Chapter 179: Working Part-Time (4)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 179: Working Part-Time (4)

“Sir, Mister Jin-Ho said he doesn't have any particular plans until the start of the new university semester,” said Jo Gyu-Min.

“Hmm...” Hwang Jeong-Hu groaned as if something dissatisfied him. He tapped his cigarette on the ashtray. “Does that mean he's thinking of lazing around?”

“No, sir. I don't think that's his intention. But it's true that he doesn't have anything lined up until the next semester. Usually, young people would take this chance to travel overseas for fun, or maybe study foreign languages, but... Well, Mister Jin-Ho doesn't seem all that interested in such things, Chairman.”

“I see.” Hwang Jeong-Hu let out a long trail of cigarette smoke before saying what was on his mind. “You know I can't stand the sight of youngsters doing nothing but sucking on their fingers.”

“But, sir. You've been enabling Mister Jin-Ho's lazy streak by depositing an inordinate amount of money into his account,” Jo Gyu-Min cautiously piped up.

“This and that are different,” Hwang Jeong-Hu tutted softly.

Jo Gyu-Min had no idea what was so different about it, but the chairman said it was, so he should just accept it and move on. If Hwang Jeong-Hu said the sky was yellow today, Jo Gyu-Min had no choice but to accept it as gospel.

Hwang Jeong-Hu continued, “Maybe it's time Jin-Ho starts learning about the daily operations of our company.”

While Jo Gyu-Min hesitated with his reply, Baek Yeong-Gi nodded and spoke up first, “I think so as well, Chairman. The sooner the better, I believe.”

Baek Yeong-Gi already knew that Hwang Jeong-Hu was interested in making Kang Jin-Ho his heir apparent. In that case, learning about how the Jaegyeong Corporation operated wouldn't be such a bad idea.

“But, sir...” Jo Gyu-Min muttered with a cramped expression. “Mister Jin-Ho isn't really interested in this company.”

“...Yes, and that's the problem.” Hwang Jeong-Hu groaned loudly.

After saying out loud what everyone tacitly knew, the ridiculousness of this situation finally struck Jo Gyu-Min.

'To think there's someone who'd decline Jaegyeong's fortunes...'

Anyone else in Kang Jin-Ho's shoes would be stopping at nothing to draw Hwang Jeong-Hu's attention to themselves. Chairman Hwang no longer had an heir, so the fact that he chose to show someone his favor practically meant the individual in question would have the chance to swallow up the powerful corporation called Jaegyeong in one go.

However, Kang Jin-Ho still declined to participate when Jaegyeong was brought right in front of his mouth. He even dared to spit it out when it was pushed into his mouth, for crying out loud!

'There's a limit to how unambitious a person can get, you know!'

It didn't matter how wealthy a person was. And it also didn't matter if they weren’t worried about paying their bills for the rest of their life. No one in their right mind would decline the opportunity to inherit a company of this magnitude. However, Jo Gyu-Min could tell that Kang Jin-Ho held not one speck of interest in Jaegyeong.

“What an ungrateful little brat!” Hwang Jeong-Hu unhappily muttered, prompting Baek Yeong-Gi to quickly turn his head away to hide his grin.

As far as Baek Yeong-Gi could tell, Chairman Hwang had a cat-like side to him. If Kang Jin-Ho displayed some kind of desire to take over Jaegyeong and became more proactive about it, Hwang Jeong-Hu would never let that young man get his wish.

Ironically, it was Kang Jin-Ho's utter disinterest in Jaegyeong that had stoked Hwang Jeong-Hu's flames of interest.

“Well, how about we create a reason for him to care?” said Baek Yeong-Gi.

Hwang Jeong-Hu's expression brightened. “You've thought up a way, Yeong-Gi?”

“...Sir, you shouldn't ask me that. After all, all matters related to Mister Jin-Ho are handled by our Chief Secretary, aren't they?”

“I'm sorry, sir?” Jo Gyu-Min urgently sent a look of 'why are you dragging me into this, sir?!'?toward Baek Yeong-Gi, but the latter remained unflinching.

“Chief Jo, since you don't have a lot to do around here, it will look bad for you to stumble at a task like this one. You've climbed to the important post of Chief Secretary at your young age, so it's about time you show us what you are truly capable of.”

“...!” Cold sweat drops trickled down Jo Gyu-Min's forehead.

There was already a lot of dissatisfied internal chatter about how Jo Gyu-Min had made it to the post of 'Chief Secretary' without directly serving the chairman. Although no one had openly expressed their discontent since Hwang Jeong-Hu was directly responsible for this appointment, plenty of people still badmouthed Jo Gyu-Min behind his back. He wasn’t blind that he couldn’t see that.

In that regard, a corporation had a lot in common with the royal courts of the past. To receive the favor of the one and only king, many people competed against each other. And those receiving favors would be subjects of intense envy and jealousy.

'That favor isn't even meant for me, you know!'

Jo Gyu-Min could only sigh in bitterness.

Most people had no idea that Hwang Jeong-Hu's favor was not meant for Jo Gyu-Min, but for someone else named Kang Jin-Ho. However, there was no need to inform them of Kang Jin-Ho's existence. And it had the unfortunate side effect of Jo Gyu-Min needing to deal with all the jealousy that should have been directed in Kang Jin-Ho's way.

