Chapter 586. Raid (1)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
Chapter 586. Raid (1)

“Knight Meyer...?”

The knight hailing from Germany, Knight Meyer, raised his hand.

The Master narrowed his eyes a little. “What is it?”

“I didn't want to intrude if I could help it, but it sounded like you two have become too agitated to continue, sirs.”

“Agitated, you say?” Knight Leveaux stared at Meyer, his gaze unreadable. He was trying his best to remain calm here. Even though becoming more excited could potentially pressure the Master even more!

So, to say he was agitated?

Knight Leveaux leaned forward slightly. “What makes you think that, Knight Meyer?”

“It seems the two of you're mistaken about something here. This matter will not be decided by you and Master debating like this. We're the Round Table. Don't try to convince each other and try to persuade us instead.”

“...I see. It was my mistake,” Knight Leveaux had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Knight Meyer was right. This was how the Round Table operated, after all! In the end, the power to make the decision rested on every knight present, not just the two of them.

“My apologies,” Knight Leveaux unhesitantly bowed his head.

The Master also lowered his head slightly to apologize for turning the other knights into bystanders in this meeting. “I’d like to apologize too, everyone. It seems I've become too short-sighted by how grave this matter was. Please accept my apology.”

Knight Meyer shook his head. “I didn't raise my objection to make you apologize, Master. I only wanted you to remember that we're also here. In the end, the decision will be made by consensus, not by a few arguing with each other to the point of exhaustion. So, I ask you, Knight Leveaux. If you have a better alternative, tell us now.”

Knight Leveaux stood up straight and spoke in an unwavering voice. “I must inform every knight here that this incident is unprecedented in the Round Table's history.”

He briefly paused there as the gazes focusing on him silently egged him on.

After organizing his thoughts, Leveaux continued to argue his case. “Since it's unprecedented, we can't predict how the events will pan out. However, the lengthy history has taught us that lackadaisical decisions that do not assume the worst-possible results will lead to terrible tragedies. The same history constantly tells us that those who do not prepare will... pay the ultimate price! And I'm sure all of you can guess what our preparation must be.”

Knight Leveaux sounded persuasive. He was a born provocateur, a genius at poking everyone around him with the right kind of stick to make them react the way he wants!

“Those who wish to avoid bloodshed cannot maintain peace. Being scared of loss of life now will only lead to an even greater tragedy later down the line! Peace? Yes, we must endeavor to protect it at all costs. However! The method to protect it should not be peaceful. Sometimes, violence is the only way to suppress violence! Do not be lackadaisical in your approach, everyone. Do not bet on the goodness in people's hearts. What matters the most at the end of the day is... Results!”

Clap, clap, clap...

Someone among the knights began applauding slowly. No one knew who it was, but that applause prompted all the other knights to clap their hands as well.

Of course, this reaction didn't indicate everyone here agreed with Knight Leveaux. However, it still confirmed that they had been moved by his speech.

Knight Leveaux bowed deeply at his audience, then settled down on his chair, prompting the attention to shift over to the Master next.

'How abominable...'

The Master was no dummy, so he could see how disadvantageous this situation was for him. In a regular organization, a boss could forcibly select the correct path even if the situation had descended into an extremely unfavorable state. Unfortunately, this was the Round Table.

In the Round Table, the majority's opinion would always override an individual's.

'I never expected to see the Round Table stray like this in my lifetime...'

The Master grimaced slightly. Democracy was always under the threat of devolving into mob rule. And today, the Master was getting a bitter reminder of this fact.

“Knight Leveaux's opinion about violence leading to peace has left an impression on me. That I will not deny,” said the Master while scanning the knights. 'They are... cold.'

Knight Leveaux enthusiastically replied, “Thank you, Master. You've made a wise decision.”

“Yes, I hope so, too. I hope so, Knight Leveaux...” the Master muttered while leaning against his chair. 'I'm... tired.'

It had been such a long time since his body felt like a wet sponge from sheer exhaustion. Maybe his predecessor also felt this way back then. No one in this world would be happy to learn that they had become a relic, after all!

This frustration he didn't want to admit... This disappointment! And this feeling of bitter emptiness...

So many dark emotions flooded into the Master's heart right at this moment.

'It seems my time to step aside has come.'

Even if he didn't want to admit it, there was nothing the Master could do if everyone else agreed on it. The only thing left for the Master to do was to step aside and let someone else take over. However, even if that was true...!

The Master bit down hard on his lip.

'No. Not yet. Now is not quite the right time!'

None of these knights were ready. Not ready to handle the weight of responsibilities that come with this position! In that case, the Master should teach them.

...Teach them that the Master's decision had been right all along!

“Before we leave... Everyone, may I have your attention, please?”

Knights turned their heads and stared at the Master. As for Knight Leveaux, his expression under the mask stiffened a little.

'What is this old fart thinking of doing now?'

This meeting was already over. Even if the Master tried to cling on, it'd only make him look even more unsightly to the others. The Master's judgment might have dulled recently, but he should still know that much, so why?

Knight Leveaux's thoughts went haywire just then. And, as if he didn't want to miss this opening, the Master raised his voice. “I acknowledge my poor judgment on this matter. As you all know, I've always considered Knight Wiggins as my likely successor. With this crisis, however... It's been made crystal clear that my choice has been poor.”

Knight Leveaux's expression crumpled even more as he listened.

'What is he trying to say here?'

Offering apologies was all good and well. However, didn't this timing feel somewhat strange? No matter how much Leveaux thought about this, he couldn't figure out why the Master would rebuke himself like this.

“Choosing the successor is the right only reserved for the serving Master. However, with what has transpired, I can no longer trust my own judgment. As such, I'd like to use this gathering to decide on something important. And that is... the method of selecting the next Master of the Round Table!”

A bombshell landed at that very moment. Every knight in the room began shuddering. That was how important the question of who the next Master was!

The Master smirked odiously after successfully turning all the attention in the conference venue on himself.

'Now then... I hope you're ready for this, Knight Leveaux.'

The Master scanned the venue, then got ready to speak again. Maybe, what he was about to do could harm the Round Table and its noble pursuit. However, he no longer hesitated to act. He figured that, instead of watching the Round Table get destroyed slowly like this, he might as well let it gouge out its own rotten flesh first.

“So, allow me to announce who will become the next Master. My successor will be... the one who brings home the most results in this matter.”

Utter silence! An unbearably bone-chilling silence swept across the venue.

However, before this silence could settle down, the Master broke it again. “Go and bring us Knight Wiggins' head. Oh, as an aside... Kang Jin-Ho's head will be worth ten times more.”

The figurative flames erupted within the Round Table.

The maddened laughter of the knights who set their own castle on fire began echoing throughout the world next.