Chapter 177: Zhou Qingfeng's Plan

Name:Die, Replay, Repeat Author:
Chapter 177: Zhou Qingfeng's Plan

Fang Xiu frowned deeply, and he began to wonder, 'Is this Zhou Qingfeng's goal? To make Yang Ming see the Other Side? And what about the gift and the truth? Right now, it seems all roads lead to the Other Side. Could the gift and truth be there too? But with Yang Ming's current strength, going to the Other Side means death, because Taotie is on the Other Side.'

The "God's Plan" skill, no matter how strong, couldn't possibly help Yang Ming defeat Taotie at this point. It wasn't realistic.Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

Fang Xiu even doubted if anyone in the current world could defeat a mythical creature like Taotie. From what he had heard, fifth-tier psychics would awaken 100% of their Spiritual Energy. Even then, Fang Xiu found it unrealistic for them to beat Taotie, let alone Yang Ming, who was only third-tier.

At that moment, Fang Xiu started to understand why Zhou Qingfeng's dream was to turn all of humanity into Specters.

Perhaps because he had been to the Other Side and witnessed the true power of the Specters, he realized the hopeless gap and decided to save the world in his own way.

Zhou Qingfeng might truly have noble intentions, striving to save the world in his way. However, Fang Xiu couldn't accept this approach. His ideal was to make all Specters feel pain and create a world without them.

Their goals were complete opposites.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiu suddenly sensed something was off. He finally grasped Zhou Qingfeng's real intent.

'After I saw the Other Side, I understood Zhou Qingfeng's ideal. So, what if Yang Ming goes to the Other Side?'

Ordinary people would consider Zhou Qingfeng to be anti-human—an absolute villain—after hearing his ideals. But once they'd seen the Other Side, logical thinking would make them start agreeing with Zhou Qingfeng, even if only partly.

They might come to understand his vision and question whether humanity could ever really defeat the Specters.

Once a seed of doubt is planted, it will eventually grow.

Perhaps Zhou Qingfeng wanted this exact effect. He aimed to have Yang Ming agree with his ideals and even become a kindred spirit.

This was Zhou Qingfeng's purpose for the gate to the Other Side!

Once Fang Xiu understood this, everything became clearer.

Zhou Qingfeng didn't want Yang Ming to enter the Other Side to die; he wanted him to go in and recognize the gap.

Fang Xiu, having died so many times, had fallen into a mental trap. It was clear that Taotie wouldn't notice anyone who stayed outside its feeding range. Fang Xiu had died each time because he approached too closely.

But if Yang Ming entered with his "God's Plan" skill, he would surely avoid Taotie and notice the main issues.

In this way, Zhou Qingfeng's plan would succeed.

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Zhou Qingfeng left the exit for three specific reasons:

First, to allow the Specters in the mental hospital to escape. With the weakening of the seals on the wards, the Specters would eventually break free. They would then leave through the exit and cause chaos, catching Yang Ming's attention.

Second, the exit was for Yang Ming after he received the gift, ensuring he had a path to leave.

Third, it provided a glimmer of hope for anyone who accidentally wandered into the mental hospital.

The third reason sounds unlikely since Zhou Qingfeng was someone who treated humans like experimental objects.

But reality often contradicts itself. Zhou Qingfeng wanted to Specterize humans to save humanity, so it was possible this was part of his intent.

Regardless, Fang Xiu was certain the first two reasons were why Zhou Qingfeng left the exit. The third, while questionable, shouldn't be dismissed entirely.

This also raised a question: Nightmare was the first Specter to leave the ward but couldn't initially use the exit.

This means the exit once had a seal against the Specters.

As for why it was there, it might be because Yang Ming hadn't yet advanced to the third tier, and his "Luck" hadn't evolved into "God's Plan."

After Green Mountain Mental Hospital appeared, Yang Ming received God's Plan with the help of Ace of Spades. Then, Nightmare escaped. Now, everyone had entered the mental hospital and seen the Other Side.

It all connected, and Fang Xiu realized that this was Zhou Qingfeng's master plan!

Unfortunately for Zhou Qingfeng, Yang Ming's abilities were no match for Fang Xiu's. He never expected anyone on Yang Ming's team could foresee the future.

Yang Ming was meant to unknowingly fall into Zhou Qingfeng's carefully crafted trap.

Fang Xiu, however, used his death reset to complete everything before Yang Ming and uncovered Zhou Qingfeng's plan.

Through multiple death resets, Fang Xiu fully understood Zhou Qingfeng's plan.

He suddenly felt curious about Zhou Qingfeng. He wasn't sure of Zhou Qingfeng's exact abilities, but the man was clearly a master manipulator.

Through a series of meticulously arranged coincidences, Zhou Qingfeng attempted to brainwash Yang Ming step by step, hoping to fulfill his own plan through God's Plan.