“So? What do you think, Gyu-Min?” Hwang Jeong-Hu glanced at Jo Gyu-Min and asked.

Jo Gyu-Min breathed in deeply.

'Whether people are jealous of me or not...'

He knew better than anyone that luck had played a huge part in him climbing up to his current position. And without the requisite skills, he wouldn't be able to maintain his lucky streak, too.

Having realized that now was the time to prove his abilities, Jo Gyu-Min gravely said, “Mister Jin-Ho has no material desire. Wealth or power doesn't interest him. Nothing can make him act other than his love for his family and his... duty to live like an ordinary person.”

“Okay. So what are you saying?”

“If you want to saddle someone with a position they don't want, you must be prepared to offer a worthy compensation—a compensation sweet enough to motivate them.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu and Baek Yeong-Gi leaned forward in their chairs. “And what will be that compensation?”

If only Kang Jin-Ho of the past had enjoyed a closer relationship with his parents, he might have known more and understood them better. Those thoughts made Kang Jin-Ho automatically reflect on how stupid he was in the past.


Having said all that, he still wasn't so keen to know about his mother's tendency to overfeed him!

Kang Jin-Ho trudged his way to Kang Yu-Hwan's cafe while still clutching his aching tummy.


“...Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho's eyes opened wide at the huge throng of people crowding in front of the cafe. What was the meaning of this?

“Heeey! Stop pushing, will ya!”

“People inside haven't come out for too long now! Isn't it about time they start leaving already?! Are they paying rent or something?! How long are they thinking of staying in there after ordering just one cup of coffee?!”

“Hey! I told you to stop pushing!”

This was no longer a queue of people waiting for their turn to enter. No, it would be more apt to describe this chaotic scene as an ocean of people! Kang Jin-Ho stood on the pavement in sheer stupefaction before sobering up quickly. He then decisively broke through the crowd toward the cafe's entrance.

“H-hey! What are you doing?! You can't cut in line like that!”

Kang Jin-Ho flatly responded, “I'd like to go inside.”

“Can't you see the queue behind you?!”

Kang Jin-Ho began wondering how he should deal with this situation when someone suddenly cried out. “Oh? Hey, isn't he Kang Se-Ah's oppa?”


“Yeah, it's him! The dude from the clip! Yeah, it's that Chad!”

“You're right! Wow, he's actually better looking in the flesh?”

Back when he was the cult leader of the demon cult, Kang Jin-Ho neither panicked nor lost his composure even as tens of thousands of cultists stared at him in adulation. But for some unfathomable reason, he felt his face turning red from all the curious gazes landing on him right now.

“Let's make some room for him, everyone!”

“Yeah. Make room.”

The crowd parted left and right, creating just enough path for Kang Jin-Ho to enter the cafe. This scene was straight out of Moses parting the Red Sea, and a sense of shame sucker-punched Kang Jin-Ho in the gut as he trudged his way inside.

Once inside, he was greeted by the scene of a jam-packed cafe. Not a single table was empty.

“What on Earth is going on here...?” Kang Jin-Ho muttered.

“Jin-Ho! You're finally here!”

“Oppa! Finally!”

Kang Yu-Hwan and Kang Eun-Yeong welcomed him almost at the same time.

Kang Jin-Ho blinked his eyes a few more times before muttering, “Can anyone tell me what's going on here?”

Kang Eun-Yeong sighed as if something was troubling her, then whispered into Kang Jin-Ho's ear, “The customers in the morning must have posted on social media that I'm working part-time here. This huge crowd just showed up out of nowhere, and well... As you can see.”

“Hmm...” Kang Jin-Ho scratched his head; he felt troubled as well.

'Even if that's true, isn't this a bit...'

Obviously, Kang Jin-Ho was well aware of social media's impact on modern society. But he still couldn't understand how so many people showed up here just because of some random post on a social media site. It was also a shock to his system to learn that these many people were willing to come here in the middle of a workday just to get a glimpse of his little sister.

Kang Jin-Ho groaned softly. “With things like this, working part-time will be difficult, won't it...?”

“What will be difficult, son?”

“...?” Kang Jin-Ho saw that happy-go-lucky smile on his father's face and felt an ominous foreboding pop into his head.

“Isn't it wonderful to see so many customers in my cafe? Hahaha. Jin-Ho, why don't you help your father out by hanging this on the door.”

“...Sorry?” Kang Jin-Ho blinked his eyes, then took a look at the piece of paper his father had handed over to him. This A4-sized paper had the words 'One drink per person. One extra drink order compulsory after exceeding 30 minutes of stay’ written on one side.

Kang Jin-Ho looked up at his father. “...Father?”

“What? What are you trying to say here, son?! I get to sell more coffee, so it's great for me. The customers get to see Eun-Yeong, so it's great for them. And Eun-Yeong gets to experience society and life, so it's great for her, too! Isn't this a win-win situation for everyone involved?” Kang Yu-Hwan suddenly became rather defensive.

Kang Jin-Ho's suspicious gaze remained locked on his father, then he asked a question that had been bugging him. “Father, do you have a social media account by any chance?”


Kang Yu-Hwan chose to plead the Fifth on this one.

1. Jeongol is a Korean-style hot pot.