Chapter 180: The Truth of the World

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Chapter 180: The Truth of the World

Yang Ming was puzzled and asked, "Door? What door? The door of life and death?"

"Could it be the door where the Specters pour out?" Bai Qi thoughtfully said.

Yang Ming cursed in dissatisfaction, "Damn, does Zhou Qingfeng have a problem? Behind that door are Specters flying like countless bugs. Who can see what's behind it? Are we supposed to scoop out our eyeballs and throw them in to see? That's insane."

Fang Xiu said, "Stop talking, keep watching."

"The Other Side is the source of the Specters. The world we're in is the world of humans, and the Other Side is the homeland of the Specters."

"Thousands of years ago, for some reason, the Other Side began to invade the human world, and the two worlds have been overlapping ever since."

"The two worlds are like two droplets of liquid, one clear and one ink. As they continue to merge, the clear liquid will eventually become dark."

"The sudden appearance of Specters in the human world is due to the ongoing invasion from The Other Side."Follow the latest novels at

"As the invasion intensifies, the number of Specters will increase dramatically, and you have probably already noticed that their numbers are growing each year."

"This process is irreversible. In the near future, the human world will be completely swallowed by the Other Side, and humans will eventually vanish."

Everyone turned serious as they read the message.

Even the carefree Yang Ming became serious.

Only Ma Xingbang was different. Although he pretended to be shocked, his gaze said otherwise.

Fang Xiu wasn't as shocked as the others. Having been to the Other Side, he had already had the same suspicion before.

Other than the extinction of humanity, he was more concerned about the overlap.

The two worlds were overlapping!

Whether it was called an invasion or merging, it was the same thing: the two worlds were overlapping.

_'So because the two worlds are overlapping, I can see through both worlds?' _Fang Xiu thought to himself.

Then he continued to read.

"To the lucky one in God's Plan, you must have guessed my purpose by now, and understand everything I have done."

"Although the whole world may get me wrong and hate me for this, I have to do it. For this is the only way to save the world. But you're different, you lucky one, you shall be able to understand what I did."

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"Don't worry about the Genesis, just hand it to me when the time comes," Fang Xiu said, effectively cutting him off.

Yang Ming was slightly surprised, "Xiu, you—"

"I have seen the future," Fang Xiu said.

A look of relief appeared on Yang Ming's face, and he nodded vigorously. Nothing could be more comforting than those words.

He had been prepared to fight to the death. He was ready to forcibly accept the Genesis for the sake of Greenvine City, using his willpower to resist Specterization. However, Fang Xiu had come up with a better plan now, which spared him from the risk. Yang Ming was so delighted about it.

Ma Xingbang's face soured. He immediately exclaimed, "The Genesis is dangerous. We should hand it over to headquarters for safekeeping. How can you keep it for yourselves?"

"I knew we should have killed you earlier," Fang Xiu said calmly.

Yang Ming nodded. "This place is quite hidden, the body is unlikely to be found."

Bai Qi didn't speak, only touching the short knife at his waist.

Ma Xingbang's face changed several times. Finally, he forced a smile and said, "I was just saying. The Investigation Bureau has rules—psychics can choose whether to hand over or keep the spoils from Specter incidents. If you hand them over, the Investigation Bureau will also give you a reward. It won't be unfair to you. It's just a suggestion, don't be impulsive."

Fang Xiu glanced at him calmly and then walked toward the palace.

Everyone hurried to follow, all entering the palace.

As they walked inside, they all stiffened as if they saw something terrifying.

The inside of the palace was spacious, with a few stone columns that served as supports. At the far end was a high platform.

This setup felt like a royal palace, and the high platform seemed like the throne where the emperor would sit.

However, sitting on the high platform was not an emperor, but a small boy.

A very cute little boy was lying on the high platform, asleep.

Yet, it was this small boy who made everyone freeze in place.

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The Specter energy on the small boy was too terrifying. It was so intense that it felt like a source of pollution, constantly emitting a heart-pounding corruption.

Looking at him was like looking into the eyes of a demon.