Chapter 524: Awareness (4)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 524: Awareness (4)

In a hotel suite, somewhere in the city...

“Sir Vator, he accepted your challenge,” said Zhang Dajing.

“You're stating the obvious,” Vator tutted while slicing up a piece off the dried head of a sheep with a knife. He then tossed this unappetizing meat into his mouth.

Zhang Dajing couldn't help but grimace a little at that sight. “If you don't mind me asking, sir... Is it really that delicious?”

“Mm? Want some?”

“I'll have to decline your offer this time, sir.”

As a proud Chinese, Zhang Dajing had zero qualms about eating anything with four legs except the dinner table, but that dried sheep's head was still a bit too much even for him. Remembering all the trouble he went through to bring that thing to South Korea also didn't help with his feelings either.

“Delicious, eh...” Vator suddenly smirked. “There are plenty of good foods available to eat in the modern era, Zhang Dajing. And many of them will taste way better than this meat.”

Zhang Dajing tilted his head in confusion. “Then, why do you have to...?”

“So that I won't forget,” Vator muttered while slicing another piece of meat from the sheep's head. “Frequently traveling to China, and now South Korea... It sometimes makes me forget that I'm a son of Mongolia. If I let myself be too immersed in the ways of the modern world, I fear that life in the great plains will suddenly feel uncomfortable and archaic to me. Humans naturally gravitate toward convenience, after all.”

“I see what you're saying, sir.”

“So, I eat this meat to remind myself. To never forget that I'm a child of the great plains. Even though I'm wandering these lands of gray concrete walls, my soul will always be with the vast open grasslands back home.” Vator chuckled while looking down at his attire. “Although, I shouldn't say that while wearing this expensive Western-style suit.”

If Zhang Dajing was being honest, he had no idea what Vator was even talking about. He had no idea what this 'soul' thing was all about. And he certainly had no idea why Vator needed to remind himself of his birthplace.

All he had to do was do his job, though. And his job was to follow along if this was what Vator wanted to do.

Vator glanced at Zhang Dajing while chewing on the meat. “Your complexion isn't looking so good, Zhang Dajing.”

“...Well, I almost died, sir. That's why.”

“Kekekeke...” Vator cackled as if he had already expected this outcome. “Well, you basically thrust a chunk of fresh meat into a hungry beast's mouth. So, don't be surprised by almost losing your hand, Zhang Dajing.”

“Sir, may I remind you that you ordered me to do this.”

“That was why I also provided you with a way to survive, didn't I?”

“...Well, yes. You certainly did, sir.”

Wasn't this the same as running him over with a car and then giving him money for hospital care? Although, the story here was slightly different since money was given first before the incident...

“So, did Kang Jin-Ho respond as I've suspected he would?” Vator asked with a smirk.

“Yes, sir. However, knowing beforehand didn't make much difference. It was still impossible to respond. I thought my heart would stop beating for a second then.”

“I'm sure that was the case.” Vator nodded while chuckling again.

The bloodlust emitted by an expert at Kang Jin-Ho's level was not something most regular martial artists could endure. If Kang Jin-Ho had been in a little crueler mood than usual, he could've easily killed Zhang Dajing by inducing a heart attack with his aura alone.

“How did you predict Kang Jin-Ho would react that way, Sir Vator?” Zhang Dajing curiously asked.

“I didn't predict anything. It was obvious, after all.”

“Sir? Aren't they... roughly the same thing?”

“I'm saying, it's such an obvious result that words like prediction aren't even necessary. That man must've been starving, after all.”

“...My apologies, sir, but I'm not as smart as you think I am.”

“Tsk, tsk,” Vator tutted as if he was disappointed by that reply. “What do you think will happen if you trap an apex predator in an enclosure?”

“...Wouldn't it adapt to its new surroundings?”

“You think that's the answer?” Vator snorted derisively. “The predators you're thinking of in zoos have been reared by human hands. In other words, they weren't taken from nature and confined there.”

“Yes, that's what I know as well.”

“A predator will always be a predator, and no amount of domestication will erase its savage nature. You can feed it nice food at regular intervals and make its stay as comfortable as humanly possible, but a predator will never be tamed.”

Zhang Dajing slightly furrowed his brow. He still couldn't understand where Vator was going with this.

“To Kang Jin-Ho, South Korea must be like a large enclosure.”

