When Li Huowang felt the outside sky gradually darken and his mouth became dry, he finally stopped slowly.

He touched his stomach and remembered that Black Tai Sui had indeed helped him deal with the human-shape demon before.

Thinking about everything that had happened recently, he came up with a plan for how to get along with Black Tai Sui in the future.

Although Black Tai Sui was constantly occupying his body, it didn't seem to have any malice towards him. Since it had no malice, he didn't need to treat it like how he dealt with Danyang Zi.

After all, he had done everything to get rid of Danyang Zi before, but he couldn't get rid of Black Tai Sui now, and he couldn't live without it.

It was in his body, and having a good relationship with it would only bring benefits and no harm. Maybe after they got to know each other better, he could persuade it to stop invading his body.


Li Huowang took a deep breath and touched his stomach again. "Listen, from now on, you will be called Li Sui. Before we find a solution to the problem with Heart Nourishing Powder, let's try to get along peacefully."

"We are all in the same boat. As long as you help me, I won't ignore you. Let's work hard to achieve a win-win situation."


Hearing the response, Li Huowang was surprised. The other party had agreed. It seemed that reading enlightenment books these days had paid off, and the other party could understand what he was saying.

"Hoot-hoot~" A familiar voice made Li Huowang look up at the rafters. There was a pigeon perched there, looking at him.

"Okay, when it's time for dinner, behave yourself." Li Huowang stood up, put his two swords on his back, and walked outside the inn.

It was still the same place, and the sound came before the person. "Hahaha~ Hey, Ear Jiu, long time no see, I miss you so much."

Tuoba Danqing walked in with his kind round face, followed by a row of maids holding delicious food and wine.

After so many contacts, Li Huowang already knew the routine of the other party. He sat down and started eating and drinking with him.

He didn't know if it was the fault of this person or if it was the same for all of the members of the Monitoring Bureau, but it seemed that they couldn't speak without eating or drinking something.

Search bit.ly/3iBfjkV for the original.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, feeling that the atmosphere had been set, Tuoba Danqing reached into his pocket and took out a waist badge, pushing it over to the table.

"Come on, Ear Jiu, take a look at this. You did a good job this time. I'm afraid I couldn't do it as well as you did."

Li Huowang picked up the waist badge and saw the number on it, making him feel very envious. He had made another step towards success.

"Come on, what's so good about a broken badge? Let's eat, Ear Jiu, what happened this time? Tell me about it?"There's nothing to hide about this, Li Huowang put the waist token into his chest and slowly said to Tuoba Danqing.

After telling the story, Li Huowang asked the confusion in his heart, "Tuoba, what exactly is that person, Ren Xiao? Why is it so strange?"

"Well, what's so strange about it? That person has lived for too long. If he didn't become an immortal, he would naturally become a demon. After all, birth, aging, sickness, and death are the great ways of heaven and earth. It's not easy to change fate and go against the heavens."

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot. They're all stubborn cultivators who forcibly use Yang Shou Dan to extend their lives, and they eventually become Ren Xiao."

"I just didn't expect it to cause such a big commotion. Being a Ren Xiao and raising Ren Xiao is really the first time I've seen it."

"By forcibly using Yang Shou Dan to extend their lives, they will eventually become Ren Xiao?" Li Huowang was suddenly very surprised. Then isn't Yang Shou Dan useless?

"Not exactly. Under normal circumstances, 120 years old is a hurdle. The closer you get to 120, the weaker the effect of Yang Shou Dan. After 120, you have to figure out how to dispel your obsession, otherwise, forcibly using Yang Shou Dan will only turn you into Ren Xiao."

"Each sect has its own methods, good and bad, but don't expect others to tell you for free. They all hide these things very well."

"But there are also some methods that everyone knows, but they are not easy to accomplish. For example, using the heart essence to dispel your obsession is the simplest and best method."

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang's fingers hooked slightly unnoticed.

"But think about it, the living heart essence is very dangerous. You have to be prepared to prevent others from snatching it. This method is as good as nothing, right?"

Speaking of this, Tuoba Danqing continued to complain like an old friend chatting.

As Tuoba Danqing was drinking, he suddenly thought of something and slapped his forehead, "Oh, look at my brain, Ear Brother, since you're already Renwu, why don't you go to the capital for a promotion?"

"In the future, you can go to the Ministry of Rites and exchange Yang Shou Dan for things inside the department. There are not only more types of things, but also some things that cannot be found in the ghost market outside. But remember, it must be the Yang Shou Dan earned inside the department. The ones outside are useless."

"Go to the capital?" When it comes to the headquarters of the Monitoring Bureau, Li Huowang's mood suddenly became nervous. "It's okay. I don't earn much. I'll go when I earn more."

"Hehehe, Ear Brother is really different. When others know about it, they rush to the capital, but you always hide. Hehehe."

Tuoba Danqing lifted his wine glass and tilted his head, his eyes blurred as he moved his chair towards Li Huowang, "Little brother, since we're so close, is it too much for big brother to ask you something?"

"It's okay to say, Tuoba Brother."He smiled and pointed to the copper coin mask on Li Huowang's face. "Why do you always wear this thing? Are you hiding something behind it?"

At this moment, Red suddenly came to Li Huowang's side. "This old guy has been testing you since he arrived. Be careful."

With these words, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Li Huowang understood that no matter how good the other person's words sounded, once his identity was exposed, everything would be over.

Seeing that Li Huowang didn't speak, Tuoba Danqing suddenly slapped his own cheek with his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry, brother. I spoke too much after drinking. Don't be mad at me, I'll drink three cups as punishment."

Li Huowang knew that the other party was using retreat as an advance. If he didn't solve the problem today, there would be more trouble in the future.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Li Huowang began to vomit while holding his stomach. "It's okay, Tuoba brother wants to see, I'll tell you. Because something in me is easy to come out, so I need to seal it with something."

After a while, two black sticky tentacles slowly stretched out from the sides of the mask, and what was even more special was that there were two double-pupiled eyeballs wrapped around the two tentacles.

Tuoba Danqing's eyes twitched when he saw this. "Okay, okay, put it away quickly."

After taking a bite of food and calming down, Tuoba Danqing looked at Li Huowang with a somewhat uneasy expression. "Brother Ear, I won't ask what you're cultivating, but with such a mixed cultivation, won't you really fall into madness?"

Li Huowang stuffed the tentacles into his mouth with his fingers, and then forced himself to swallow while feeling nauseous. "It's okay."