Chapter 7: Meanwhile, In The Hero Party

Name:Devouring the Hero's Family Author:
Chapter 7: Meanwhile, In The Hero Party

Tina, the beast-warrior of the Hero Party.

This cat beastkin was having the toughest of days lately.

“No, I mean, the numbers don’t add up! Good ears but blind eyes?”

“I’m not used to handling numbers.”

“Still, you should do your job properly!”

“And you, weren’t your laundry skills a mess? Showing off your sheltered upbringing at the church?”

“Are you looking for a fight?!”

Rose and Claire were arguing fiercely in front of her, using harsh words.

This has become almost a daily occurrence lately.

Specifically, since both of them started handling mundane tasks.

They constantly nitpicked each other’s work.

‘... It’s natural they can’t do it. They’ve never tried before.’

The women of the Hero Party generally come from high backgrounds.

Rose was the daughter of an elf chieftain, and Claire was a saint.

Both had never done household chores before.

But both were too proud to admit their mistakes.

So, they preemptively criticized each other.

The classic ‘Why are you complaining when you can’t do it either?’ logic.

Naturally, their arguments were never productive.

‘Well, those two have always been at each other’s throats.’

Saint Claire and Elf Rose.

They had been at odds from the beginning.

An elf who believed in spirits and a saint who worshiped a god were natural enemies.

Their daily routine involved exchanging insults and hurling arrows and holy missiles.

In fact, the women of the Hero Party were in competition with each other.

All wanting to secure their future as the wife of a hero.

It was an opportunity to gain wealth and honor simultaneously.

But there could only be one official wife, though concubines were another matter.

Normally, the three would be at each other’s throats daily.

The reason the party, on the verge of explosion, functioned well was only because of one reason.

‘Because of the magician Lee Hyun-woo.’

When Hyun-woo was there, the party functioned smoothly.

There were various reasons for that.

Hyun-woo took care of the menial tasks they hated.

His presence as a common enemy lets the women bond over gossip and relieve stress.

He was competent enough to solve most problems on his own.

‘But now, he’s gone.’

Being tasked with chores was annoying enough, but the other women kept picking fights.

There was no way to release the accumulated stress.

It was natural for the party to be dysfunctional.

‘Ugh! What were they thinking? Expelling the magician?!’

Tina wasn’t there when Hyun-woo was expelled.

From her perspective, she woke up to find the party’s magician suddenly gone.

Tina didn’t particularly like Hyun-woo.

She often found him nagging and interrupting her sex life.

But did she wish him gone?

Absolutely not.

‘That human magician did a lot of work.’

Not just the aforementioned chores.

Handling paperwork, managing money, standing guard, conquering dungeons, and even slaying monsters.

Without that wizard, the party would hardly function.

And now that person left without any handover, the outcome was obvious.

Moreover, that wizard was incredibly skilled.

Rose and Claire, who stayed at the back, might not know.

Slowly approaching, I lifted the load that was on top.

“Uh, what?”

Amy was briefly startled by the suddenly lighter weight.

Seeing me, her face turned red.

“A, a guest?”

“Where are you going? Let me help you.”

“No, I can’t let a guest do work!”

“Ah, come on. A guest? I’m just a freeloader. Helping out like this makes me feel at ease.”

Amy jumped around, trying to help, but the height difference was too much.

With my hand raised, her arms couldn’t reach at all.

“So~ you’re not going to guide me? My arms are starting to hurt.”

“Uh, then please, I’d be grateful.”

Amy nodded, her face expressing genuine bewilderment and gratitude.

‘It’s refreshing to see such a reaction after dealing with those ungrateful women.’

A maid with a personality score of 100, face score of 100, chest score of 1000, and honey thighs score of 10000.

The chest, about to burst out of her outfit as seen from above, was also perfect.

“Besides, calling me a guest makes me feel too distant.”

“Is, is that so?”

“I told you I’m from a commoner background. Just call me Hyun-woo, comfortably.”

“Wh, what?!”

Amy looked even more flustered than before.

“That, that’s impossible! At least let me add ‘Mr.’!”

“Alright. So, we agree that instead of a guest, you’ll call me Mr. Hyun-woo?”

“Ah, ah!”

Amy, flustered, puffed her cheeks as she realized she had been caught off guard.

“...Mr. Hyun-woo is a bit of a tease.”

“I’m not like that with everyone. Only to cute girls like Amy.”

“That, that includes this aspect too.......”

Amy turned her head, her face flushed red.

The blush extended to her ears, clearly showing her embarrassment.

After all, no woman disliked being called cute.

“Fr, from here, I’ll carry it! Thank you so much!”

Amy hurried off with quick steps.

Her skirt fluttered, briefly revealing the tantalizing space between her honey thighs and hips.

‘Ah, I want to lift her skirt and pin her against the wall right now.’

As much as I’d like to do that, it was not the time yet.

A certain level of affection needed to be established before crossing that line.

‘It seems hard to wait until then. Isn’t there an easier way?’

[Divine Blessing Window]

Name: Lee Hyun-woo

Deity: Succubus Deity (SSS)

Gain adaptive stats during sex, earn Succubus Points, receive blessings upon successful conquest of women.


Blessing of the Succubus

Amplifies pleasure during sex and caressing. The effect multiplies several times with higher affection. Even virgins feel no pain. The user’s virility and libido significantly increase.




I was pointlessly checking the Divine Blessing Window when,

[Special Erotic Service of the Beautiful Succubus Goddess!]

[Use the Succubus Draw for free, one-time-only!]

[A chance to thoroughly ravish and conquer a desirable maid!]

“.......What is this now?”

Suddenly, the Succubus Goddess had sent a gift.