Chapter 759 You Have Grown Soft

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 759 You Have Grown Soft

Lenny knew that Victor was right. After all, he was a great demon existence.

Truth be told, no matter how strong these unnamed demons were, if he were to reveal the burn of his Great demon power to them, they would be done for.

However, the goal was never to destroy the city below. After all, the city was just an instrument. The goal was to bring the reign of the Asmodeus family here on earth to its knees.

And Lenny knew that wasting his magic points here was a very very bad idea.

After all, up there was an existence like the Baroness. Baroness Everbee was a demon that was beyond the Great demon rank.

this meant that she was a greater demon existence.

Surely, Lenny knew to weigh the importance of their mission.

lenny nodded at Victor and the both of them flew towards the sky.

Meanwhile, the other Deep level demon werewolves all rushed for the kill. they shared themselves equally as they attacked the unnamed demons.

Although this looked like it was practically over kill, but lenny did not think that it was in any way. After all, he could already tell that many of these werewolves would lose their lives.

Just then, the Ballistic missiles that Luca had ordered for the assault made their hit.

these were not ordinary ballistic missiles.

They were not normal human weapons like the ones rthat had been used against demons during the last stand.

No, these weapons were a compressed and highly modified version of explosives.

They were packed with corrosive magic that had been experimented with to produce a very deadly effect on demon skin. This was all courtesy of Father black and his Lab.

After the event that happened ten years ago, the old man had a vendetta against demons, devils and even undead.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

At least, he had seen the boy's skill on the battlefield, and even in Imperilment, he personally judged what Luca could do. of course, they was a large room for improvement.

However, Lenny was at least sure that on this battlefield, Luca could display incredible prowess.

But up in that floating city, nothing was guaranteed. Even Lenny did not know how he would fend against the power of a greater Demon that had dropped her rank intentionally just to invade their world.

This was definitely going to be an incredibly difficult battle and Lenny did not want his own to fault in battle.

Lenny waved his hand, and a gust of white flames appeared to deter Luca, "I am not asking boy. Its a fucking order. Get back down there and lead the FUCKING war!"

Lenny's tone had changed significantly.

Luca maintained eye contact with him for a bit, there was obvious rebellion in the boy's eyes. This lasted a brief few seconds, and then Luca turned about.

Without saying a word, he flew back down.

However, as he did, Lenny could see that Luca had held back the sparks of white flames that were already glowing from his palm.

victor watched the exchanged and he massaged his brows as he chuckled lowly, "Incredible! absolutely incredible! You know, the kid has your look in his eyes. Does he know that you know!"

Lenny sighed as he shook his head, "No! he doesn't. He intentionally hid it from me, but even the dye on his hair cannot hide his identity. My scent his strong on him."

Victor nodded as he saw the expression on Lenny's face.

Victor was shocked by this, "Brother Lenny, right now, you look like a very worried father." He chuckled lowly. "If it had not been two hundred years since I last saw you, Then i would have believed that you have gone very soft."

Those words made Lenny look at Victor with a sharp gaze. However, that gaze did not deter Victor one bit. Instead, the old man shook his head, "Tsk tsk tsk... Yep! You have gone really soft!"

As he said this, he continued to fly towards the the Wandering City, "Just so you know, we don't need this Lenny Tales for the job at hand. We need the old Lenny... The one not bounded by the responsibility of fatherhood.

That's the only way we come out of this one winning."