Chapter 299: Snatching Away (4)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 299: Snatching Away (4)

The Korean Martial Assembly was thrown into disarray.

The chaos began when the Assembly Master, Lee Jung-Geol, suddenly summoned the executives first thing in the morning. During that meeting, he announced his intention to step down from his role and demote himself to a mere director. And then, one of the current directors, Bang Jin-Hun, would be installed as the new Assembly Master.

This news was like a bombshell to everyone. Who among the Assembly members didn't know about the bitter animosity bubbling between Bang Jin-Hun and Lee Jung-Geol? Absolutely no one, of course. Anyone with a passing interest in the matters of the Martial Assembly's higher-ups had long heard about the animosity between them.

But now, Lee Jung-Geol was handing over his position to none other than Bang Jin-Hun? This was basically the same as Lee Jung-Geol waving a white flag of surrender.

No one expected this turn of events since it looked like the Assembly Master's faction was larger and more powerful compared to Director Bang Jin-Hun's on the surface. As such, the sudden white flag took everyone by surprise.

No wonder the Martial Assembly was in an uproar at this unexpected resolution to the leadership battle. People wanting to jump aboard the ship started loitering around Bang Jin-Hun’s office. Which was understandable as he was the man of the moment after emerging as the new center of the Martial Assembly's power structure. Meanwhile, those wanting to check up on Lee Jung-Geol and see what happened crowded around the Assembly Master's office, hoping that he was still there.

However, the two people at the center of all the craziness weren't even inside the Assembly HQ as they didn't want to deal with this headache for the time being.



Bang Jin-Hun lit up the cigarette dangling between Lee Jung-Geol's lips. The older man took a deep puff of the unhealthy smoke before exhaling, then made a snarky remark. “Didn't you say all those noble things about being a martial artist? Yet, you dare smoke like this?”

“Well, sir. Isn't everyone like this?”

"Tsk, tsk..." Lee Jung-Geol tutted loudly. "A man in his prime shouldn't smoke. It's bound to weaken your stamina. Now that you're about to do big things, you need to look after your health more, fella. You’re fine now but in a decade? You'll see a difference then."

“But, sir. You also smoke, don't you?”

“I don't have many days left on this Earth anyway. Why should I get stressed about staying healthy and all that? If I go now, so be it. Besides all that, stop calling me sir. I'm not the Assembly Master anymore.” Fịndd new updates at

“...Then, what should I refer to you as?”

“Mm, I wonder. Well, it's a bit...” Lee Jung-Geol chuckled affably. “Calling me big brother feels wrong, but uncle is also not an option, is it?”

"In that case, let me keep referring to you as the Assembly Master for the time being, sir."

“No, that won't do. Call me Director Lee, then.”

Bang Jin-Hun slowly shook his head. “Somehow, that... doesn't sound quite right to me.”

"Listen, Jin-Hun. People can and will cotton on to the relationship dynamics through nothing but honorifics being used. I get why you want to be courteous around me, but a leader shouldn't act all so awkward and troubled around their subordinates like you."

“I'll engrave it to my heart, sir.” Bang Jin-Hun casually lowered his head. It was his sign of respect to a senior who chose not to leave the Assembly and offer his assistance instead.

Lee Jung-Geol took another drag of his cigarette. “It sounds like utter chaos back in the HQ.”

"I'm not that surprised by how people have reacted so far, sir."

The Martial Assembly members knew that Bang Jin-Hun and Lee Jung-Geol were at extreme odds with each other, but not many among them could guess that the two men had been actually targeting each other's life behind the scenes.

The decisive difference separating those who stand at the top and those who could only watch on from below was as simple as being able to tie up a loose end without hesitation. In that sense, it didn't matter who emerged victorious, as both Bang Jin-Hun and Lee Jung-Geol were well-qualified to serve as the Assembly Master.

“Jin-Hun, it's not going to be easy,” said Lee Jung-Geol.

“I know, sir.”

“This position of the Assembly Master can be a very?thankless job, indeed. Since the job is all about leading a bunch of people who are nobodies without their pride... Whenever you want to do something, they constantly oppose you. Again and again.”

“...My apologies, sir.”

"It wasn't just you, Jin-Hun. Everyone is more or less the same. The difference here is whether they are willing to raise a fuss about it or not." Lee Jung-Geol cackled as if he was rejoicing about Bang Jin-Hun’s upcoming misfortune. "Knowing it's your turn to deal with that bundle of headaches, let me tell you, I feel so refreshed. If I'm being honest, I was having a tough time until now, you see?"

Bang Jin-Hun sourly tutted. “If it was that rough for you, you should have stepped down sooner, sir.”

“Yes, I should have... Even I don't know why I was so obsessed with holding on, which made the ending like this. Since we're on the subject, let me be honest with you. It has only been a day, but I feel so at ease and relaxed after stepping down from the role, Jin-Hun. If I knew it'd be like this, I should've chosen my successor a long time ago and maybe went around sweet-talking a pretty old lady for myself.”

“As for me, I feel bloated and uncomfortable after only a day, sir.”

“Already?” Lee Jung-Geol raised an eyebrow.

