Chapter 19: 、19

The sudden change stunned everyone. Master Wang was the first to shout.

"Why catch me!"

Then he kicked to the ground.

When all the actors were surrounded by angry villagers and led to the door one by one like gourds on a string, everyone saw the two tomb robbers who were **** and thrown on the ground.

It is said that they are tomb robbers? It is because their equipment is really complete.

The bulging backpack was untied and thrown on the ground. Luoyang shovels, short-handled picks, iron rods, and flashlights were scattered all over the floor. There were also many marked manuscripts inside.

All actors: "..."

This is really stolen and won.

"Don't sleep in the middle of the night,? Sneaking around in the village, if our elder brother hadn't kept an eye on it,? Catch it, let's see what you have to argue about!"

The villagers held torches wrapped in sheepskin dipped in oil on wooden sticks in their hands, and their faces were reddened by the blazing flames, and their faces were hideous and terrifying.

Compared with the other novice actors who didn't know anything, with blank faces, the repairman was already filled with shock.

Who would have thought that such a simple copy of welfare would have accidents again and again. First, the third act required more than 70% of the performance, and now it is discovered that some of the actors have identity cards with different positions.

Because this movie was recruited by the director, and commissioned by the Ouroboros organization, the repairman thought he was cautious enough, after all, his ID card also had secrets that no one knew. But who would have imagined that a movie starring four newcomers could be so difficult.

Huangmao is even more stupid.

Just four or five hours ago, he and the crow sneaked out of the house with his bag in the dark, and circled around the village.

According to the character card,? This is the news they sold from the underground black market.

According to the reactions of the villagers in the past two days, the entrance to the ancient tomb is definitely in the well in the center of the village.

Under the surveillance of so many people, it was difficult for them to break through the encirclement and enter the tomb.

So in addition to collecting information in the past two days, Crow also arranged for Huang Mao to go outside the village to measure the land with his own feet.

Huangmao didn't know the reason for doing this at first, but he didn't know the reason he did it for the past two days until tonight, when Crow took a look at the sky, took him out of the village without saying a word, and started digging on the ground with a Luoyang shovel. All measurements are providing data to the other party.

They dug a robbery hole outside the village. According to Wu Ya, he carefully calculated the structure of the village and the flow of the surrounding river. After the robbery hole was opened, it could lead directly to the tomb passage connecting the main tomb.

Although Huang Mao couldn't understand, he was shocked.

As a result, they had just buried the explosives when they were caught by the villagers who heard the news.

When he was caught, Huang Mao was stunned and suddenly realized.

Their early plans and deployments were very good, and there was no reason to expose themselves with guns at the most critical time.

He wanted to ask the crow, but he was also concerned about his role card identity. If you ask directly on the bright side, then the inversion of the deductive value is a certainty.

And even though they were caught, Huang Mao's performance value had soared to 55% in just a few hours from the day they opened the burglary.

To be honest, if this trend continues, it is not impossible to exceed 70% before the third act. So although Huang Mao was very puzzled, he still shut up.

To be honest, it is difficult to be alone when you get this kind of card. Although it is unethical to drag teammates into the water, in order to survive, many actors would rather drag others into the water.

Facing the villagers with unkind expressions, the actors who were innocently implicated were all defending themselves.

"No, we really aren't with them, we just came to the countryside to teach honestly."

Long Aotian cried and said, "Old man, I am so old, how can I do the work of fighting!"

In the past few days, Long Aotian has become more and more used to his identity as an old grandfather. He has nothing to do with relying on the old to sell the old, ordering others to do things for him, and now his performance is nearly fifty.

However, the villagers didn't agree with him at all. Instead, they kicked him and Master Wang together and ordered coldly, "Tie them up."

Under the absolute crowd suppression, all actors were tied with a rope around their wrists, strung together, and forced to walk to the village. "Be honest, don't try to escape, or my **** will definitely be faster than your feet, do you hear me?"

The farmers pulled the rope around their necks and dragged them all the way into the village.

Except for the day when they entered the village, the villagers will always guard the neighborhood, and no one has ever stepped into the village for the second time.

When they entered the center again, they found that the area around the wellhead had been dug up by the villagers, exposing a deep bluestone road inside.

The villagers stepped forward and asked, "Brother, everyone has been caught, what should we do?"


The leader frowned, and the latter immediately fell silent.

Nine coffins were neatly arranged in the open space next to the well mouth. The spells and chains on the coffins were broken violently. Except for the most central one, there was nothing in it except dried blood. His appearance made everyone gasp.

Without him, the corpse in the coffin has been scorched black and weathered after countless years.

They are all dead people, so it doesn't matter whether they are afraid or not. What's really scary is the densely squirming things in the coffin.

There are rows of white insect eggs attached to the coffin wall, as well as flower-colored poisonous snakes coming out of the dark eye sockets of the skull of the corpse, centipedes entangled section by section, and some unknown strange poisons.

The leader grabbed a chicken and threw it into the coffin full of insect eggs. After a while, the red blood of the chicken stained the wriggling white.

The obese larvae were dyed red all over, and they couldn't wait to use the chicken as nourishment. One by one, they got out of the chicken feathers, and soon corroded into a bone frame.

The villager boldly went up and grabbed one with a wooden stick. The worm stuck to his palm, and after a while, it got into the flesh following the smell of blood.

"Hurry up and smoke!"

Immediately, someone came over with a gunpowder and smoked the bulging flesh. After a while, the blood-sucked worms were smoked out.

"It's a Gu worm!"

