Chapter 162

Name:Die, Replay, Repeat Author:
Chapter 162

Hearing loud thumping sounds from deep within the hallway, everyone turned serious.

Usually, people like Yang Ming, who were third-tier psychics, wouldn't be bothered by small things. But this time was different.

The Specter Zone in Green Mountain Mental Hospital was known to be extremely dangerous, even S-tier Specters had appeared here. So, even third-tier psychics, and maybe even fourth-tiers, could find themselves in trouble.

In such circumstances, every little sound was worth paying attention to.

"Sounds like someone is playing basketball?"

"No, it's not a basketball. The sound is heavier, like some kind of hard object."

While everyone was still trying to figure out the source of the sounds, Fang Xiu started walking toward the end of the hallway.

Other psychics needed to be careful and make bold guesses when exploring Specter Zones, but Fang Xiu was different. He didn't need to think much and could just go forward boldly.

Seeing Fang Xiu move, Yang Ming and Bai Qi didn't hesitate and followed him. They knew that following a psychic who could foresee the future was usually safe.

Ma Xingbang, who was at the back of the group, slowly followed, his gaze flickering, seemingly deep in thought.

When Fang Xiu reached the end of the hallway, they finally saw what was making the noise. In the darkness, an irregular spherical object was bouncing up and down, as if an invisible person was playing basketball.

When they got closer, they gasped in shockit was a human head.

The head had no neck and looked like a young man with a gentle appearance, bouncing around happily.

The head stared straight at them, its smile widening.

"Heehee, hee"

Before the head could finish laughing, Fang Xiu kicked it away with a strong kick.

The kick was so powerful that it deformed the head, which then hit the ceiling of the hallway, bounced to the floor, then to the wall, and continued bouncing until it disappeared from sight.

"Let's keep moving." Fang Xiu quietly retracted his leg and continued walking.

Everyone was stunned.

Yang Ming and Bai Qi were somewhat fine since they were familiar with Fang Xiu's antics, but Ma Xingbang was completely shocked.

The Head Ball that Fang Xiu had kicked away seemed to have been replicated countless times. Hundreds of identical Head Balls swarmed down the stairs, bouncing towards them, all with the same laughing faces staring directly at the group.

Faced with this scene, the experienced psychics remained calm.

Instead of retreating, they charged toward the Head Balls.

Bai Qi was the fastest. He drew a dark golden short knife from his waist and moved instantly. The moment he struck, his entire arm disappeared from view. His speed had reached its limit.

With a swoosh, a streak of light from the knife cut through the front row of Head Balls, slicing them in halves.

Bai Qi was surprised. He hadn't expected the Specter-like Head Balls to be so easily defeated.

But then, something eerie happened. The Head Balls that were cut in half trembled slightly, and countless flesh bumps emerged at the severed parts.

These bumps writhed, and in just a moment, the halved Head Balls turned into two whole heads each.

"They can split into two if cut in halves? What about a hundred pieces?"

A cold light flashed in Bai Qi's eyes as he rapidly wielded his knife, chopping a Head Ball into hundreds of pieces in mere seconds.

However, these hundreds of pieces wriggled like maggots and quickly grew into hundreds of new Head Balls.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

"They can split indefinitely! Stop using knives," Bai Qi said gravely, his expression grim.

He hadn't anticipated that his actions would not only fail to kill the Head Balls but would also cause their numbers to explode.

"We can't kill these things. We should have brought Shen Lingxue with us. She could have burned these heads to ashes with her fire, then see how they'd split," Yang Ming lamented.

Faced with this type of Specter, Yang Ming's hands were tied, too. His ability was on the passive side, and in physical fights, he could only rely on using a knife.

The Head Balls were particularly challenging for Bai Qi and Yang Ming, as they both used knives as their weapons and lacked methods to cause widespread damage.

At this moment, Ma Xingbang stepped forward with a contemptuous sneer. He looked down on the other members of the team, mocking their inability to handle the situation.

He leapt forward, facing the oncoming thousands of Head Balls, each with a gaping mouth as if they intended to bite him to death.

But just as the Head Balls were about to reach him, Ma Xingbang sneered and stretched out his right hand, gripping the air fiercely.