Bang Jin-Hun groaned loudly. “When we were exiting the conference hall earlier, several folks on friendly terms with me until yesterday were all glaring at me in dissatisfaction for some reason. I had no idea that they would have a change of heart so quickly.”

“That's what it's like to stand on top, Jin-Hun. Give them time. They will accept the situation soon enough and move on. Not many would be happy to see someone they thought was their equal suddenly moving up in the pecking order, you see.”

“It seems that way, sir.”

“You'll have lots of work to keep you occupied for a long while, Jin-Hun,” said Lee Jung-Geol, and his voice contained genuine worry for Bang Jin-Hun.

“I'm sure he must be unwinding from the stress of last night's bloodbath, sir.”

“Mm, indeed. That couldn't have been easy.”

“And he must be worried about a lot of things that will happen to us in the future...”

“Mm...” Lee Jung-Geol contemplatively nodded away.


Kang Jin-Ho frowned deeply.

His current dilemma was so profound that he even wondered if something else had made him hesitate this badly in recent times. The world would sometimes throw many hurdles and trials in his way, but Kang Jin-Ho still managed to find suitable resolutions for those sooner or later. Well, there was always a path to a solution somewhere if he looked hard enough, wasn't there?!

But this new dilemma facing Kang Jin-Ho was that... instead of having no path, it presented him with far too many paths to choose from!

“This is difficult...” Kang Jin-Ho rubbed his chin.

Ju Yeong-Gi furrowed his brow. “What? This is difficult for you?”

Even Park Yu-Min didn't respond favorably. “Isn't it fine to just fine to go with whatever?”

"But that is not as easy as it sounds," Kang Jin-Ho replied while glancing at his friends.

“...Just choose already like a man, will ya?”

"Mm." Kang Jin-Ho nodded but still fell into another bout of intense dilemma.

Ju Yeong-Gi nearly threw his hands up in the air out of dismay. “Really?! What's so difficult about choosing a dish to add to our menu?! Until when are you planning to sell only the bulgogi and combination pizzas?!”

Park Yu-Min unnecessarily butted in. “We have pepperoni pizza, too.”

"Mmm." Kang Jin-Ho nodded, but his expression clearly said he was still mulling this choice intensely as if this was a fight against the greatest enemy in his life. As it turned out, choosing the fourth type of pizza to add to the menu was much harder than he initially thought! In the end, he couldn't decide and asked for help. "...Let me listen to your opinions."

Ju Yeong-Gi quickly chimed in. “Why don't we go with that? You know, that hot chicken thing! I've noticed lots of other pizzerias selling spicy pizzas lately.”

Kang Jin-Ho flatly replied, “I'll have to decline.”

“Decline, my foot!”

Park Yu-Min hopefully piped up. "Oh, hey! How about Hawaiian pizza, then?"

“...Hawaiian?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head in confusion. Hawaiian pizza, was it? He never had that before.

Park Yu-Min enthusiastically nodded. “Yeah! Simply put, it's a pizza with pineapple slices on top, and...”

Kang Jin-Ho's eyes powerfully quaked. “They put fruit on a pizza?”

“Yeah. Why? Lots of places sell this type of pizza.”

“...Fruit? Really? Real fruits?”

The world was crazy. Just what was a pizza? Was it not a type of bread where various condiments, seasoning and cheese were placed on top of the dough before being baked? Who was crazy enough to use fruits as ingredients in such bread?! What kind of nonsense was that?!

Kang Jin-Ho tutted unhappily. “Fruits, huh? Does that mean there’s a strawberry pizza, too?”

"I've never heard about it before, but doesn’t that sound delicious?" Park Yu-Min tilted his head.

“You. Stop offering your opinions.” Kang Jin-Ho openly shot down his friend. Park Yu-Min could only lower his head while making a wounded face.

Even Ju Yeong-Gi had to say something, "He's right, you dummy. You shouldn't take a joke that far. Who in their right mind would put fruits on a pizza? Besides, who'd bake pineapples? We ain't some cavemen here, so what the heck?"

If a regular, two-eyed person entered a place only populated by three-eyed people, that person would be treated as a loser or a mutant by the rest of the group for having one less eye. Whether he liked it or not, Park Yu-Min was learning how such discrimination felt right now.

'I shouldn't have said anything...'

Of all places, to think these idiots were running a pizzeria!

Jeong Su-Yeon asked the trio while emerging from the kitchen, “What are you three talking about?”

Ju Yeong-Gi quickly replied in a sour tone, “You told us to add something to our menu, didn't you?”

Jeong Su-Yeon blinked her eyes in disbelief. “What? Is that why you guys have been raising your voices just now?”

“No, hang on!” Ju Yeong-Gi became defensive just as quickly. “This punk was saying something weird just now, you know?!”

“You're the weird one here, Yeong-Gi! Pineapple on a pizza is a real thing, you know?!”

“Geez,?did you fall off the bed this morning or something? Stop talking nonsense, will ya?”

Jeong Su-Yeon sighed deeply as the three men started bickering again. She suddenly understood how the old idiom of 'no matter how old a man is, he'll still behave like a child' came about.