Chapter 797: Reform (2)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
‘That style really suits Wiggins.’

Anyone with eyes would have no choice but to admit that the combination before Kang Jin-Ho's eyes was quite stylish. Rather than looking like a tired old man, Wiggins' slick snow-white hair imparted the impression of a well-off middle-aged uncle... No, a debonair older gentleman with enough drip to spare.

As proof, look at how the pinstripe business suit perfectly fit Wiggins' frame! Look at how he relaxedly leaned back against his couch, his legs stylishly crossed!

Kang Jin-Ho might not be all that interested in fashion nor possess the eye for it, but he still knew that not everyone could pull off this look. If a regular uncle off the street wore such a refined pinstripe suit, they'd not morph into a stylish uncle but a stylized squid instead.

In front of this debonair gentleman, stylishly pulling off the pinstripe look, was a cup of warm coffee with its thick aroma drifting in the office's air. If there was a camera in here somewhere, even Kang Jin-Ho would've believed he was in the middle of a film shoot.

Kang Jin-Ho's gaze drifted toward Wiggins' empty sleeve before locking on the Englishman's other hand. It seemed to be holding something.

Kang Jin-Ho suspiciously asked, “...What’s that?”

“It’s a gift, my lord,” Wiggins smiled gently while placing a small box before Kang Jin-Ho.

“A gift? Is today a special day?”

“Mm... It seems my intentions weren't adequately conveyed just now. Rather than a gift, how about we call it... a bribe?”

“Bribe?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked his brow and subtly asked for clarification.

Wiggins shrugged his shoulders. “I've come across some rumors recently that say my lord becomes more willing to hand out high-ranking positions with appropriate bribes. As I've been eyeing the position of the Vice Assembly Master, I thought a little something might be in order. I hope you'll accept this small gesture of mine and think of a nice little position for me.”

Kang Jin-Ho's hand searching for a place to land eventually settled on his forehead. A dull ache began announcing itself inside his head. “Where did you hear that nonsense from?”

“Rather than nonsense, we already have seen the rumors verified, haven’t we, my lord?”


“Rest assured, my lord. Although greasing palms might not be seen as the most honorable activity, a person in charge receiving a well-meaning small gift and rewarding the other party with a cushy position is a common occurrence regardless of era or place.”

Wiggins relaxedly sipped the coffee before continuing with his explanation.

“Do not worry, my lord, as your reputation won't receive a knock. In fact, I'd wager that some people must be rather pleased with this development, instead. After all, you've been too unapproachable for many people, forcing them to rack their brains on how to butter up to you.”

“What? Wait a minute...”

“A suggestion, if I may. Placing a goods counter before the door and asking people to leave their bribes there will ensure that you'd never worry about your emergency funds running out, my lord.”

“...Stop having fun at my expense, okay? I have a headache already.”

Wiggins chuckled good-heartedly. “My lord, allow me to be frank with you. I do not believe you've made a terrible decision.”

He spoke in a gentle enough voice, but anyone with sharp discernment would've realized a hint of strictness was hidden within Wiggins' words. It was as if a parent was gently rebuking a child for making a simple mistake.

“However, it was also too premature, my lord. Whatever your reasons were, it's not always a good look for a person in charge to reverse his decision so soon after making it. If such a thing repeats itself, your subordinates will begin to develop habits of waiting for a little bit before carrying out your orders. To see if you'll change your mind again.”

“Don’t worry, the same thing won’t happen again,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“Of course, I believe you,” Wiggins smiled brightly.

Kang Jin-Ho groaned deeply. “Is that why you’re here? To scold me?”

“No, that wasn’t my intention, my lord. I believe you’ve made the right call.”


“Yes,” Wiggins briefly nodded. “People sometimes overlook the importance of money, my lord. To be more precise, people do understand the importance of having money but tend to look down on those who handle money for them. And that's a terrible mindset to have.”


“The accounting department must boast a certain level of prestige and authority. Those aspects are absolutely necessary to systematically unify the old sloppy ways of handling the Assembly's finances. If I'm being honest, I'd have preferred if you granted more authority to the accounting department.”

“More, you say?”

“Yes,” Wiggins nodded, then leisurely sipped another mouthful of coffee.

While observing this scene, Kang Jin-Ho got the impression that Wiggins enjoyed the kind of physical and mental leeway he simply didn't have.

