Chapter 345: Escape (5)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 345: Escape (5)

“There are no issues with Jin-Ho?” Hwang Jeong-Hu asked in a weird voice.

“Yes, Chairman,” Jo Gyu-Min nodded.

“...That's good news, is it not? So, what's the story with that weird face, Gyu-Min?”

“Sir? You mean... My face?”

“Is there anyone else here besides you?” Hwang Jeong-Hu snarkily retorted.

Jo Gyu-Min ever-so-slightly pouted. “I was deathly worried about him, but Mister Jin-Ho emerged completely unscathed, sir. I am happy, but more than that, something feels like great injustice to me, somehow.”

“Huh. You sure have a nasty personality, don't you?”

“It's my first time realizing that as well, sir.”

“Kekeke...” Hwang Jeong-Hu cackled as if this whole thing greatly amused him. If seeing various new facets of Jo Gyu-Min's personality had been the goal, this would definitely qualify as a satisfactory result! “Gyu-Min, you surprisingly have this idiotic side to you.”

“...I would love to deny that notion, sir, if you don't mind.” Jo Gyu-Min's face reddened as he looked away.

'I didn't think I'd buckle under dangerous situations...'

Jo Gyu-Min always thought he boasted a pretty bold, courageous personality. Weren't most people usually filled with baseless confidence about being strong against adversities?

After experiencing this genuinely perilous situation, though... Jo Gyu-Min had an epiphany. The only reason why he could remain composed until now was his confidence in knowing that no harm would come to him or the people in his life.

But, when he thought Kang Jin-Ho might really die, his usual composure immediately flew out the window. Jo Gyu-Min found himself lost and flailing around ungainly in the dark.

Hwang Jeong-Hu chuckled. “Take this as a good learning experience, Gyu-Min.”

“Yes, sir. I will.” Jo Gyu-Min awkwardly scratched the side of his head.

“You should go home early today, too.” Hwang Jeong-Hu leaned back in his chair and spoke.

“But, sir. I still have a lot of work left to do.”

“Huh. I'm the only person you report to, so when I say you can go home for the day, isn't that the end of the discussion? Postpone your other reports, and go home. Get some sleep first. I heard that you haven't had a wink of sleep in the last three days.”

Jo Gyu-Min chose not to answer that. Admitting to that would be like boasting to his boss how much of a hard worker he was, and that was somewhat embarrassing for him.

“Managing your health is also a part of your job, Gyu-Min. I do want hard workers in my corporation. I'm sure that's the case for other businesspeople, not just me. However, what I prefer is those who work efficiently.”

“Understood, sir. I'll remember your advice.”

Hwang Jeong-Hu took out a cigarette and slowly mouthed it. After lighting it, a look of relief settled on his face. “Mm... That was one scary event, wasn't it?”

“Yes, sir. We certainly had a difficult few days.”

“I'm not joking about this. It wouldn't have been weird to see me kneel over and die tomorrow. I can't remember the last time I was this tense.”

Jo Gyu-Min gravely nodded while listening. He knew how genuinely enraged Hwang Jeong-Hu was. Despite all the years he had spent serving the chairman of the Jaegyeong Corporation, Jo Gyu-Min could swear he had never seen Hwang Jeong-Hu this furious before. Even Director Baek Yeong-Gi said he had not seen such anger from Hwang Jeong-Hu before.

Since Jo Gyu-Min had bet his life on Kang Jin-Ho, the fact that he panicked and flailed around ungainly shouldn't have come as a surprise. However, he didn't expect Hwang Jeong-Hu to react that violently, either.

“Still, I got to learn something, so it's not like this whole thing was a total loss...” Hwang Jeong-Hu muttered to himself.

“I beg your pardon?”

“...Don't mind it, Gyu-Min. It's not related to you.” Hwang Jeong-Hu casually brushed the question aside.

