Li Huowang looked at the doctor in front of him, thinking about his question just now. "Which world is unreasonable?"

His cuffed right hand pointed to the floor of the hospital. "This world is unreasonable, this side is fake!"

Dr. Li didn't show any surprise on his face when he heard Li Huowang say this. Instead, he pushed his glasses with his index finger and continued to ask, "Well, why do you think this world is unreasonable? There must be a reason, right?"

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

Li Huowang didn't answer immediately, but looked lifelessly at the white ceiling above his head.

"Before, when I kidnapped that child, the police shot me in the head with a gun, right? Then why am I not dead? Am I invincible? Can't this prove that this world is all fake?"

Li Huowang suddenly felt that it was meaningless to discuss this with the people in his hallucination.

"Xiao Li, it's just your luck. Someone missed the target. After all, who said that everyone who shoots must hit the target?"

"Hmph, good luck. Do you believe in such an unreasonable thing?" Li Huowang sneered.

"Some people are hacked, and some people win the lottery. Some people have good luck, and some people have bad luck. Why do you think the real world is fair and reasonable?"

"This world has never been reasonable, but why do others encounter these unreasonable things and not doubt that this world is an illusion like you? Because your brain is sick."

At this point, the doctor took out his mobile phone from his white coat pocket and played a video for Li Huowang.

"Why are you so sure that the other side is not an illusion? Actually, the things you encountered over there should be more unreasonable, right?"

"Danyang Zi is dead!! Danyang Zi is dead! You are free!! Come out!!" In the mobile phone screen, Li Huowang, who was bound by the straitjacket, shouted loudly in the empty room.

Seeing that Li Huowang had been attracted by the video, the doctor swiped his finger on the screen again, and a new video started playing, which still showed Li Huowang in a straitjacket.

"It's fake! It's all fake! Whether it's those statues or the Buddha, they are all fake. These are all illusions, they can't fool me!!"

"Why don't you talk to my master?" "Hehe... don't you understand? I mean, talk to my master in person."

One video after another, all of them were things Li Huowang had said in the past.

After the last video was played, Li Huowang's pupils shrank slightly. He saw himself in a hospital gown with a crazy expression, holding a wrench in his hand, shouting crazily and running towards the busy mall.

"Danyang Zi! Don't kill the child! You can't kill the child!!"There was still a large progress bar at the end of the video, but the doctor didn't play it and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Look, compared to all the things you've encountered over there, getting shot in the head is nothing, right?"

Li Huowang's heart was once again in turmoil, his breathing became rapid, but he didn't want to explain anything and closed his eyes again. "It's fake... all fake..."

"Well, since you think this is fake, why hesitate when faced with your mother's plea? Since it's all fake, why not just use the glass in your hand to stab her?!"

The doctor's tone began to gradually become heavier.

"Since it's all fake, why do you care if Yang Na has a new boyfriend?"

He poked Li Huowang's chest with his fingers.

"If you keep going crazy like this, how long do you think she can hold on? Even if she doesn't change her mind, can you really watch her silently endure like this? Can you give her happiness? Are you worthy of being her boyfriend?"

Li Huowang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the doctor. "They are fake!! But my emotions towards them are real!! Even if I know they are all illusions, I can't abandon my emotions towards them!!"

"Do you think I don't want to go back and find them? But I can't go back!! I've traveled through time!! I've been traveling for a long time!!"

"You say this world is real, then I ask you, why does the psychiatric hospital have a gastric lavage machine?"

When Li Doctor heard this, he shrugged helplessly. "What's there to doubt about this? You patients often swallow things by mistake, and this thing is almost standard in all psychiatric hospitals. If it weren't for this machine last time, the disgusting things you swallowed would have killed you."

Li Huowang's expression twisted and he directly threw out the most crucial evidence. "Okay! Let's say you're right. Then tell me, why can I bring things from over there to here? How do you explain this?!"

"Oh? There are new symptoms again? Tell me how you did it, I'm very curious."

Li Huowang had just opened his mouth to talk about how he gave the jade pendant to Yang Na, but suddenly stopped.

"No, I can't involve Yang Na. I can't see her, even if it's just her illusion."

Li Huowang was afraid of falling back into the illusion after facing Yang Na's illusion again.

"Wait for me, when I come back next time, I'll show you things from that world. I want to see how you explain it then, your illusion!"

Upon hearing the boy's nonsense, Li Doctor sighed lightly with some helplessness.

"Xiao Li, I'm afraid there won't be a next time. You've caused trouble several times already, and our hospital also has a joint responsibility. We've been sued many times and the director personally ordered you to be transferred to another hospital.""Transfer? Where to?" Li Huowang asked in astonishment.

Dr. Li patted Li Huowang's shoulder with his hand, "Since you think this is all an illusion, why do you care where you are transferred to? I can only say one thing, because of your situation, your family's economic situation is not optimistic."

"This is my last consultation with you. I was still hoping to make a final effort, but it seems to be futile. To be honest, as your attending physician, I really feel frustrated, hehe."

Dr. Li took off his glasses and carefully examined the young man in front of him. He reached out his right hand and touched his head, and his face softened a lot.

At this moment, they were no longer in the relationship of doctor and patient. "Xiao Li, you are a good boy, even though your illness is very unpredictable. I hope that in the future, if you encounter anything in your hallucinations, don't give up easily, especially like the previous self-mutilation."

"You almost died, and some of your intestines were cut off. You need to have a stoma for half a year to recover."

"If there is anything that makes you care more than your madness, it is your death. As long as you are alive, they will have hope, understand?"