Chapter 147 Rising Value Of D999...

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:

"System, can you Unlock Darkline magic in C888?" Lenny asked the system.

<Affirmative. Lord Lucifer was the master of all Demons and Devils. Bringing out primary list for energy transfer>

<Transfer : Darkline magic, Purified Chaos magic, Darkline magic(minion explosive bomb), purified chaos magic(minion explosive bomb)>

The Satan system brought out a list that Lenny was not expecting.

According to this, he could even give Darkline magic and Chaos magic.

But there was more.

Lenny checked on the description for the other two.

<Darkline magic(minion explosive bomb): give Darkline magic and explode victim later.

<chaos magic(minion explosive bomb): Give Chaos magic and explode Victim at a later time>

Lenny smiled at this.

This meant that he could give other people Darkline magic and Chaos magic and they will end up becoming his bombs in times of need.

Immediately, he saw it, he wanted to experiment it.

The truth was that he was really curious to know how it was going to happen. 

Lenny wondered if it was like his old life where he could kill a group of people far away with a time bomb.

The wonders he could do with such a technique were like the tides of the ocean.

Lenny coughed a bit as he brought himself out of his thoughts.

Now, he knew he could help this Gladiator, but he did not want to do it in front of people.

This included his own team members. Also, the bat Eyes was on them sending the view of what was happening to the outside world.

But then again, this could be an opportunity that he could take maximum advange of.

After all, he planned to double cross both Cuban and the Magistri by taking the core of the pheonix for himself.

But these two were far stronger than him.

If accidents were to happen during his attempt, then it could spell the end of his life.

Not unless of course, they thought of him to be useful.

Yes! A person's use always out weighed their crime.

This was a fact Lenny knew from his former world. The police would release criminals back into the society if they thought they could use them to infiltrate crime sindicates.

In other words, people were not weighed by their deeds or actions, but the quality of their usefulness.

Thinking in this light. Lenny decided to let them take a peek of his master piece.

"I can help him!" Lenny suddenly muttered lowly.

"Wait! What? You can!?" A222 was surprised by this.

"How?" A123 asked.

"It's part of the things I know as a Reminder."

Reminders were gladiators that inherited specific or special memories and abilities from their ancestors. Both of which could be human or demon.

Hearing that it was amongst the things he inherited as a Reminder, it made more sense to them.

After all, this world had no formal education whatsoever.

"C888, this might tickle a bit, but I am going to cure you and even leave you with a gift in turn."

According to the system, Lenny just needed to use a touch, but where would the fun be in that if he did not make it look like a sacred moment.

He made a little cut on his palm, and then several small cuts on C888's body.

As he did, those in the Arena watched attentively.

"What is he doing!?" Lady Hanger asked, voicing out every body's thoughts.

Although the question seemed like it had been to no one, it was actually to Cuban. 

After all, he was Lenny's Arena master.

Cuban too did not know what was happening and looked in the Magistri's direction.

However, he could see the puxzked look on the Magistri's face.

After the cuts, Lenny placed his hand on C888's head and chest.

Lenny said a bunch of gibberish in a low tone and then it happened.

The black patches on C888's body suddenly disappeared. It was like they flowed like water into Lenny's body.

After whichenny gave orders to the Satan System to give C888 some Darkline magic.

All C888 needed was a little and it sparked the one laying dormant inside him.

Immediately, a dark purple film wrapped around his body.


Whether it was A222, A123 or those watching in the Arena, all of them where surprised at this.

This had never happened before.

It caused low murmurs that increased as questions flooded the hearts of many demons.

Activating the Darkline magic was not the surprising thing.

After all, they all knew that Darkline magic could be activated in Gladiators by other Gladiators.

It was the fact that Lenny had taken the Chaos magic from C888's body that had spooked them.

Immediately, An Arena master that looked like a Walking crocodile turned to Cuban, "Cuban I wish to buy that Half born. I will pay you three hundred Branded Human Skin. One hundred would be Aged and the remaining two hundred would be middle aged."

Cuban had not even responded to him when he heard another Arena master asking for a higher price behind him.

One after the other, the Arena masters rushed at Cuban. All of them wanted to buy Lenny.

Cuban himself could not help but chuckle. 

The value of Lenny had just touched the roof.

Even Clawed wanted to buy him, bit he had to hold back because of his status as a Great demon.

He could not bring himself low to do what the other Arena masters were doing.

However, he was not the only one. Danny and Duncan were thinking the same thing.

Half Borns that had made it to the Lesser demon ranks were used for the war against Devils.

Many if them came back with corruption from Chaos magic that can not be solved.

This meant that Lenny could take away the Corruption from these half Borns instead of wasting them by killing them.

With this ability, even three hundred Branded Human Skin was not going to be enough a price for Lenny's head.

Some of the Arena Masters suggested that they could leave Lenny, but instead that Cuban sold them his Semen.

After all, when that, they could possibly breed another like him.

Cuban suddenly entered a cheerful mode.

The Arena masters had been flocking to Basit's side before because of the Devil pill. But now, they had suddenly changed sides.

Even Nasit was interested, but his pride would not let him go so low as to beg his rival.

C888 stood up feeling refreshed.

With Lenny gifting him the Darkline magic, his strength had also increased.

He now had strength comparable to someone at the peak of the B class.

C888 bowed before Lenny, "you have saved my life even when there was no hope for me. I will love and die by your will."

Lenny nodded, "don't worry, it's no problem. I am just helping a brother out."

A222 heard this and was taken aback. She wondered if it was the same person that had stormed the Order of Gladiator with the intention to end all life.

Now, he was suddenly a saint that was helping a brother?

What she did not understand was that Lenny was a self proclaimed righteous man.

There was nothing he did that was wrong in his own eyes.

After all was said and done, the four of them rested for yet another two hours before setting out once more into the deeper regions of the dungeon.

This was just the first level.

There had two levels to go.

The moment they came out of the cave, the killing of Devils progressed.

It was a long trek, but they did not stop for even a bit.

The more devils were killed, the easier it became to kill even more.

This was more so for Lenny. On the way, they could see dead gladiators and devil's littered on the ground like the cafeteria after a good fight.

Gladiators had obviously passed this point.

Soon, they reached another open space.

A222 informed them that just after this open space was another one and then the first Mini boss.

This was a low level dungeon with only three stages. Each stage had its own mini boss before the main one.

This was the reason why this competition was so fierce and unforgiving.

Then again, if it was not difficult, demons did not find it interesting.

On reach the open space, devils apeared from the walls and ground heading for them.

In only a few seconds, they were thousands before them.

The devil's advanced steadily for them. Growling and groaning they advanced steadily.

As they did, Lenny got another alert from the system.


<Compulsory task: Kill one hundred Devils with with hard shells. Pls note that deaths should only occur with bare fists. No weapons allowed. Time range is one Hour>

When Lenny heard the alert for the compulsory task, he expected something crazy, but even he had to admit that he did not expect it to be this crazy.

The system was telling him to kill without a weapon.