Chapter 302: The China Sect Base in Dreamrealm

Chapter 302: The China Sect Base in Dreamrealm

Liu Xing furrowed his brow, surprised by Zhang Jingxu’s audacious proposal.

It was now evident that the Bronze Gate within the underground ruins served as a passage to an alternate dimension known as Dreamrealm. Furthermore, it was highly likely that this dimension was connected to the territory of some Moon Beasts or within their operational range.

In light of this, if they were to open the Bronze Gate as Zhang Jingxu suggested, they might very well encounter the Moon Beasts. Given the Moon Beasts’ predatory behavior, Liu Xing and the others would likely become their slaves. After all, Moon Beasts saw all humans present as potential slaves...

However, it was also possible that things had changed drastically within the Dreamrealm behind the Bronze Gate. Moon Beasts might have been driven away by other mythical creatures or even by humans.

Within Dreamrealm, humans still possessed a certain degree of influence. Aside from a few who inadvertently entered Dreamrealm, most humans intentionally entered, and these individuals undoubtedly had their strengths. They were either skilled wizards, masters of martial arts, or wielded powerful artifacts. Otherwise, they wouldn’t dare venture into Dreamrealm, a place fraught with danger.

Therefore, within Dreamrealm, multiple human factions controlled various regions, and even the Moon Beasts dared not provoke them without good reason.

Liu Xing believed that Zhang Jingxu’s intention to open the Bronze Gate was a risky move. He assumed Zhang Jingxu wanted to take a gamble, seeking assistance from the human factions in Dreamrealm. If they could secure help from these factions, Matsui Ichiro and the Ocean True Deity Sect would no longer pose a significant threat.

However, Liu Xing couldn’t help but think that Zhang Jingxu’s plan was overly daring. The human factions in Dreamrealm also had their share of flaws, notably their penchant for infighting. While they united against external threats posed by other mythical creatures, they tended to engage in power struggles for their own interests when there were no immediate external threats.

Therefore, Liu Xing doubted whether Zhang Jingxu, an outsider, would receive assistance from the human factions in Dreamrealm, unless...

With this thought in mind, Liu Xing looked at Zhang Jingxu and said, "Mr. Zhang Jingxu, are you out of your mind? We just discussed this, haven’t we? There’s a high probability that the area beyond that Bronze Gate belongs to the Moon Beasts. Moon Beasts delight in turning humans like us into their slaves. Won’t opening the Bronze Gate be like walking into a trap?"

Zhang Jingxu nodded and smiled, "Ryuusei, what you said isn’t entirely wrong. But that’s because you don’t know what lies beyond that Bronze Gate. I happen to know that behind that Bronze Gate lies a place known as Dreamrealm."

As expected, Zhang Jingxu indeed knew of Dreamrealm’s existence.

"Dreamrealm? What is that place?" Panda Pig asked.

Zhang Jingxu smiled again and continued, "In simple terms, Dreamrealm is a place similar to the real world but with significant differences in certain details. Some fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate, individuals can enter Dreamrealm through their dreams, which is why it’s called Dreamrealm. You can think of Dreamrealm as a parallel dimension."

So, Liu Xing believed that Lu Tianya’s discouragement was influenced by KP Green Light.

"Hey, can you players please have more optimistic thoughts? Don’t think of me, your KP, as so devious and scheming. Besides the Plot Encounters clearly mentioned in the module, I don’t take arbitrary actions. So, Lu Tianya’s words were entirely her own thoughts, unrelated to me," KP Green Light said somewhat annoyed.

However, Zhang Jingxu was even happier after KP Green Light’s words, as it seemed that Lu Tianya genuinely cared about him.

At that moment, KP Green Light continued, "Since you players dared to question your dear KP’s character, I must issue a warning. Because, apart from Zhang Jingxu, none of the players were aware of Dreamrealm’s existence. Therefore, upon learning this information, player Liu Xing will lose 1 sanity point and gain 1 Cthulhu Mythos Knowledge point. Players Miyako Goudong and Panda Pig will each lose 2 sanity points and gain 2 Cthulhu Mythos Knowledge points."

Liu Xing knew that KP Green Light was joking, as he had prepared himself to lose sanity points when Zhang Jingxu shared Dreamrealm information, meeting the criteria for an oral check.

However, Liu Xing was surprised that he hadn’t triggered a sanity check when using the Wall-Passing Technique, or even triggered one for Panda Pig. Since Liu Xing could justify his lack of a sanity check by being the secret cult leader, and Miyako Goudong could attribute it to his chuunibyou (middle school second-year syndrome), he couldn’t come up with a reason for Panda Pig.

So, Liu Xing believed that Panda Pig might have a hidden backstory.

Since Lu Tianya had discouraged Zhang Jingxu’s plan, Liu Xing and the others had no choice but to disregard Dreamrealm’s existence and shift the conversation back to Liu Xing.

"Liu Xing, since you’ve already been down there once, why don’t you continue exploring once Zhang Jingxu has restored his mana? After all, you’re already familiar with it," Panda Pig suggested with a smile.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow and pulled out his phone, saying, "Look, my phone’s battery is only at around 20% now. Smartphones drain battery quickly, and even if I stop using it now, by tomorrow, it’ll be down to 10% at most. If I go back down, it won’t take long before my phone dies, and I’ll be blind in the pitch-black underground ruins. So, if you want me to go down again, you’ll have to lend me your phones. Who’s willing to do that?"

Liu Xing’s words left Panda Pig and the others silent.

In this modern society, the importance of smartphones was self-evident. They contained a lot of sensitive personal information, so even in the real world, very few people would be willing to lend their phones to others, let alone in the Cthulhu RPG Game.

As for Liu Xing, if someone did lend him their phone, he would have the opportunity to learn their home address, allowing him to conduct a "home visit" with his followers in the future.

[Thanks for reading at /maxnkoga , if you supporting this novel, a heartfelt thankyou, enjoy the content!]