Chapter 175 - Sowing Discord

Name:Desolate Devouring Art Author:
Chapter 175 - Sowing Discord

Mysterious seals seeped into the gate effortlessly, much like mercury.

Chen Ruoyan’s eyes lit up with curiosity, and she wished she could rush forward. She was eager to delve into Liu Wuxie’s mind, intrigued by his knowledge of things she had never encountered.

Meanwhile, Qian Kun was meditating to heal his injuries. The trembling of the gate startled him, causing him to open his eyes abruptly. “Second Brother, check the gate!” he commanded.

Ye Xiao, who had been resting, opened his eyes at the sound of the gate’s tremor. He quickly got up and dashed towards the gate. “Big Brother, don’t worry. The gate mechanism is inside this underground palace. It can’t be opened from the outside,” he reassured Qian Kun as he moved.

However, just as he finished speaking, a rumble echoed from the stone gate, which then exploded with a loud bang. Ye Xiao, who was closest to the gate and running towards it, was caught off guard by the explosion and couldn’t dodge in time.

The debris from the gate hit him, leaving him disoriented. He couldn’t defend himself adequately with one hand, and a large rock struck his chest. This caused Ye Xiao to spit out a mouthful of blood, and he collapsed on the ground, crying out in pain from his severe injuries.

Ordinarily, a mere rock wouldn’t harm an expert in the Marrow Cleansing Realm. However, Ye Xiao was unprepared and taken by surprise, which led to his current predicament.

The center of the gate crumbled, creating an opening just wide enough for a single person to pass through. Liu Wuxie strolled into the underground palace, his hands clasped behind him, his gaze landing on Qian Kun.

“ did you manage to blast open the gate?” Ye Xiao, covered in blood, managed to pull himself up from the ground, his face etched with disbelief. The gate had thwarted countless experts, but today, it had been destroyed by Liu Wuxie, a fact he struggled to comprehend.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Liu Wuxie drew the Heretic Blade and swung it, severing Ye Xiao’s head before he could utter a scream. In mere seconds, Ye Xiao’s corpse was reduced to a pile of skin.

Liu Wuxie was a decisive person and disliked noisy people the most. Along with Lu Huangzhong’s severed head, he also secured Ye Xiao’s head for his report. After killing Ye Xiao, he slowly walked towards Qian Kun.

Each stride Liu Wuxie took sent tremors of fear through Qian Kun. Once a formidable figure, Qian Kun now quivered in terror. After all, the fear of death is a universal human trait, especially when confronted by someone like Liu Wuxie.

“Found you!” Liu Wuxie said, staring at Qian Kun when they were five steps away. Qian Kun had managed to heal some of his palm injuries, but he was far from his prime.

Chen Ruoyan also made her way into the underground palace. She glanced at the spot where Ye Xiao had turned into a pile of skin, before looking at Qian Kun in disbelief. There had been no sounds of a struggle, and yet Ye Xiao was gone. She was beginning to understand just how terrifying the seemingly younger Liu Wuxie could be. New novel chapters are published on

“Can you tell me your name before I die?” Qian Kun wore a bitter smile. He was an expert in the Marrow Cleansing Realm who had forged a notorious fame for himself, but he had fallen to such a state.

“No!” Liu Wuxie replied, and his response almost choked Qian Kun.

The latter had never encountered such a stubborn person. But then again, why should Liu Wuxie reveal his identity? He was under no obligation to do so.

Chen Ruoyan pursed his lips. She, too, was curious about Liu Wuxie’s real name, but every time she asked, she was met with a glare from Liu Wuxie.

“If you’re willing to disclose who sent you to assassinate us, I can share a startling secret with you. You must have noticed the food and weapons here. Doesn’t it pique your curiosity?” Qian Kun, aware of his impending doom, was desperate to uncover the identity of the person who had sent Liu Wuxie.

“Have you finished your last words?” Liu Wuxie asked, his patience wearing thin. He had no interest in the matter at hand.

“Do you not find it suspicious? This is a plot by the Emperor to have you end my life, thereby weakening Prince Yongxian’s power,” Qian Kun retorted with a smirk, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He had cut his own artery, choosing to take his own life rather than be killed.

“How dare you defame my father even in death! How could my father possibly have sent him to assassinate you?” Chen Ruoyan was livid. Qian Kun’s final words were intended to drive a wedge between Liu Wuxie and the royal family, causing Liu Wuxie to harbor resentment towards the Emperor.

If Liu Wuxie became the enemy of the emperor, he would become Prince Yongxian’s friend.

However, Liu Wuxie was not one to be swayed by mere words. He would conduct his own investigation to uncover the truth.

“Don’t trust his words. A person like him deserves to die a thousand times over!” Chen Ruoyan implored Liu Wuxie. She had no desire to become adversaries with Liu Wuxie, whom she found to be terrifying.

“Mission accomplished. I’ll take my leave now!” Having decapitated Qian Kun, Liu Wuxie shrouded the head in a black cloth and exited the underground palace, leaving the stockpiled food and weapons untouched.

Watching Liu Wuxie’s retreating figure, Chen Ruoyan stomped her foot in frustration. She had never encountered someone so intractable.

Upon returning to the surface, Liu Wuxie found that the members of the Scarlet Dragon Association had already fled upon learning of their leader’s injury. The mountain was deserted, save for the occasional straggler who crossed paths with Liu Wuxie and met their end.

Following the path back to Mulberry Town, Liu Wuxie planned to rest for a day before heading to the Western Breeze Mountain Range.

The news of the Scarlet Dragon Association’s destruction began to spread in just two hours. Those who had a feud with the Scarlet Dragon Association made a move to kill the remnants of the Scarlet Dragon Association.

Just like that, the Scarlet Dragon Association, which had ruled this region for decades, disappeared in one day.

Liu Wuxie returned to his room at the inn and shut the door behind him. He then retrieved three interspatial pouches that belonged to Qian Kun, Ye Xiao, and Lu Huangzhong. These pouches concealed their treasures. Ordinary jewelry held no appeal for him, as it was of no use.

“I’ve hit the jackpot!” Liu Wuxie exclaimed, jumping around in excitement like a child, with no one around to witness his joy.

The three interspatial pouches were significantly larger than his own. As he gazed at the resources amassed within the pouches, a broad smile spread across his face, and he felt an urge to cheer.

“5,000 spirit stones, 10,000 grade-three pills, 30 grade-four pills, an abundance of herbs, and a variety of weapons. They must have plundered these over the years, and now they all serve to benefit me.” With such a wealth of pills and spirit stones at his disposal, Liu Wuxie no longer had to worry about gathering the resources needed to reach the fifth level of the Spirit Cleansing Realm.

The reason why Liu Wuxie didn’t touch the food and weapons in the underground palace was because he didn’t have an interspatial pouch large enough to contain them. Secondly, those things weren’t useful to him, and they would benefit Chen Ruoyan more as the third princess. She had also helped out in destroying the Scarlet Dragon Association, and it wouldn’t be fair for her if she got nothing for her effort.

One shouldn’t be too stingy. Since he was having the meat, he naturally had to leave some soup for others.

“Earth Origin Pill, a treasure!” Liu Wuxie took out the Earth Origin Pill from Qian Kun’s interspatial pouch. Ye Xiao had given this fourth-grade pill to Qian Kun. Anyone consuming this pill in the Marrow Cleansing Realm had a fifty percent chance of reaching the next level.