Chapter 160: How Boring

Name:Die, Replay, Repeat Author:
Chapter 160: How Boring

Everyone suddenly became very quiet.

Ma Xingbang's words were half polite and half threatening, and Wang Dehai found it hard to say anything in support of Fang Xiu.

However, Fang Xiu remained calm, as if he wasn't the one being targeted.

In fact, he wasn't afraid of someone probing into his mind. After he had absorbed Nightmare, he could weave false dreams and even memories and emotions within his mind, so even if Ma Xingbang came probing, he wouldn't find anything.

Moreover, if Fang Xiu died several times and then revived, he could show Ma Xingbang memories about the "future". But, Fang Xiu didn't want to do that, as he had never explained himself to anyone in his life.

"Here's a piece of advice," Fang Xiu said lightly. "If weak people persists valiantly, it usually means they know they're dying. So, what about you, Mr. Ma?"

Ma Xingbang's eyes flashed with a murderous intent. "Fang Xiu, do you realize how serious it is to threaten a headquarters consultant?"

Seconds later, Fang Xiu laughed, a cold smile playing on his lips. "If you doubt me, take action instead of wasting words. In this dog-eat-dog world, proof is the last thing we want. Kill me, and your words will be solid proof. If you can't, then it's just hot air."


Ma Xingbang slammed the table, furious. "Fang Xiu! You've got some nerve!"

Although he was enraged, he didn't take action because Yang Ming and the others were on Fang Xiu's side. Plus, attacking a "hero" without evidence would backfire and harm his credibility.

Ma Xingbang knew he could take action, but not publicly. He benefited from the power given by headquarters but was also bound by it.

Seeing Ma Xingbang's seething with helpless rage, Fang Xiu seemed bored.

"Don't have the courage to act against me? How dull." Fang Xiu shook his head and slowly left under everyone's gaze.

Ma Xingbang stared at him fiercely, fists clenched and veins bulging, but he didn't dare to act until Fang Xiu was out of sight.

Ma Xingbang hesitated, but Fang Xiu would never.

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His wife, seeing him like this, could only lie beside him. She hoped that one day Fang Xiu would look at her.

Her request was simpleshe just wanted her husband to glance at her.

At night, the shadow once again covered Fang Xiu's house.

When Ace and King of Spades appeared, they fell to their knees with guilt. "Sir, Ma Xingbang hasn't left Greenvine City Investigation Bureau for three days. We couldn't find an opportunity to assassinate him. We didn't dare to storm the Investigation Bureau, fearing it might cause unnecessary trouble and expose you. Please forgive us."

"Useless!" Fang Xiu snorted coldly. Then, his black hair suddenly turned into long silver hair.

The silver hair, like tentacles, extended two strands and pierced through the chests of the two Spades.

Spades A and K didn't dare to resist Fang Xiu's punishment at all, for they thought it was better to be punished than to resist and possibly lose their lives for defying him.

Seeing the silver hair strands coming toward them, they were secretly relieved. They thought Fang Xiu still valued them since he was using such a mild and soft tool for punishment.

They even dropped their defenses, letting the hair strands pierce them, afraid of upsetting Fang Xiu.

However, when the silver strands pierced their chests, their expressions changed instantly. They collapsed to the ground like they were electrocuted, their bodies convulsing wildly as they screamed in agony.

Ace and King of Spades had been partly transformed into Specters, and their bodies were far from ordinary. So, it was a bit strange that the pain was so intense to them.

It was all because Fang Xiu had used the power of pain. After achieving a perfect physique, his hair Specter became a part of his body, like his hands, capable of perfectly conducting spiritual energy. Thus, he could use his hair to wield the power of pain.

Fang Xiu didn't plan to kill them; after all, they were still useful. It would be a pity to kill two such powerful subordinates.

So, he used just a touch of the power of pain, a small punishment as a stern warning.

Human nature is such that the nicer you are to someone, the more they might think you're fake and doubt you. But if you instill deep fear in them, even if they start to doubt you over time, their fear will keep them from daring to question you.

With this principle, Fang Xiu punished them for just an hour with pain, like being sliced by a thousand cuts.