Chapter 806: Consoled (1)

Name:Descent of the Demon Master Author:
“Annnd this is what we are supposed to organize, oppa,” said Jo Mi-Hye.

Kang Jin-Ho's jaw fell slightly as he took in the sight of the storeroom's interior. He finally figured out why there was a shortage of so-called manpower.

When the blueprints for the new orphanage were drawn up, the storeroom was deliberately designed to be very spacious. As Kang Jin-Ho didn't like doing things in half measures, he thought the bigger the storage space, the better.

But now... Lots of stuff was piled up near the storeroom’s entrance.

Kang Jin-Ho pointed at the messy piles of supplies. “What are all these?”

“Sacks of rice and boxes of ramen? Detergents and stuff like that? You know, daily necessities.”

“But why are they piled up here like this?” Kang Jin-Ho asked, his brows furrowing.

Obviously, having lots of supplies was never a bad thing. Abundance had this power to make you feel reassured, after all. Even so, this situation seemed a bit of an overkill.

Many supplies had best-before dates. Especially when it came to groceries—the longer they were stored, the less 'fresh' they would become. And their nutrients would gradually deteriorate away.

These days, one could have anything you want delivered to your doorstep with a simple tap on your phone. Since that was the case, there was no need to buy so many things and pile them up messily like this.

Jo Mi-Hye noticed the look on Kang Jin-Ho's face and began giggling. “Oh, I see! Oppa, we didn't buy any of these.”

“Mm?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head.

“These came in as donations. Donations, oppa.”

“Donations? Really?”

Jo Mi-Hye nodded. “I think people saw our building go up and spread the news that there's an orphanage in the area. Well, we also started accepting more kids, so I guess there's that, too. Anyways, people from various places sent us donations. But you know how it is with donations. We get all sorts of stuff coming in, and in varied quantities, too. So, every once in a while, we'd take a day or two to sort these stuff out.”

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “I see. But why are you guys doing this? What are the employees doing?”

“Of course they are doing their jobs. But, oppa... This place needs lots of attention.”


“Because of all the sick kids.”

“...Oh!” Kang Jin-Ho nodded in understanding. “In that case, we should just hire more people.”

Jo Mi-Hye chuckled wryly. “I wish it was that simple, oppa. Hire more people, and everything will be magically taken care of! Unfortunately, you need a permit to hire more people, oppa. I don't know all the details, but it sounds like the number of workers in an orphanage depends on how many kids it houses.”


“Ng. Not only that, but we have sick kids staying with regular kids, too. I heard that this arrangement was originally not allowed. That's why we gotta give up on stuff that we can afford to give up on.”

“Hmm...?” Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly. He stared at Jo Mi-Hye, slightly taken aback. “How do you know so much about this?”

“Who wouldn’t know what’s going on in their own backyard, oppa?”

“...Well, I guess no one?”

Jo Mi-Hye nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. “So, what’s there to be surprised about?”

She was right. But was it as straightforward as she made it out to be?

“Don't look at me with pity like that, oppa. I'm not one of those tragic teen heroines who has to grow up fast because her life has been too harsh, you know? Although, my slightly sorrowful figure must've roused your protective instincts and look after me a bit more?”

“...Nope. That thought never crossed my mind,” said Kang Jin-Ho.Yôur favorite stories at

“Then do it! Think about it! Please!”

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled while entering the storeroom. “Okay, so... I only need to organize these things, right?”

“Ng, oppa. Kids will be here soon, so let's do it together.”

“No, it's fine. I'll handle it,” said Kang Jin-Ho, then easily slipped his hand under the massive rice sack.

Jo Mi-Hye urgently cried out, “W-wait, oppa! You might hurt your back!”

“I’m telling you, it’s fine.”

‘Of course it’s not fine!’

Jo Mi-Hye nearly blurted that out. After all, Kang Jin-Ho was carrying eight sacks of rice with just one arm! If doing that was considered 'fine,' he couldn't be human like the rest, no!?

Although Jo Mi-Hye had so, so many things she wanted to say right now, the sight of Kang Jin-Ho standing there with zero problems left her completely speechless.

While casually carrying the rice sacks as if he were in a supermarket with an empty shopping basket, Kang Jin-Ho glanced at Jo Mi-Hye. “Where should I put these?”

“...Over there, oppa.”

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely trotted over to the spot Jo Mi-Hye pointed to, put the rice sacks down, then rolled up his sleeves. “Alright. It’s time to do this seriously. Tell me what to do, Mi-Hye. I’ll handle everything.”

...And then, the human bulldozer went on a rampage inside the storeroom.


“Noona! Someone donated a box of snacks today... What the heck?”

The Seongsim Orphanage boys enthusiastically rushing toward the storeroom screeched to a halt and stared at the storeroom's neatly-organized interior in sheer shock.

“H-huh?! This doesn't make any sense, though?”

The storeroom’s state only one hour ago was horrifying enough to resemble the depths of the netherworld. But now it... had transformed into a professionally arranged warehouse? The kids dreaded the prospect of spending the whole day stuck in there to sort everything out, so this sudden transformation left them deeply puzzled.

How did everything get organized so quickly?

