Chapter 827 Athena's Decision

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 827 Athena's Decision

Minnie's efforts in the desolate landscape showcased not only her dedication to Lenny's cause but also her unparalleled ability to navigate the challenges of their harsh environment. Her teleportation ability became an invaluable asset, allowing her to traverse vast distances in search of rare and potent materials needed for an arcane task. The nether beast's presence provided them with a ward against the mutated creatures that roamed the wasteland, ensuring that Minnie could work uninterrupted.

Her collection was eclectic and esoteric, ranging from unheard-of herbs to the organs of mutated beasts, each ingredient selected with precise intention. The procurement of these items was no small feat; it required a combination of knowledge, bravery, and physical prowess, as Minnie ventured into territories fraught with danger to secure what was needed. The cauldron she had acquired became the vessel for her work, a melting pot where the essence of demons and devils was combined with the natural and supernatural components she gathered, brewing a concoction of significant power.

Athena, observing from the sidelines, found herself both baffled and concerned by the intense focus and relentless activity that Minnie displayed. Her understanding of witchcraft, though considerable, did not extend to the scope and nature of the task at hand. Her patience worn thin by curiosity and a sense of unease, Athena's demand for answers broke the concentrated silence that had enveloped their makeshift laboratory in the desert.

"MINNIE!" Athena finally called in a loud commanding voice, "What the FUCK are you doing? We are finally back home, and we can run away, and live our lives as we wish, why are we still here?" And Why are you doing what he says? Why did you sign the contract with him?Why are you trying hard to please Lenny!?" Minnie's response to Athena's outburst was measured, her smile tinged with the weight of knowledge far beyond their current predicament. The bond formed between them, initially rooted in mutual fear and disdain for Lenny, was now being tested by the unfolding events and Minnie's unwavering commitment to the task.

"I have seen things, Athena. Plans unfold beyond the realm of reason, beyond our realm of reason, destinies even the stars cannot stand against and the consequence of certain rise and fall of tides," Minnie confessed, her words painting a picture of a narrative vast and complex, a tapestry of fate and cosmic machinations that dwarfed their individual experiences and fears.

However, Athena's accusation, questioning Minnie's motives in aiding Lenny despite the personal cost, struck a deep chord, "Is that why you are doing all this? So that when the world ends, you will survive because of your boot-licking. Or have you forgotten that he killed your entire family. All your sisters, dead because of him." The reminder of her sisters' deaths at Lenny's hands rekindled a storm of emotions within Minnie, a tumult of grief, rage, and unresolved hatred.

Minnie's reaction, a visible frown, was more than a simple expression of displeasure; it was a window into her soul, revealing the conflict and pain that lingered from her loss. The complexity of her actions—aiding the very person responsible for her family's demise—spoke volumes of the internal battle she waged, a struggle between vengeance, survival, and perhaps a glimpse of understanding the broader cosmic stakes at play.

"I know, and I won't say i have forgiven him, but with what I have seen, it was necessary. A part they had to play in his acsend. the same way you and I have a part to play."

Athena, vexed by her words suddenly stood up, "I rather die than aid him." She turned towards the nether beast, "pick a side, leave with me now, and we find a way to remove the contract you have with him, or stay here and be a slave."

Minnie sighed, "Even if I want to leave, I can't. Lenny is already at the strength of a great Demon. he stands at the peak of this world. Also," she suddenly smirked, "You too, still has a role to play in his life. maybe not now, but its a very important one."

Athena heard those words and frowned deep. "I am leaving." she turned about and mounted the Nether beast, soaring deep into the sky. she had made her decision.