Chapter 59: First Contact (1)

Name:Developing My Little World Author:
Witne$$ th€ birth of thïš c0ntent, streaming forth from n0v!lbin★

Chapter 59: First Contact (1)

Laeo and his troop of soldiers and civilians quickly rushed out of the area as another loud boom could be heard in the distance.

"HURRY! FLEE WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT! We must reach the far north plazonu forest before the sun sets!" Laeo shouted out in a commanding voice. No one dared oppose his words and continued to run toward the outline of the forest in the distance.

Their village had migrated for 4 days after the anomaly coming from God's wrath, then after the explosion, they had started to flee at their top speed as a group. Laeo's tribe had 556 members, so "quickly" was not the correct term but that didn't mean the tribe wasn't moving at full force, and had in fact started to slow down as exhaustion started to fall over the small crowd.

As the hours waned, and the forest started to loom closer, even Laeo started to succumb to his exhaustion. He had had very little sleep in the last 5 and half days, as he had to round up and move all of his people. At first, even under the commands and warnings of the tribe chief, many of these fellows were unconvinced and greatly slowed the convoy initially. Now, no one doubted Laeo's words after the explosion and fiery hell descended.

Laeo had gained a lot of command over even the most unruly of lions in his pride. However, this also came with a flip effect, where these normally independent lions suddenly leaned on him for support. This was a good thing, as his authority within the tribe moved up, but also a bad thing, because now he had many more lions asking for a paradise he couldn't give them.

These facts were a double-edged sword for Laeo. In fact, alot of Lionise culture had to do with being independent and making your own way. This also made it so only the toughest, bravest, and most wise Lionize among them could lead the tribe.

As Laeo thought about the future and how he would salvage this situation a call rang out.

"Northern Forest has been reached!"


"CHIEF! I'M HERE! HURRY!" came a resounding and desperate cry from the west of where they were standing, about half a mile away from their location. However everyone in the hunter squad was a decently powerful lion and they quickly came to the area where Focks' voice came from.

As they approached, Laeo could not help but be extremely anxious! This was Focks! The guy that single handedly stood his ground with an uncommon rank beast with only his claws and fists. Anything that could warrant a level or reaction from him at this level was definitely not a normal occurrence.

As they got closer they heard,"Chief over here! Behind the large boulder and the pink flowers!"

As Laeo and his contingent heard Focks' voice, but much closer now, they rushed to the indicated area. However nothing could have prepared any one of these lions for what they saw when they turned the corner.

Standing with his back to the boulder, Focks was standing there with a large pointed stick that he had crafted from a dead and hollow tree from their Savanna homeland. His eyes exuded intensity and even though he most likely heard and felt that the other lions had arrived, his eyes never wavered from the sight in front of him.

That which had him so scared and focused was standing across from Focks. Laeo and his team quickly jumped next to Focks to help him defend and Laeo could see the stress visibly melt from Focks' eyes.

Laeo looked seriously at his opponents.

Standing across from Laeo were a group of 12 animal-like creatures that had a height that was a little bit taller than them, and their hair was fully dyed a black or brown color.

Laeo and Pooh stared each other down at this moment.