One of the boys noticed Jo Mi-Hye. “Uhm, noona?”

Jo Mi-Hye had a somewhat-exhausted expression as she looked back at the boy. “Ng? Did you say something? I didn’t hear you.”

“Uh, the snacks. We got more in donations...”

“O-okay. Put them that side.”

The boys began piling up snack boxes as large as their torsos in the empty corner of the storeroom. In the meantime, Kang Jin-Ho walked out from behind the neatly piled supplies while rubbing his chin.

“That's why... I also want to create a place like this after I grow up, oppa. Like how you're doing everything for us right now, my goal is to become someone like you. To other kids who need help. I know it won't be easy, but...!”

“Mm...” Kang Jin-Ho weightily nodded.

What she wanted to do was indeed difficult. However, Kang Jin-Ho didn't see a reason to give her advice right now. Jo Mi-Hye should know all about the challenges that lay ahead, anyway.



“Thank you.”


Jo Mi-Hye suddenly got up and spoke solemnly. “After deciding on my goal, I took my time learning about what's going on with our orphanage, oppa. I now know how generous you've been to us. Thank you.”

“What’s gotten into you?”

“I used to have only a vague idea, but learning more about the orphanage's operation made me appreciate how much you care about us, oppa.”

Kang Jin-Ho firmly shook his head. “I’m not doing it for your gratitude, though. You don’t have to thank me, Mi-Hye.”

“It’s not important whether you want to be thanked or not, oppa. What matters is how I feel. And I feel grateful. So! Please stand up straight.”

Kang Jin-Ho ungainly got up to face Jo Mi-Hye. That was when she bowed deeply at him. Feeling a bit awkward now, Kang Jin-Ho also bowed back at her.

Jo Mi-Hye raised her head and smiled brightly. “Wow. That felt great.”

“...I thought it was weird, though?”

“It's fine~! I think it's supposed to be weird, though. People bringing donations and gifts all become super-awkward when we ask them to take photos with us, you see? But they become so much happier when we finish taking photos. I guess that's what everyone is like.”

“Yeah...” Kang Jin-Ho slightly chuckled after realizing that a child was giving him life lessons.

“That’s why! Oppa, it’s okay for you to sit up straight and puff out your chest.”

Kang Jin-Ho sighed under his breath. “You think so?”

“Mm! We'll give it all, too,” said Jo Mi-Hye, her expression determined. “Everyone is working hard, oppa. We gotta become as successful as you've helped us. That's the only way to repay you, after all. I mean, just look at a dummy like Jin-Seong oppa studying so hard every day. Did you know he was studying till early dawn last night?”

So, she knew. Even though she knew, this kid still chewed Han Jin-Seong out for watching p*rn online? What a scary child...

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly stared at Jo Mi-Hye before sighing softly again. Maybe... This girl held the answer to the question burning a hole in his head?


“Ng? What’s wrong, oppa?”

“Let’s say... What if...”


Kang Jin-Ho hesitated slightly before resuming his question. “What if I open several more orphanages and can’t pay you guys as much attention as before? How would you feel?”

“Well, we'll probably be sad."


“Very sad, I think. Some of the kids will break down and cry, too.”

“R-really?” Kang Jin-Ho smacked his lips ruefully.

“Even so, they’ll give you their blessing, oppa.”


Jo Mi-Hye took her time studying Kang Jin-Ho’s face before saying something else. “Because we know you’ll be doing something good, oppa. We can’t just monopolize you for ourselves, right? Even those sad and angry kids will have to understand.”

“Hmm... Even if the financial support you guys receive is reduced?”

“Oppa, did you know you sometimes ask really dumb questions?”


“It's not the end of the world if we eat slightly less tasty food and wear slightly worse clothes. You think we've stopped being envious of other kids? Even though our lives are so much better now?”

“Well, no...”

“We got a chance to live a normal life like everyone else, thanks to you, oppa. I think that’s enough for us.”


“Please stop worrying about other people, oppa. If there's something you want to do, just go ahead and do it. Before asking us if we're okay with it, please think about what you want to do first. If it's something you've set your heart on, we won't ask any silly questions and follow you, okay?”

Kang Jin-Ho smiled awkwardly. “Thanks for your sentiments, at least.”

He sheepishly tried to escape, but Jo Mi-Hye caught him first.

“Wait! I'm not joking, oppa. Before you start worrying about how much harder it'll get for us if you stop helping us out, please remember how much you've already done for us instead, okay? Don't turn us into ungrateful little brats.”


Jo Mi-Hye smiled again. And her smile seemed so bright for some reason.

“Oppa, I can see how heavy everything on your shoulders is. But... Please wait for a little bit more, okay? Me, Jin-Seong oppa, even other kids, we're all doing our best, you know? Give us a few more years, and we should be able to help you properly. Did you know Jin-Seong oppa is studying like mad so he can help you as your personal assistant?”


“Even if we can’t repay your kindness, we won’t inconvenience you. So, please stand taller and puff out your chest a bit more, dear orabeoni.”

Kang Jin-Ho silently stared at Jo Mi-Hye before slowly nodding his head.

“Okay. I’ll do that.”

For some reason, Kang Jin-Ho wanted to look up at the heavens again.