Chapter 190

Name:Die, Replay, Repeat Author:
Chapter 190

"Bai Qi, are you okay?" Yang Ming asked. "If you're not, you can put my Corpse Bead in your mouth, and we can leave quickly."

When Bai Qi heard "Corpse Bead," his already pale face turned even paler.

"Get lost! I'm fine!"

He would rather die than put the Corpse Bead in his mouth. The fact that it had been in a corpse's mouth was bad enough, but the thought of Yang Ming putting it in his mouth every day was even worse.

"Don't be stubborn now. Look, you're bleeding. The Corpse Bead does smell bad, but it really works," Yang Ming said, looking concerned. He took out the Corpse Bead and tried to put it in Bai Qi's mouth.

Bai Qi's expression changed dramatically, his whole body wiggling in resistance.

"Get that away from me! I'd rather die than use it!"

"Don't be so stubborn, hurry up and..."

"Enough, I'll heal him," Fang Xiu said, tired of watching them argue. He placed his hand on Bai Qi's shoulder.

His pain-absorbing ability activated instantly.

Bai Qi's wounds healed quickly, visible to the naked eye.

Both men were stunned.Cheêck out latest novels at healed?" Bai Qi said, full of disbelief. He thought he would need at least a month to recover, but he was healed instantly. He couldn't help but wonder how powerful Fang Xiu's healing ability was.

Yang Ming said enviously, "Xiu, how many abilities do you have? You can predict the future, make others feel pain, and now you can heal... That's three abilities. I only have one. Who's the chosen one now, huh? You or me?"

Who is the chosen one? Truth be told, Fang Xiu didn't even know.

"Alright, let's go quickly. If we don't, we'll be pulled into the Other Side."

As he spoke, one of Fang Xiu's silver hairs floated. It moved like a snake toward Ma Xingbang's corpse. After retrieving a golden key from the body, the hair quickly retracted.

With the Genesis mask taken away, the seal blocking the room disappeared.

The group quickly reached the bronze door they had entered through.

Fang Xiu inserted the golden key into the bronze door and turned it forcefully. They heard a click.

"Bai Qi, you tell me, how did Mr. Ma die?"

"What he just said," Bai Qi replied coldly.

Wang Dehai's blood pressure spiked even higher.

Finally, he turned to Fang Xiu, forcing a smile. "Fang Xiu, I know you're an honest guy. You haven't been around Yang Ming long enough to learn any mischief. Tell me the truth, how did Mr. Ma die?"

"I killed him," Fang Xiu said calmly.

"You... you all..." Wang Dehai felt like he was about to pass out.

"Are you trying to make me mad? Can you all speak properly? How did Mr. Ma die? If you can't explain, write me a report! Twenty thousand words each. If you don't finish, your salary and performance bonus will be cut in half, and all your Spiritual Energy materials will be confiscated!"

In the end, Fang Xiu and the others left the office amid Wang Dehai's yelling.

As for the reports, Yang Ming didn't know how to write, Bai Qi wouldn't write, and Fang Xiu couldn't write.

Eventually, Wang Dehai wrote the report himself. In the report, Ma Xingbang was said to have died at the hands of the Specters in the mental hospital, and it was sent to headquarters.


In a hidden manor in Shangjing City, a long-haired man dressed in a black robe sat deep inside on a redwood chair. He was tall and strong, with bronze skin and well-defined, deep-set features like a Greek statue. His dark, deep, icy eyes showed a hint of wickedness.

He was in a dark room, with only a small window above his head. Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating half of his body, while the other half remained in darkness.

At this moment, he held a report in his hand. It was the report written by Wang Dehai.

"Ma Xingbang is dead," the long-haired man muttered to himself, his face expressionless.

A voice came from the darkness.

"Captain Yan, I have confirmed that Ma Xingbang is indeed dead."

"Mm." Captain Yan gave a slight nod, showing little emotion.

"Is his wife pregnant?" Captain Yan suddenly asked an unexpected question.

The voice from the darkness answered again, "Yes."