Chapter 817 Lenny Vs The Salamander

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
817 Lenny Vs The Salamander

"I'll ask one more time. Show yourself to me... Salamander the Coward!" Lenny's ultimatum was punctuated by the release of the swords, a deadly rain destined for the building. Folloow current novÊls on nov3lb((in).(com)

"Wait..." The response was a booming interruption, a voice that resonated with the force of awakening. The building, in a display of magical metamorphosis, shifted and reshaped before Lenny's eyes, its form elongating and contorting into that of a gargantuan snail with six heads.

This creature, now revealed in the place of the building, was an imposing sight. Each of its six heads was adorned with eyes that burned like coals, their gaze piercing and ancient. The snail's body, massive and towering as the building it once mimicked, was covered in scales that shimmered with an inner fire. From its flesh, veins of molten lava pulsed, giving the impression of a being forged from the very heart of a volcano. Fire oozed from its body, cascading down its sides in rivulets of flame, illuminating the creature in a terrifying display of power.

The dome that had once protected the city, emanating from the creature's back, flickered and vanished, leaving the city exposed but revealing the true guardian within. Lenny, observing the transformation with a satisfied smile, recognized the significance of his discovery. "I have found you!" he proclaimed, his voice laced with triumph.

lenny's words cut through the air like blades. However, it only served to agitate the primordial beast.

"You are only in the third rank of the great demon realm. If I crush you now, I will be doing the world a huge favor."

On saying this, All six of the Giant Primordial beast's mouth suddenly opened up, and then came rushing blasts of elemental energy, all focused on Lenny like the rush of water from a water fall.

Each mouth spat a different energy blast. One head spat water, though liquid, it was practically liquid Nitrogen. Another spat out Fire that rushed like magma. Another was Acid, another was Green poison Gas. Another spat out lightning. yet another spat out wind blades and the last one spat out runes that fell as curses. This attack, all focused on one person was meant for absolute death. Even a peak Great Demon realm existence would have found the hit sending them to the afterlife. At least, that was in theory. However, Lenny remained standing in mid air. These attacks had been sent to hit. Lenny waved his hand, sending the attacks straight into his storage unit, and then when the Primordial beast was done, Lenny remained smiling at it. "Now, its my turn!" lenny waved his hands sending the same attack that had come his way back at the Primordial beast...

(Author's note: Behold, yours truly has given another beautiful cliff hanger.... good night guys. Till tomorrow...)