Chapter 182: The False President

Name:Die, Replay, Repeat Author:
Chapter 182: The False President

The little boy was strong. However, when compared to Taotie, he was just a slightly bigger bug.

Fang Xiu had seen the name Kangkang on the torn piece of paper. He remembered a note written on it:

"Kangkang, that naughty little kid. He keeps shouting about becoming President Zhou's weapon. It's so annoying. I should have never let him watch cartoons. Hmph, I'll give him two extra injections today."

Just now, the little boy had expressed his desire to become Zhou Qingfeng's weapon. Hearing that, Fang Xiu immediately guessed that the boy must be Kangkang.

The boy's reaction confirmed his guess. After all, constantly talking about becoming President Zhou's weapon was typical childish fantasy talk.

"Kangkang, open your eyes wide and see who I am," Fang Xiu said with a gentle smile.

Kangkang's pupils shrank suddenly, his face filled with disbelief.

"President Zhou!" Kangkang's eyes lit up with incredible joy. "Is it really you? You finally come to see me? Are you here to make me your weapon?"

That ability relied on Fang Xiu's power from Nightmare, which allowed him to create a false Zhou Qingfeng in his mind and then transform himself to match the real one.

However, the transformation was just that. Fang Xiu could not create something out of nothing, he could only use his own appearance as the base for the transformation.

Fang Xiu pushed his glasses up and smiled gently, "Yes, kid. You are now worthy to become my weapon."

Hearing this, Kangkang immediately became so excited that he trembled all over. Tears continuously flowed from his six large eyes. He felt that all his years of waiting, the loneliness, and the hardships he endured were finally worth it.

He took two steps forward, as if he wanted to be patted on the head, just like old times.

Fang Xiu wanted to pat his head. However, Kangkang was over five meters tall. Even if the child bent down, Fang Xiu could only reach his thigh. So, he patted Kangkang's scaly thigh instead.

Kangkang burst into tears immediately, his eyes brimming with tears. His six eyes shed tears of emotion simultaneously. "I'm so happy. I can't believe this is coming true!"

Seeing the overly excited Kangkang, Fang Xiu's smile grew even warmer. He gently stroked Kangkang's scales as if touching the tender skin of his own child.