Chapter 7: 、07

"thank you, I know now."

Without further ado, Zong Qi quickly squatted on the ground and picked up the black garbage bag, found his badly worn backpack, and began to quickly put things into it.

The neighbor gave him a sympathetic look, then turned around and continued fetching water.

A few minutes later, Zong Qi packed all his luggage.

He didn't have many things in the first place, a backpack was barely full, and he could walk away with it.

The landlord of this tube building is a kind old lady who treats him very well on weekdays. Knowing that Zong Qi often runs between the school and the hospital, she took the initiative to reduce the rent for him several times after she was ashamed. This made Zong Qi very embarrassed, and several times he voluntarily moved out but was stopped by the grandmother at the bottom of the building.

However, the landlady's grandma, like Zong Qi's grandma, is not in good health. She told him last week that she might have to go back to the countryside to recuperate for a while. So the person in charge became the daughter-in-law of the landlord's grandmother.

This daughter-in-law has a particularly hot temper, and the new official took him to the knife as soon as she took office, saying that the landlord's grandma is not counting, and she will not forget the rent that Zong Qi underpaid here before. He also said that he would be kicked out if he didn't make up the rent that was owed before this Saturday.

But today is only Tuesday, and there are still a few days before Saturday. It is obvious that the other party has missed the appointment first.

Not to mention that the impromptu shooting can be settled until noon tomorrow, and the points obtained from the system can also be converted into money at that time. Even according to Zong Qi's original plan, this Friday's live broadcast platform will also reap the income from the live broadcast in the past few months for him.

Because he has signed a contract with the platform for less than three months, the income generated cannot be withdrawn in time, so he can only wait until this month to pay off the arrears in one go.

Although I have some complaints about the landlord's daughter-in-law's inconsistency, but after all, the house belongs to others, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Moreover, the landlord's grandmother reduced or exempted his rent several times, and Zong Qi himself felt bad about it.

It just so happened that after being kicked out at this moment, the deposit would not be returned, and it happened to cover the arrears, and it was also considered a settlement.

What's more...marking that popped up on the door.

This is a warning and a deterrent.

The Ouroboros organization may have already set their sights on this place, and Zong Qi didn't want to bring unnecessary danger and trouble to others because of his own reasons. However, he took a photo and decided to send it back to Gao Mu to prove that he was indeed targeted by this organization.

He went downstairs with his backpack on his back and rode back on the shared bicycle he had just parked with his own hands.

It was completely dark outside. There are only a few dim street lights and convenience store signs shining to guide the way in the alley.

"It's so late, let's just find a hotel to make do for the night, and then rent a room tomorrow."

He rode out of the alley, looking for cheap hotels around the row upon row of buildings in the old town.

Coincidentally, after riding for about a few kilometers, Zong Qi saw a hotel with a special price for fractures on the signboard. It was located on the corner of the street and exuded a strong cheap atmosphere.

Zong Qi's eyes only had the four characters of today's fracture. He didn't pay attention to the notice board hanging next to the special price, and walked in with his backpack.

The hotel is not big, with only a narrow front desk in the center of the first floor, and a Buddhist altar with burning incense candles embedded in the wall. The incandescent lamp was dim, and the red candlelight shone into the stairwell behind, floating with damp that could not be swept away.


Seeing someone coming, the boss was overjoyed and went out to greet him in person.

Zong Qi was flattered, "Boss, is there any room available? I'll stay for one night."

"Yes, yes, ten yuan a night."

"that is......"

The boss secretly observed the face of the guest, hesitating: "The hotel is being renovated these two days, it will be a little noisy tonight."

"It's okay, just give me a private room."

Zong Qi, who would never spend more money if he got a bargain, readily agreed.

Although the price in the old city is cheap, there is really nowhere to find a hotel that costs only ten yuan a night with a lantern on. No matter how you look at it, it is his blood.

"Okay! Guest, please wait a moment!"

The boss responded with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the lucky cat at the door made a "welcome" sound.

The boss who was rummaging for the keys at the counter saw him, quickly put down what he was doing, and kept saying hello: "Oh, Master Qi, you've come!"


