Chapter 756 An Old Friend

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 756 An Old Friend

All the mutated creatures and the different crafts all moved through the portals and lot of them appeared right before the Waterfell city.

The Waterfell city has it had always been was surrounded by mindless devils that tried to get in but were never able to.

the first time that lenny had been transported here by Cuban and the magistri, he had the fortunate privilege to see this sight.

Once more he was seeing it again.

Back then, he had wondered why devils were all over the city and even why the devils were all over water drop town. he had thought that all demon cities and towns had mindless devils trying to break into them at all costs.

but later discovered that was far from the truth.

For some reason, the portals that led to hell only appeared around these places and this were the places with a lot of devil dungeons.

Now, Lenny, after becoming very very powerful knew why this was so.

It had to do with the hell beasts.

Hell beasts were not supposed to be in this world, and it was their power, even in bondage that summoned the portals to hell that devils rushed out from.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

These devils, abominable creatures, many of them skinny as a twig and many more as fat as a tree rushed for the shield surrounding the city.

Lenny had his hands behind his back as he stood on the back of a truck.

Father black from the truck beside his own used his binoculars to check out the situation of the devils around the city.

"Hey, Lenny, are those devils under coco's command?" Father black asked.

Lenny shook his head, "No! There are not. Even from the portals that keep appearing, it is obvious that they are from hell."

on saying this, many warriors swallowed hard.

Even if no one knew the kind of place that Hell was, they all knew the meaning of the word.

"Coco knows the plan. Besides, he is far more organized than you might believe. Even though he is a Devil." lenny added.

Father Black nodded. "Hmmm, so how are we doing this? From the looks of things, we will not be able to get close enough. If we do, the Devils would peel us apart. And those red bastards are not doing a good job at bringing down the shield around that city."

Lenny nodded, "I know! that is why we are going to be borrowing help from an old friend of mine."

"Friend?" Father Black asked.

"Yes," lenny nodded, "He is making the trip from Hell Itself!"

The moment lenny said those words, he waved his hand and as if formerly attached to his skin, Red, fiery runes rushed from his body.

They rushed towards the devils in the distance.

It was as thick as a house big enough to serve seven people and it was as long as the walls of a high building.

And then came the second limb.

Time seemed to slow down as even the devils that had been rushing mindlessly all paused and turned to look at the arrival of the behemoth of a creature that obviously had the same origins at them.

It commanded fear and attention and the heat that came from its body seemed to burn the very atmosphere of the earth, with water vapour steaming up around it.

And then came the rest of its body. Its head, looking like that of an elephant with a long Trunk.

However, it only had one inverted eye on its forehead that seemed to glow lowly.

As it came out, it wailed loudly to the sky, as if to scream its arrival to the rest of the world.

All eyes were on it.

Baroness Everbee within her floating City raised a brow at this, "interesting! They even have an Hell beast, MY hell beast."

Yes, this was a hell beast, but not just any hell beast, but the Hell beast that Lenny had saved when he had destroyed water drop town.

back then, he had made a contract with the Hell beast. It was a mutual contract that set them to be friends.

This meant that it was not a master servant relationship.

if the Hell beast did not want to come, it wouldn't have.

However, It had acknowledged lenny's call for help in such a time.

The Hell beast, its full body stepping out of the portal was a monumental sight. and then as if opening up its wings, two large wings materialized from its sides. each one of them looking like red laser blades.

This Hell beast was a Paraglider. The paraglider Lenny had named Longnose. (Author's note: If you don't remember, please check volume 1)

lenny chuckled as information of this beast appeared before his eyes due to his Appraiser skill.

He laughed heartily, "Incredible! you actually grew up and became a rank 3 Hell beast! Even though it had been only ten years."

Victor smiled as he stroke his chin. "Hmmm, it should be because of its nature. Besides, their kind grow to adulthood very fast. Also, the suffering it went through locked as a prisoner here on earth added to its growth. After all, they are called hell beasts for a reason. hardships have a different effect on their bodies."

Lenny nodded as he turned to Victor, "Come on Boy! lets go."

Lenny flew in the air rushing towards the hell beast. Victor could see that lenny was actually very happy to see the hell beast. he too joined Lenny in the air and so did Allison.

Luca wanted to join them. However, he stopped himself. truthfully, he did not see why he should join them.

They somehow looked like a family of their own, and he felt so out of place.

However, father black turned to him, "What the fuck are you doing? won't you welcome our guest?"