Chapter 7: Abominable Phantom

Chapter 7: Abominable Phantom

Seated on a sofa in the garage, I faced Akane, who was bound to a chair.

The figure of Akane, with the ropes digging into her body, struck me as awfully sensual. I knew I had made the right choice in choosing her. Once again, I felt that way.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Beauty, motherhood, refinement, and benevolence. Even from the outside, I could discern these traits in her. That was why I chose Akane.

Now, it is good to have captured you, but what should we do? Depriving the body of its freedom is a breeze, but depriving the mind is not so easy. I understand that from the way you talk to me.

With her body restrained, Akane continued to glare at me sharply. In the eyes, disgrace and abhorrence were embedded, and compared to earlier, the color of fear and fright was no longer apparent.

Of course with someone like you, Akane said in vexation.

Oh, the moment you found out that the kidnapper was me, how very bullish you are. I wonder if you are underestimating me.

After exposing my previously concealed face, instead of looking frightened, Akane began cursing me and displaying her indignation.

Was she condescending or underestimating me, a criminal who she had already met face-to-face, and who had been seized miserably in front of her, and then disappeared from the university?

Either way, I sensed somewhat composure in Akane.

Since that day, Ive been researching you around. Friends from the medical department, professors and various people gave me information about you. Just like the way you researched me.

Wow, I suppose theres only so much information you can extract from them.

Since Akane had many friends on campus, acquiring information was not that daunting for her.

But what about me? Not only did I have no friends on campus, but the number of people who recognized me was vanishingly small, even within the medical department. All the more so considering that I have not been showing up for classes recently.

Yes, I agree. All I have heard is bad information about you. They all shared nasty rumors about you with me. Everyone must have detested you, Takagi Ryo. At the utterance of my name, Akane snickered. She scoffed at the wretched reality of what she had learned about me.

I didnt care about such things and normally I wouldnt have cared.

But something about Akane seemed to be overlapping, and I rubbed my eyes.


Regardless of how many times I looked at it, though, the vision that overlapped with Akane was not a fabrication.

The way she belittled me and condemned me with invective mirrored the images of hideous women I had encountered in the past. And this image overlapped with Akane as a phantom.

Faces of the women who have denied me and demeaned me in the past flooded my brain.

I felt sick, so sick that I couldnt bear it any longer and collapsed from the sofa.

Stop it, you, only you are different.

Akane, who was supposed to be kind to everyone without defilement. Such Akane was now cursing me with such a hideous appearance.

She was about to transform into a figure that was no different from the women in the past who had mistreated me.

Do you hear me?! Whatever you do to me, I will not bend to your will! Not to a despicable piece of trash like you

Stop it

Please stop disfiguring the beautiful Akane any further. I dragged myself over to the captive Akane.


I then put my hand on Akanes neck and began to strangle her with all my might, all the while with the single-minded desire to get the stunning Akane back.