Zong Qi turned his head and saw a handsome young man in Taoist robe standing outside the gate.

It's okay to wear Taoist robes, but the most eye-catching thing is the mahogany sword on his back.

Zong Qi was shocked and saluted with attention.

What year is this, is there really someone who dresses up like this and puts this cosplay on the street?

Qi Ningzhou didn't pay attention to the eyes of others, he held an ancient Feng Shui compass in his hand, looked at it with a serious face, and muttered to himself.

"At the crossroads, there was a rush, and the opening was facing the location of the ghost gate in the northeast..."

In just a few seconds, he had a decision in his mind.

Tonight is estimated to be a protracted battle, so we have to pay more.

The boss stood aside nervously, "How is it, master?"


Qi Ningzhou put down the compass, nodded dignifiedly, and put on a show, "It's just that the price may need to be adjusted slightly."

"Ok, Ok.."

The boss quickly nodded in agreement, "As long as you can handle it, these are trivial matters, not worth mentioning."

Zong Qi who accidentally overheard their conversation: "...?"

A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, "What? Is there something wrong with this hotel?"

Two pairs of eyes looked over at the same time.

Qi Ningzhou frowned first, "Why are there still guests today? Didn't I say that outsiders can't be present during the practice?"

The boss sneered, "We have three floors here. What happened on the third floor, you do it on the third floor. The guests live on the second floor. It will be fine."

Afraid that Zong Qi would turn around and leave, he quickly answered, "We have a sign outside. Didn't you see it when you came in? It's right next to today's special price."

Zong Qi with a blank face, retreated to the door of the hotel.

It can't be blamed that he didn't see it. The words "Today's special price" are not only bolded, brightened and enlarged, but also illuminated. The sign next to it is only a few palms big, with black and white words on it. Who would look at it?

Oh, it's just a trick of the merchant.

Two months ago, a murder occurred in this hotel.

After the case, there were often some supernatural events in the hotel, and the business was bleak over time.

The hotel was only renovated at the beginning of the year, and the couple's savings for many years have been emptied, not to mention that the price of the land has plummeted after the incident, and the sunk cost is too high. A cheap celestial master came to practice the method.

Qi Ningzhou is that cheap celestial master who posted small advertisements everywhere.

At this moment, the system prompts in due course.

[The small script "Harmony Hotel" has been unlocked and opened, the activation conditions are unknown]

[You have entered the shooting range, the scream value can be superimposed, and the exploration progress is automatically switched to "Harmony Hotel", the current progress is 0%]

[You can still settle according to the exploration progress of "Psychiatric Hospital" at the time of settlement]

"Have you finished reading?"

Seeing Zong Qi come back, the boss sighed, "It turns out that you didn't notice the notice before... well, then I'd better refund the money to you, and I can't let you stay for a while without knowing why." Night."

Zong Qi asked, "Who said I will get my money back?"

Hearing this, the other two were stunned.

It was the boss who was the first to react, and slapped his thigh, "Okay, okay, okay! You just don't have to be afraid of the guests, feudal superstition is nothing!"

Feudal Superstition · Qi Ningzhou: "...?"

The merchant's mouth, a deceitful ghost, feels connoted.

After this episode, the boss handed over the key to both of them.

"Master Qi will hold an altar on the third floor tonight, and you can live on the second floor. If you are really scared, you can come to the first floor to watch TV with me. Tonight I will stay vigil in the shop."

He urged them repeatedly, and watched them walk into the cramped stairwell of the hotel.

When going upstairs, Qi Ningzhou said abruptly, "If you hear any strange noises upstairs at night, just ignore them and don't go out."

Zong Qi asked worriedly, "Will there be any danger?"

It's no wonder that he was suspicious, the main reason was that Qi Ningzhou's attire was out of tune with the worldly world, and he said that he would ask for more money as soon as he met him, his posture looked like a charlatan.

Zong Qi also studied directing at any rate, and had worked with several production crews under the leadership of his teacher in his senior year. The production crew in the entertainment industry will ask the master to count auspicious days and good geomantic omens before starting the production. Those masters are more indistinct than the other, how can they come dressed like this, it's too out of style.


