Chapter 822 Let's End This

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 822 Let's End This

As Lenny faced the governor's charge, the air crackled with anticipation, the battlefield primed for a confrontation that would not only determine the fate of the combatants but also resonate through the corridors of power within the Great Demon realm.

The confrontation between Lenny and Governor Momoa escalated rapidly, with Momoa unleashing an attack enveloped in cosmic energy, materializing as a radiant red sword of light. Despite the disparity in their ranks, Lenny stood his ground, his own swords aglow with a similar cosmic force, ready to meet the governor's assault head-on.

The moment their weapons clashed, a thunderous BANG echoed, sending shockwaves throughout the vicinity. The force was so immense that buildings close to the epicenter of their battle crumbled under the pressure. Lenny, with his swords crossed in defense, managed to withstand the governor's formidable strike, a testament to his skill and the power he had just acquired.

Governor Momoa, a rank 6 Great Demon, was momentarily taken aback by Lenny's ability to parry his attack. The governor's surprise was palpable, his frustration mounting as he realized Lenny, despite being a recently ascended rank 4 Great Demon, dared to challenge him. "A mere rank 4 great demon human thinks he can stand before me?" Momoa bellowed, his snake-like hair bristling with aggression, each strand lunging towards Lenny in a venomous assault.

Yet, Lenny's agility shone through as he nimbly evaded each attempt, showcasing his mastery in combat. Unperturbed, Governor Momoa shifted tactics, unleashing his bloodline ability, *Petrification*

ndeed, a few of the serpents had evaded Lenny's initial counterattack, continuing their relentless pursuit to consume him.

Lenny, however, was far from defenseless. With a snicker that spoke volumes of his preparedness, he engaged the remaining snakes in a dance of death. Agile somersaults and intricate maneuvers in the air allowed him to evade their attacks with grace and precision. His katanas, extensions of his will, sliced through the air, cutting down the serpents with each swing. Lenny's blades moved with such speed and accuracy that soon, not a single one of the governor's "little babies" remained.

The spectacle of Lenny's defense against Momoa's serpents was not merely a display of martial prowess but a demonstration of strategic depth and elemental mastery. Each move, each counterstrike, was calculated to neutralize the threat posed by Momoa's creatures, showcasing Lenny's adaptability and strength. As the last of the serpents fell, Lenny stood victorious, his dominance in this confrontation underscored by his ability to anticipate and counter Governor Momoa's every move. The battle between them, fueled by personal vendettas and the quest for power, had evolved into a testament to Lenny's growth and his determination to forge his path through the challenges that lay ahead.

Lenny's demeanor shifted palpably as the adrenaline of the battle subsided, replaced by a focused intensity that bore into Governor Momoa. The playful smile that had danced on his lips vanished, giving way to a steely resolve that reflected the gravity of the moment. His observations of Momoa's condition were pointed and merciless, highlighting the governor's diminished capacity due to injuries sustained in the catastrophic fallout of Crimson Seraph's final act. "Your injury from your fight hurt you bad. You can't even bring out the full unbridled power of a Great demon. Even your control of Cosmic energy is shaky. Crimson Seraph's suicide explosion hurt you bad. Nevertheless, you remain a good warm up. Now, however, I shall end this," Lenny declared, his voice carrying the weight of a final judgment.

With a calculated gesture, Lenny dismissed one of his swords back into his storage unit, retaining only one which he wielded with a mastery born of countless battles. The sword moved through the air in a deliberate pattern, each motion weaving an intricate tapestry of impending doom. Lenny assumed the 'O Gasume' stance, a posture renowned for its offensive potential, his blade poised high above as he crouched low, a predator ready to strike. His gaze, fierce and unwavering, locked onto Governor Momoa, an unspoken promise of the battle's imminent conclusion.

In a dramatic amplification of the tension, Lenny activated two of his most formidable skills, skills that had lain dormant until this critical juncture. The first, *BERSERKER*, enveloped him in an aura of raw, unbridled fury, enhancing his physical capabilities and aggression to unprecedented levels. The second, *WILL*, solidified his resolve, transforming his indomitable spirit into a tangible force that weighed heavily upon the environment. The air itself seemed to thicken, charged with the potent amalgamation of Lenny's rage and determination.

These skills, combined with Lenny's formidable stance and the precision of his swordplay, marked a turning point in the confrontation...