Chapter 839 She Comes For Goodbyes

Name:Devil Slave (Satan system) Author:
Chapter 839 She Comes For Goodbyes

Lenny immediately dove into the Satan system. "System, bring up images of the ball of Shadow runes powering up the castle of the Accords in the nether realm." <Loading...>

<Images found...>

Lenny looked at them a bit. He had grown far, and deep in knowledge. This was not just in his connection to the cosmos as a whole, but in the knowledge of history, geometry, and a bunch of other things.

This was all thanks to his absorption of the Primordial beast cores. After all, he taking their cores, he took a part of their memories, and therefore their experiences and understanding of the world. These were creatures that had spent thousands of years in existence. Even if they had decided to hide under a rock and meditate through out that period, they would still come out with a profound meaning to life. Nevertheless, even someone like the Salamander was not just sitting on his butt all day. Instead, he used his head to go through cracks in various dimensions and got certain gifts. There was also Crimson Seraph that had literally gone out of his way to create entirely new species like the werewolves, and even failed species like Big Foot, and the Kraken. Crimson Seraph had dug deep into the human genome to achieve incredible biological and chemical progress that no human had ever achieved in their entire lives. Of course, such level of understanding and progress came with deep foundational knowledge in chemistry and other subjects. And naturally, the mathematics had to be up to date.

All that knowledge, acquired through trial and error was now his. Nevertheless, he had never really put effort into putting it into practice. this time around, he was going to do just that.

Solomon had told him that he was special. After all, only a certain chosen kind of people could use Shadow runes and Lenny was now one of them. After learning how to use other runes such as Soul runes, life runes, elemental runes, Lenny had come to understand that they were practically nothing compared to the profound incredibility of Shadow runes. Shadow runes encompassed all, and if his knowledge in shadow runes was deep, he would naturally learn and assimilate all of the other kinds of runes. After all, runes were the foundations of the world. They were practically the building blocks of the cosmos. When Ella had forcefully shown Lenny the ball of Shadow runes that controlled the castle of the Accords, he had seen it as the most complicated thing that he had ever laid eyes upon. But a lot of things had happened since then. Including his going through time, and he made a lot of discoveries about life. Surprisingly, Salamander the coward as a result of his ability to invade other planes and subplanes was a master of planetary geometry. This was an important aspect of Shadow runes that Lenny did not quite understand, but right now, it was all coming to him the more he looked at the image that had been brought up by the Satan system. Lenny smiled as he sat crossed legged. For the first time ever, he was going to try and create a power source like the one that powered the Castle of the Accords. luckily for him, he had more dead bodies in storage. waving his hand, he used a part of governor Momoa's corpse to exchange for time. He was going to spend an entire month in this place. Which was equivalent to an hour in the real world. In only a few moments, Lenny had began his work. After all, they was an old time saying that: "A good artist copies from existing work, but a great artist steals."

Father Black was happy about this, but at the same time, he could not help but frown. After all, he knew the kind of person that Lenny was. If Lenny were to find out, Minnie was definitely going to die. However, Minnie suddenly opened her chest to show A shadow rune on where her heart was supposed to be.

"I have a master-servant relationship with Lenny Tales. I cannot do anything that will cause him harm. Even the thought of it will instantly Kill me."

Father Black raised a brow at this, "Meaning that this is for his good?" Minnie nodded, "Yes it is. This child form the path for his success. I have been touched by Fate. I do not lie. Besides, you might not know this, but in a different time, this child grew up to backstab his father. That is why Lenny did not want to take any chances. However, that event only happened because of one thing. The child grew up by your hands."

"My hands!?" Father black was left speechless. Minnie shook her head. "Don't get offended by this. Environment creates the man. This is true for every living being. If one grew up forcefully and without love, then they shall view the world through a harsh lens. It is the normal flow of things."

"So you are saying i was not a good fit?" Minnie shook her head, "No! its not you. It is this place."

Father Black thought hard at this, "In that case, if not here, then where? Where will the child grow up, and by whose hands. who will be so willing to take care of an unborn child by a Lunatic like Lenny Tales?" Minnie chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, she is already here. Here to say her goodbyes..."

Meanwhile, just outside the building, Lady Vinegar arrived. She had tears in her eyes. She had come to...

(Author's note: Well, ladies and Gents, the Story gets deeper with more complicated relationships and motives behind actions.)