The Celestial Master raised his face, "If you encounter special circumstances, just call the name Lei Zusheng directly."

"Sacred Lei Zu?"

Zong Qi searched, half-believed, "Jiutian should respond to Yuan's thunder and universalize Tianzun?"


Qi Ningzhou interrupted him: "Don't read indiscriminately when you are okay, read again when you are in danger." Zong Qi sincerely suggested: "Actually, I think if you are really in danger, it is better to call the police as soon as possible."

Qi Ningzhou: "..."

They parted ways at the corridor on the second floor, Qi Ningzhou went to the third floor alone with a mahogany sword on his back, and Zong Qi watched the young celestial master disappear around the corner.

He remembered that there were all kinds of spells in the director's mall, and he didn't know the difference between those spells and the spells used by celestial masters in reality.

Originally, he wanted to get close to Qi Ningzhou, so as to see if he was a real celestial master or a bluffing liar. As a result, the other party bluntly said that he had limited spells when he went out this time, so he couldn't allocate one more spell for him.

If there is none, there will be none, Zong Qi is not afraid anyway.

His impromptu short video shooting time lasted a full 24 hours, and the settlement would not end automatically until noon tomorrow, so it was absolutely no problem to sleep for a night.

If there is a problem, you can add another wave of screaming value. Unfortunately, the progress of the script can only be settled according to the progress of a single script exploration. After leaving the police station, it is fixed at 85%. The new script progress has not yet been activated. Zong Of course, it is impossible for Qi to rush up and die.


When the door was opened, there was a smell of mothballs in the room that had not been lived in for a long time.

The black-haired young man pressed the light switch on the wall and looked at the narrow room with satisfaction.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs, as well as direct hot water and fans.

"Ten yuan a night, although the boss may make money from being haunted, but I definitely don't lose money."

He stretched himself, put his backpack on the side of the bed, took off his shoes and lay down on it.

In less than a day after binding the horror film director system, Zong Qi found that his physique was rapidly upgrading, and accidents happened wherever he went.

Fortunately, the two small scripts were only activated and did not meet the unlocking conditions.

"Thinking about it from another angle, this is also a good thing. In the future, you don't have to go through all the hard work to find materials for the live broadcast of Tanling, and you can directly use local materials, which is very good."

"Besides, I'm not afraid of ghosts. As long as I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of them."

While Zong Qi was comforting himself, there was a sudden sound of ping-pong-pong from upstairs.

How long has it been since you started practicing?

Zong Qi rubbed his eyes, turned his head and picked up the phone.

It shows that it is exactly nine o'clock now.

He sat up numbly, took out a piece of bread from his bag, and began to enjoy his dinner.

During the eating period, there were constant noises from upstairs, Zong Qi chose to ignore them.

He's focusing on something else now.

Just now Zong Qixian was fine and opened his own live channel.

Usually this channel is silent, because Zong Qi is too vague, so there is basically no news notification, but just now when he clicked in, a red 99+ popped up.

Zong Qi's personal homepage is very bleak. There are only a pitiful 150 fans. Usually, no one likes the post when he posts the start of the broadcast. Unexpectedly, the latest post about reporting safety in the police station has nearly 1,000 comments.

I was busy with business before, so I didn't go up to see it, but now I am quite surprised to see it.

"what's the situation?"

As soon as he went in, the first thing he saw was the high praise comments at the top.

[Master Wang at the entrance of the village: Good guy, after watching it for a while, why are you really worried about the host? Alas, you are too young to know the routines of these spirit-seeking anchors at all. They all have scripts. I went to watch the replay of the live broadcast at noon today. It’s so fake. It’s the script written by the anchor himself. It’s so hot. Look, it’s done now, haha 】

Zong Qi: "..."

There are many echoes under this highly praised comment.

