Hearing what Wang Ling said, other people looked at Wang Ling's gaze, unavoidably entraining some admiration and excitement. With such a perverted existence in his team, the entire base has an inexplicable sense of security.

In Chen Tong's eyes, there was also a sense of envy. After all, the two were at the same level, but now Wang Ling has surpassed him by too much, which makes him not very easy to accept for a while.

However, fortunately, he is not a prudent person. Otherwise, after he was defeated, he would not go to Wang Ling alone for advice. Now he has no negative emotions. He just nodded at Wang Ling affirmatively. .

"Okay, it really deserves to be a hero-level unit of our coalition!" As for General Li Weiqi, he praised it even more. After the praise, he asked: "I believe you are not a reckless person, just say, what help do you need? ?"

Wang Ling answered truthfully: "General, in an air defense tracked vehicle, I can quickly bypass the hills and reach the troop recycling station at the rear to eliminate all Yuri troops. However, there are so many people that I cannot take it safely by myself. With so many civilians safely evacuated, they are afraid of unexpected accidents in the middle, and they are easily intercepted by Yuri’s troops. Therefore, the base needs to help safely transfer these people."

General Li Weiqi nodded: "Yes, it is very possible that with a group of people, the transfer speed is slow, and it is easy to be surrounded by Yuri troops. Then after you are dispatched, the base will also send a group of air defense crawlers to follow. Give priority to the transfer of the wounded, go back and forth several times, and speed up the transfer! In addition, send a group of terrorist robots to assist in the evacuation with the Rhino Tank and the Apocalypse Tank!"

"Great!" Wang Ling finally smiled: "With this batch of aid teams, it will be easier! But the general..."

"what happened again?"

"The two military recycling stations are too far apart, I can only take care of one, and once I do it, the other military recycling station will definitely increase its guard, and the people will be correspondingly dangerous!" Wang Ling expressed his concerns. .

"Well...this is a problem..."

General Li Weiqi muttered in a low voice for a while, and finally thought of a way: "Our troops can't send too much, otherwise not only the holy city defense line is dangerous, but Yuri's troops may also be distracted. However, there is more to this place. We have a base! Contact Reagan immediately!"

"Yes, General!"

Rowicki quickly connected to the radio of the Allied base command post.

After the two armies are united, the corresponding radio frequency bands will naturally be made public. Even if they are not fighting together, they can at least be connected to each other.

"General Li, why are you looking for me?"

As a commander, General Reagan naturally stayed in the command hall most of the time. He received the radio message as soon as possible and responded immediately.

It seems that he is still caring about the tough attitude of General Li Weiqi before, and General Reagan's tone here is somewhat stiff.

However, General Li Weiqi did not care: "General Reagan, first of all, I am very grateful to the Allied spy satellite technology for providing us with a good vision. Under this vision, General Reagan did not know if he found out. Our people are being batched. Send it to the troop recycling station again!"

"Yes, I saw it too." General Reagan replied indifferently, without making any statement.

General Li Weiqi did not go around too much, and briefly informed Wang Ling's surprise attack on the troop recycling station and the plan to transfer the masses, and then asked the Allied forces to cooperate and attack another troop recycling station at the same time.

The two armies are united, and the requirements for such joint operations are of course also reasonable.However, General Reagan’s attitude was surprising: "General Lee, the top priority now is to discuss how to attack Yuri’s base! Instead of attacking Yuri’s base, you risked the danger to attack the troop recycling station. This is Isn't it just to avoid the importance and lighten it?"

"General Reagan!"

Prior to this, General Li Weiqi had put down his posture as much as possible to abandon the previous suspicion, but General Reagan did not buy it at all. After this sentence, General Li Weiqi instantly became angry: "You are too much! In your opinion, to rescue the people, this is what Is it easy to avoid the weight? Why did we unite to fight Yuri? Is it just to protect ourselves? Reagan, you are a commander and a soldier! Isn't it our duty to protect the people?!"

"General Lee, who are you yelling at? The same commander, why are you yelling at me?" General Reagan was also not happy: "Do you want to see those people die for nothing? Avoiding the heavy is not the point. The key is to bypass the Yuri base to attack their rear. This is a dangerous way for us! Once Yuri's troops encircle us, how dangerous it is for us, don’t you? Do you know? We are soldiers and we want to protect the people from falsehoods, but special circumstances are treated specially. When confronting Yuri's troops, how can the people help? But on the other hand, if something happens to us, who will go? Fight against Yuri’s forces on the front line?"

"You are a mess..."

"General Reagan!"

It can also be seen that although the two armies are united in name, in reality, there are various contradictions between the lower-level soldiers and the upper-level officials. There are some ideological hedging, and unified action is still somewhat difficult.

After hearing this, General Li Weiqi also tried to reason with him, but at this time, Wang Ling suddenly interrupted and interrupted General Li Weiqi: "I heard it out. You are a necessary reason for wanting a dangerous way. , Isn’t it? Well, the reason is very simple. If we don’t go to rescue, these people will all be sent to the troop recycling station, converted into Yuri’s combat funds, train more troops, and make More tanks! If nothing else, for this reason, shouldn't we go to war?"


It was Wang Ling's reason that was so sharp that he discarded all the principles and obligations, and only talked about the stakes. For a while, General Reagan could not find any more reasons and refused to play.

And Wang Ling's words are not over yet: "What's more, who said that the people can't help the fighting? Before we joined the army, weren't they the people? During the war, the army was recruited, and it was not selected and trained from the people. ?"


At this point, General Reagan finally had an idea: "It's really a sharp-toothed guy, it's no wonder that it can promote the union of the two armies! What you said is not unreasonable, even if it is nothing else, just to prevent Yuri’s troops have increased more combat funds, and it’s worth taking the risk to rescue! However, I have a condition for sending troops to rescue!"

"What conditions?"

"If the people we rescued want to join the army, they must first choose the allies!"