-Ho chewing his head off. Never mind cold sweat; his body was now covered in deathly goosebumps. "I'll get on it right away."

- Yes, immediately!

“Y-yes, sir.” Jo Gyu-Min could only spat out a lengthy groan. What was he supposed to do about this siscon now? Wasn't Kang Jin-Ho mostly indifferent toward Kang Eun-Yeong's career? But he decided that now would be a good time to interfere in every single aspect of her career as her oppa. What a sorrowful situation this was turning out to be!

“By the way, Mister Jin-Ho...”

- Yes? What is it

Jo Gyu-Min cautiously spoke, "I think Miss Eun-Yeong will strongly oppose the change of her idol concept. She's genuinely ecstatic about all the spotlight cast on her at the moment, you see."

- I-Is that so

Kang Jin-Ho's voice hinted at how shaken up he was just then.

“Yes. So, how about talking to her personally? I heard that your family is planning to visit you tomorrow.”

- Visit me, here in the base

"Yes. Originally, I shouldn't have said anything, but with the situation being what it is, let me be honest with you. Yes, your family will come to see you tomorrow."

- I see. In that case, I'll talk to her personally, then.


The phone went dead as soon as the business at hand ended.

"Uh-whew..." Jo Gyu-Min slumped in his chair, feeling like ten years of his life had flown out the window. He was exhausted from the tension caused by knowing he could have gotten unemployed with a few careless remarks. "...This is why I'll die before my time."

Jo Gyu-Min's hooded eyes drifted over to the muted TV on the wall where the image of the dancing Kang Eun-Yeong could be seen.

“...What is wrong is that?! Nothing, I say! Dang it, had he been living in some Islamic country until now or what?!”

If Kang Jin-Ho was left to his devices, his sister might have to wrap her entire body in thick bandages or something and sing stiffly while standing on one spot only. However, that situation had to be avoided, no matter the cost. Jo Gyu-Min silently prayed that the usually daring Kang Eun-Yeong would successfully stop her rampaging older brother.


“I think we're here?”

“Yes, dear. I think we've arrived.”

“Yeah, Mom. It must be here.”

Kang Jin-Ho's three family members stared at the military base before their eyes and shuddered involuntarily. What kind of a base was this that the Kang family had to drive two more hours after passing the Civilian Control Line just to get here?! Not even the anti-North operatives would want to set up a base in such a remote location!

“...Let's go in,” said Kang Yu-Hwan as he pressed the accelerator.

He drove up to the guardhouse and stopped the car, prompting the sentries to step in front of the vehicle and block the path.

One of them walked up to the driver's side and saluted. "Victory! Sir, what business do you have in our base "

Kang Yu-Hwan politely addressed the stiff-sounding soldier, “I came to visit my son.”

"I see. Please provide the rank and the name of the soldier you wish to visit."

“It's Private Kang Jin-Ho.”

“Please wait here,” said the sentry. He confirmed that there was indeed a reservation for a visit today and allowed the car to drive past the guardhouse.

Kang Yu-Hwan's vehicle cautiously drove into the army base codenamed Charlie.