“...Oh.” Zhang Dajing began nodding animatedly. He finally figured out what Vator was saying now.

Vator spoke with conviction in his voice. “Indeed, he'll be a wonderful opponent for me. So much so that my blood boils just from thinking about it. Even in Zhongyuan, finding an opponent of his caliber will be supremely difficult. Without a doubt, Kang Jin-Ho is worthy of me going all out. However...!”

Suddenly, the light in Vator's eyes became withdrawn. His expression grew colder.

“Do not forget. I am Vator.”

Those words instantly reassured Zhang Dajing. Indeed, the giant before his eyes was none other than Vator, a man acknowledged by the Crimson King!

When he remembered that, Zhang Dajing couldn't help but feel how stupid he had been. He bowed to Vator. “My apologies, sir. I now know that my question has been idiotic.”

“No, don't say that. You actually helped me to get a little more serious. If I lose after saying all these things, I will never be able to hold my head up again, now won't I?”

“Sir Vator... I don't think that will happen.”

“Let's hope so,” Vator chuckled while shifting his gaze outside the windows again. 'How... dark.'

The skies of this city were so dark. China's night sky shouldn't be any different to this sight, yet...

Vator couldn't help but feel a sliver of anxiety as he stared at that dark sky.

'It's too different from the skies over the great plains...'

Something about this dark night sky felt eerie. Unsettling. Even so, Vator continued to stare at the sky in silence.

This place was merely another stop in his journey. Once he dealt with Kang Jin-Ho, Vator would return to China and challenge the Crimson King again. Overcoming this hurdle shouldn't be too hard. But why...

'Why can't I remain composed? Why do I feel... unnerved?'

Vator slowly pressed his palm on the window's glass. The subtly cold sensation transmitted through his skin seemed to calm his mind a little.

'Kang Jin-Ho...'

Vator quietly licked his lips. Only Kang Jin-Ho should be able to appease Vator's inexplicable restlessness.


Knight Wiggins' eyes opened wide. “Did you say... Vator?”

Kang Jin-Ho casually nodded. “Yes, him.”

Wiggins sucked in a deep breath, his cheeks twitching. The Round Table's duty was to maintain world peace. Which meant it always kept tabs on powerful individuals capable of shaking up the world. One of the names appearing on the list of such individuals was Vator.

Vator, the ruler of the great plains!

Wiggins asked incredulously. “You're going to fight him?!”

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly nodded. It was as if there was nothing to worry about.

“H-hold on, Mister Kang. That is pure recklessness!”


“Yes!” Wiggins' complexion paled as he began his rant. “That man is a true powerhouse. An absolute being! No one in China dares to badmouth the name of Vator. If his area of activity hadn't been China... It wouldn't have been strange to call him the ruler of his land. That's how strong he is. To fight someone like that is...!”

“Fuu-woo...” Kang Jin-Ho slowly exhaled cigarette smoke. “So? What about it?”

“...!” Wiggins tightly clenched his fists.

Right now, he... He couldn't think straight. The demand for his surrender in exchange for the Chevaliers' freedom had plunged his mind into chaos, while what Kang Jin-Ho said afterward left Wiggins feeling hollow and dismayed.

'Everything will be rendered meaningless at this rate...!'

If Kang Jin-Ho fell to Vator, this negotiation would become a pointless waste of time for everyone involved! The defeat would rob Kang Jin-Ho of his current status, after all!

In that case, Wiggins needed to talk Kang Jin-Ho out of this madness somehow.

“I'm not trying to underestimate your capabilities, Mister Kang. However, Vator is simply too dangerous. He is...”

“Yes, he is dangerous,” Kang Jin-Ho replied, the corners of his lips curling up. “And that is precisely why I'm going.”


“You see, I've been away from it for far too long. From danger, that is,” said Kang Jin-Ho, hints of madness creeping into his expression. His voice, dripping with bloodlust, dug sharply into Wiggins' hearing. “Also... The same thing applies to the other side, no? Wouldn't you say?”

Wiggins reflexively gulped nervously as Kang Jin-Ho bared his fangs and cackled away. Maybe, this fight...

It might produce an unexpected result. Humans couldn't predict how a life-or-death fight between predators would pan out, after all!

As droplets of cold sweat trickled down his spine, Wiggins grimaced and looked away.