Jo Gyu-Min decided to not inquire further. Someone occupying a leadership position would obviously have far more things to consider and worry about, after all.

“Besides all that, Gyu-Min... I'm sure there will be a lot of work coming your way soon?”

“Yes, sir.” Jo Gyu-Min resolutely nodded in agreement.

“You know all the gritty details of things Jin-Ho is involved with, don't you?”

“Yes, sir?”

Hwang Jeong-Hu smirked meaningfully. “Your complexion looks brighter now.”

Jo Gyu-Min rubbed his face a little in confusion.

“You don't look like you just came out of a crisis, fella. It's more like you've just clinched a major business deal or something. As if you've successfully finished a project that had been eating away at your free time for a number of years. Or am I reading too much?”

Jo Gyu-Min smiled awkwardly. “Sir, it's... You're quite close, sir. I do feel similar to what you've described.”

“Kekeke...” Hwang Jeong-Hu briefly chuckled as if he could guess already.

While listening to that chuckle, Jo Gyu-Min couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with Kang Jin-Ho before coming here.

“Thank you.”


“I'm grateful for everything you've done.”

“O-oh, it was nothing, Mister Jin-Ho. No need to thank me.”

“Without your help, Mister Gyu-Min... No, Chief Jo, I'm not sure what would've happened back there. I will never forget what you've done for me this time. Again, thank you for saving us.“

'He's grateful, right...?'

That wasn't the first time Kang Jin-Ho expressed his gratitude, of course. Actually, he did that quite often. However, Jo Gyu-Min knew.

The meaning behind the previous 'thanks' and the latest expression of his gratitude was on another level altogether.

For the first time ever, Jo Gyu-Min thought his capability had given Kang Jin-Ho proper assistance. And that instilled so much sense of accomplishment in Jo Gyu-Min's heart.

It also helped him realize how important Kang Jin-Ho had become in Jo Gyu-Min's life.

'I'm sure Mister Jin-Ho's feeling the same way about me...'

Although Jo Gyu-Min never wanted to experience another event like this, he still had to admit that it did wonders to strengthen their bond.

Jo Gyu-Min got up from the comfy couch, getting ready to leave the chairman's office. A gentle grin was etched on his face as he straightened his jacket.

He had a hunch that their fellowship would only get stronger from this experience.


'Bloody useless...'

Kang Jin-Ho and his hardened face were currently dealing with the incoming tidal waves of hardship head-on.

To him, explaining what happened this time to his parents was one of the scariest, most challenging tasks he had ever encountered. He simply couldn't see a way out without help. And that was why he asked Jo Gyu-Min for ideas, but now...!

'Too bloody useless!!!'

Not once did Kang Jin-Ho doubt Jo Gyu-Min's capability. However, at this precise moment, he was gripped by inescapable doubt.

Kang Jin-Ho had to sit through an unnecessary medical examination to earn this solution, but it turned out to be flabbergast-inducing. And now, he thought the so-called solution was actually worsening the situation instead!

Just... Just what the hell was up with this solution?! How could Jo Gyu-Min even think about such a thing?!

Since he had no better alternative, Kang Jin-Ho did as Jo Gyu-Min told him. However, the glares containing flabbergast, panic, and dismay currently stabbing him proved that this was no solution but a deadly poison.

“So, what you're saying is...” Baek Hyeon-Jeong glared at Kang Jin-Ho with eyes shooting out flames. “What you are saying is...!”

Kang Jin-Ho flinched when his mother's voice grew louder and louder. He never once flinched or shrunk back, even as the large boulder came down on him during his underground escape, yet here he was, cowering like a little frog in front of a snake.

Baek Hyeon-Jeong slowly chewed out each word. “A trip? You. Went. On a TRIP. With Miss Choi Yeon-Ha? Is that what you're saying?”

Kang Jin-Ho looked up at the ceiling.

'Jo Gyu-Min...!'

I would definitely repay this grudge one day!