Wiggins' workload was just as hectic as Kang Jin-Ho's or Lee Hyeon-Su's. However, the Englishman never once looked harried. He always relaxedly took care of his business as if there was nothing to sweat about.Fiind updated novels at

Kang Jin-Ho told himself to learn from Wiggins’ example. Learn to be this relaxed.

Wiggins put the coffee cup down and resumed his gentle smile. “A child whose candy was taken away from him will try to get it back. And, when the attempt fails, this child would inevitably grow hostile toward the candy thief.”

Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow. “...Meaning, toward me?”

“No, I’m sure those people lack the courage to do so. Life is precious no matter who you are, after all.”

If he tried to explain, their conversation would drag on for much longer than he’d like. Besides, where should he start explaining this rather elemental issue?

“Wiggins. My previous life ended in failure.”


“Do you know why it failed?”

Wiggins shook his head. “I don’t know, my lord.”

Kang Jin-Ho pensively replied, “It’s because I insisted on being a lone wolf.”

“Mm...” Wiggins slowly nodded after realizing what Kang Jin-Ho was trying to say. “However, my lord... Humans don’t always reciprocate trust with trust. As a matter of fact, you could even say that trust is another form of negligence. This is why humans have established various means to monitor each other. Starting from laws and regulations, to authority and responsibility... All these are ultimately meant to monitor your fellow human beings.”

“If I get stabbed in the back, that's where my story will end, I guess,” said Kang Jin-Ho without much concern. “It'll be my fault for lacking good judgment in people. So I will obviously take responsibility for it.”

“My lord, do you trust Lee Hyeon-Su?”

“It's a bit strange to call it trust. This feeling is a bit... off to be called trust or faith. If I'm being honest, it's more like... Mm...” Kang Jin-Ho pondered his reply for a bit before nodding away. “I just enjoy his company.”

“...I beg your pardon?”

“I just like hanging out with him, so even if he’s going a bit overboard, I don’t mind turning a blind eye. I don’t have any grand schemes or anything like that. Really.”

Wiggins chuckled in dismay. “My lord, surely that can’t be your reason?”

Kang Jin-Ho coolly shrugged his shoulders. “What can I do when that's the truth? Lee Hyeon-Su doesn't look the type, you know? As far as I can tell, he's a good guy, so I'm gonna let him be.”

“What if he crosses a line that shouldn’t be crossed?”

“I can just kick him in the butt, right? To scold him that that’s too much.”

Wiggins genuinely laughed at that. What a stunningly flabbergasting reply that was. So much so that he felt rather stupid for approaching this matter so seriously. However, that still didn’t change the fact that...

“My lord, that’s absolutely a terrible answer.”

“My bad,” Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders again.

“However, it is also the answer I wanted to hear the most from you, my lord. Lee Hyeon-Su would’ve been overjoyed to hear you say all this.”

Only Kang Jin-Ho could've said such things and gotten away with it. And because Kang Jin-Ho said it, Wiggins didn't have a problem accepting it as truth. That was one of the reasons why Wiggins believed and served Kang Jin-Ho, after all!

“I fully understand your intentions, my lord. It’s just that I’ve also dedicated myself to the future of the Martial Assembly. Please grant me the necessary authority to stop Lee Hyeon-Su if I believe he’s gone overboard.”

“Sure. I also like hanging out with you, after all.”

“...Well, I'm honored to hear that."

“Besides all that...” Kang Jin-Ho leaned slightly forward and meaningfully stared at Wiggins. “Remember that time when I asked you to teach me magic?”

“Yes, I do. However, I still wonder if magic could assist you in any meaningful way, my lord. If you're still keen, we could look at our schedule and arrange a...”

“Before that, I wanted to ask you about something.”


“This magic and stuff...”


“It's like creating fantastical stuff out of nothing, right?”

“...Well, it's a yes and no, depending on what you mean, my lord. However, if you are talking about the foundation of magic, then I'd have to say you're not that far off. The magic craft began as an attempt to cheat Mother Nature, after all.”

“I see, I see...”

“But why do you ask that, my lord?”

“I was just wondering...”


The corners of Kang Jin-Ho's lips suspiciously curled up. “You must’ve heard of illusion magic, right?”


Wiggins’ eyes trembled ever so slightly just then.