Chapter 829 I Hate Being CONTROLLED

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 829 I Hate Being CONTROLLED

Beneath the silent vigil of Lenny and Minnie, the landscape below was consumed by an eerie spectacle of death and mutation. The undead army, a grotesque amalgamation of once-living beings, now marched as a relentless horde towards Glenn's territory. Their numbers were vast, a dark sea of decay that spread across the land with insidious intent.

Each step taken by the undead was a macabre echo of life's finality, their feet dragging against the earth in a haunting rhythm that spoke of their inescapable bondage to whatever dark will drove them forward. The sound of their movement was a chilling symphony of despair, the scraping of bone against stone, and the muffled thuds of decaying flesh meeting the hardened ground.

The appearance of these creatures was the stuff of nightmares. Zombies, their bodies a showcase of the ravages of death and unnatural preservation, moved with a singular purpose. Among them, mutated beings stood out with their grotesque forms—limbs too long, eyes glowing with a malevolent purple light, mouths agape in silent screams and snarls. The mutations varied from subtle to grotesquely overt, with some bearing appendages that seemed to defy nature's laws, all testament to the corruptive power that had raised them from death.

Their faces, or what remained of them, were twisted visages of horror. Skin hung in tatters, revealing the bone and sinew beneath. Some bore expressions frozen in eternal agony, while others wore the blank stare of the soulless, their humanity stripped away by their undead state. The air around them was thick with the stench of decay, a palpable presence that added to the oppressive atmosphere of their advance.

As the swarm moved, it seemed as though the very ground beneath them desecrated, a blight upon the earth that left nothing but desolation in its wake. The undead army, devoid of reason or mercy, advanced with an inexorable determination, driven by an unseen force that cared not for the lives it destroyed or the terror it wrought.

Minnie's brows creased a little at those words. "Many say Fate is predestiny. It can never be avoided, nor controlled, and we only live the lives that it gifts us, and 'AS' it gifts us. We are all little parts, screws and bolts of a grander machine called Destiny.

All we can do is work our parts and fulfill our task for the greater gain."

After saying these words, she went silent. Lenny observed her a bit. Minnie was without facial features except a mouth, there was not much to observe. However, instinctively, he could tell that if she had eyes, he would read that she had more to say. And so he asked. "What about you, what do you think Fate is?"

She raised her head to him, "honestly, I should be asking you that question. You were supposed to have died or at least become a slave for the Asmodeus family, but you defied the odds of common sense and went back through time. You, a little 'BOLT' in the machine, affected the purpose of the entire machine." Lenny raised a brow at her, "But did I?" he asked back. "I don't understand what you mean." She responded.

"Did i really change things? Let's take the Sister's of fate as an example: The message I got from the sister's of fate was already there even before I went back in time. But at that time, I did not get it. and only got it at this time. This means that I was meant to get it, or rather, I was meant to go back in time. Which means that they already knew that I would go back in time and thus set the stage for me."

More thoughts swarm in Lenny's head, and he spoke up, "What if me, actually dying or becoming a slave of the Asmodeus family, would have changed the predetermined Fate. Also, it raises the question in my mind, what is the predetermined Fate. What Fate are my being steered towards. What fate are you all guiding me towards. Do you know, I hate being CONTROLLED...." His gaze fixed intently on her....