[Shangshan Ruoshui: That is, I have never heard of what this anchor was like before. Now after doing such a pass, the heat will come up? Only pure netizens will believe it]

[You are my eyes: Got it, thank you, Master Wang, for cracking down on fakes, and you are another script master]

[I'm Bumpman: Damn, isn't it? I liked this anchor quite a bit before, and I always thought it was an unpopular treasure anchor, but I didn’t expect to have so many eyes, and the way to get it turned black]

In addition to this yin and yang comment, Gao Zan's comments also have a fight with it.

[Variety little bell: The one upstairs is talking sarcastic, and there are still fans in the building who step on it, what the hell. But anyone who has watched the live broadcast of the anchor will know that every time he visits the spirit, he will encounter accidents. If you want to say such mentally retarded remarks as "the police are also actors invited by the anchor", then I have nothing to say]

[Mario: +1, I finally saw someone who is really a fan of the anchor speak. This anchor has been reported to the legal newspaper several times before to solve the case, and the people who are holding on to this black point are really clueless]

It's a pity that the number of fans who defended Zongqi was too small, and they were submerged in the army of comments in a short while.

Ordinary people click in and see Master Wang's comment at the entrance of the village, and they are directly led to a biased thinking, and they vomit fragrance and vent their anger together.

Zong Qi went through the comments from beginning to end expressionlessly.

He recalled his life-and-death struggle with the serial killer, and he was very upset.

Although Zong Qi didn't intend to publicize the fact that he sent the murderer to the police station, it doesn't mean that he likes to be maliciously speculated and misinterpreted.

Because Chen Hongyi was involved in many old cases before, he didn't know how long he would have to wait until he was completely convicted.

Zong Qi usually chooses to line up with netizens directly, simply and rudely.

He clicked into the background, and was about to release a beautiful text with rich voice and emotion, when a prompt popped up in the background.

[The recording of "Mental Hospital" has ended, do you want to view the finished film? whether】

Zong Qi clicked into the masterpiece column in the horror film director program.

This was originally the evidence he used to deal with the organization after reshooting, but now that the matter has been resolved smoothly, this part of the film is no longer needed.

But now that he came back to his senses, Zong Qi discovered the magic of this function.

If the filming it says can really record everything, then in the future, he doesn't even need any media company sponsors, and he can complete a movie by himself!

Although it is difficult to find a job as a director, since Zong Qi chose to read this without hesitation, it was more because he liked it. Now that he has the conditions to allow him to return to the road of directing, I am really happy that it is too late.

Zong Qi watched the video from beginning to end and whistled.

This video was shot from the perspective of God. It not only recorded his handsome and heroic posture at a perfect angle when beating someone, but also gave him a close-up shot of him beating a murderer. Among other things, Zong Qi in the camera is really handsome.

The most wonderful thing is that the system can also process this video in the background, automatically edit and add music, and even have black technology options such as adjusting the viewing angle and processing human faces.

Zong Qi read it over and over several times, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Anyway, the mysterious organization behind the murderer has been eyeing me and has warned and threatened me several times. It's better to borrow the system. If it can really be deterred and shows that you have evidence in your hand, the other party will at least have concerns about attacking me. Otherwise, you really think I'm so bullied."

He thought of the completely different attitudes of the organization before and after his reshoots, and felt more and more reasonable about this inference.

Thinking this way, Zong Qi opened the post-production column in the system, changed the shooting angle, and replaced the murderer's face with AI synthesis.

There are many things to learn in the directing department, including acting, screenwriting, photography, and even production. Just cutting a video with bare hands, this is not a problem for Zong Qi.

The finished product is a half-minute video.

Zong Qi exported the video to the system, uploaded it to Weibo, explained why he accidentally stopped broadcasting this morning, and attached this processed video by the way.

[@宗琼琪: The situation in the morning is probably like this, mainly to see the atmosphere, thank you for your concern]

After finishing all this, Zong Qi locked the phone screen, ignored the continuous noise upstairs, and fell asleep.

What he didn't realize was that shortly after he fell asleep, the temperature in the room began to drop sharply.

In the darkness, the screen of the mobile phone lighted up faintly, and a prompt box slowly emerged.

[Small script "Harmonious Hotel", the activation conditions are met]