The villagers were so scared that their teeth were chattering: "This kind of thing has not been raised in the village for more than a hundred years. Why are these things not in the coffin?"

The legends handed down from the ancient tribes recorded the Great Witch's Good at Gu, but it has been passed down to the present, and the ability to manipulate the Witch Gu has long been lost in time.

Qi Ningzhou is not here now, if he were here, he would hate iron for steel.

These Gu worms are covered with thick dead energy, obviously not living things. Perhaps the person who sealed the coffin at the beginning sealed these most insidious poisons in the coffin with a spell, and nailed them in the nine-star formation, in order to continuously provide Yin Qi to the blood corpses at the formation's eye.

As a result, I didn't expect that after many years, not only someone destroyed the formation, but also forcibly opened the coffin, and revived the vitality of these corpses.

The culprit is now standing on the ground, looking at the sky and the earth, so embarrassed that the toes of his shoes are facing each other.

The leader's face was also not good-looking.

After he gave another order, the coffin lid was put back on the coffin.

It's a pity that Zong Qi knew that, just like what Tianshi told him, the formation had been destroyed, and the coffin might not be able to stop it for long.

"Brother, what should we do? There may be something like this underground."

A few days ago, they wanted to go down to the tomb, but they didn't expect that there was a door inside the tomb door.

After finally finding a similar mark from the sign at the door, I found the key in the hanging coffin, and now I am facing such a problem again.

"Why panic? As long as there is no mother Gu, these Gu insects are nothing to be afraid of." The leader scolded coldly: "The greater the danger, the greater the benefits. Don't forget, we still have a goddess. As long as she is there, these Gu insects will be safe." Can't hurt us a bit."

Having said that, the frightened villagers around finally settled down.

The goddess is the blood of the great witch. It is clearly recorded in the village chronicles that even if they lose the ability to raise Gu worms, the Gu worms will not harm the goddess who has the blood of a great witch. In a critical situation, as long as the goddess has a little blood, the problem can be solved perfectly.

As long as she is there, they don't have to be afraid of these Gu worms.

Besides, what happened to the descendants taking some things from the ancestors? They are all vulgar things that you don’t bring with you when you are born. The big deal is to burn more paper money for your ancestors every Qingming Festival.

"Brother, I have an idea."

The second child stood up, "Although we have goddesses, we don't know how much poisonous fog there is in the tomb. Why don't we throw these grave robbers into the tomb and let them explore the way for us first."


The one who interrupted him was the goddess who had been standing aside.

After the actors were tied up, the goddess appeared very silent.

Her expression was unbelievable, full of loss.

"Anyway, these people have taught us a lot sincerity. Second uncle is like this, don't you sincerely let them die?"

"If we get the treasure and want to leave here, then these people will not be able to live." The second child said earnestly: "They are all sent by the town. The sixth child also said before his death that if the tomb is found, we will all It’s fine if you don’t get any money, and you have to be wanted.”

"Don't you want the children in the village to go to the town, the city, or the city to study? Don't you want to live in this mountain depression forever, living a life where you can't eat enough for every meal and depend on the sky for food?"

A trace of struggle flashed in the goddess' clear eyes: "...I think, but if this is the case, I will live under the condemnation of my conscience for the rest of my life."


The leader interrupted their conversation, "The second brother's method is good, let's do it like this. Goddess, you are still young, and there are some things you don't understand. This is a major event in the village, and the overall situation must be put first."

"Since it was my order, you don't have to worry about any bad conscience, it has nothing to do with you. Go and rest, we will go to the grave tomorrow morning."

After speaking, the villagers pulled the rope on the actor's body and drove them to the mouth of the well.

The leader looked around, and chose Long Aotian, who was the most inconvenient to escape, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, "Leave one hostage on top, and everyone else will go down. If each of you didn't hold anything when you came out, then you Don't even think about the life of this companion."

Long Aotian, who was still secretly happy that he didn't need to go to the grave, suddenly turned into a frightened face.

"Come on, who will lead?"

Looking at the dark tomb passage below the wellhead, the actors all retreated.

To be honest, the actors present hated the two tomb robbers to death.

Although this horror film has high customs clearance requirements, when it is revealed that the villagers are only greedy for the treasures of ancient tombs, the normal shooting may be An An's branch teaching for a few days, and then experiencing a few shocking accidents in the last scene. The village is wrong, leave by car.

But now, the two actors in the team who took the role card of the tomb robber accidentally exposed their identities in front of the villagers, dragging the whole team into the water together. So now the difficulty they need to face has suddenly multiplied exponentially, and they are even forced to enter the tomb to explore the way.

You can guess what elements will be in the tomb of a horror movie with your feet.

The most infuriating thing is that, according to the villagers, they obviously have the means to protect themselves. The unnecessary action now is nothing more than the actors hitting the guns, purely wanting to kill people and silence them.

After changing the plot, this far exceeds the difficulty of the original plot!

When everyone was silent, the black-haired young man silently raised his hand.

"Let me do it."

With a physique that is invulnerable to ghosts and ghosts, Zong Qi doesn't have to be afraid of being hurt. Not to mention that one of his three major values ​​​​also requires the actor to scream, and the actor will benefit instead when he is in danger.

In other words, Zong Qi can completely stay out of the scene until the end of this movie,

Although the director is punished for the failure of the shooting, it is far from the level that the actor will be obliterated after a failure.

Before that, because he didn't know the difference between the actor system and the director system, Zong Qi always thought that everyone's games were about the same difficulty.

He didn't know the harshness of the actor system until the shooting time passed.

Even if Zong Qi does not have a director system, he is just an ordinary director, and if an actor has an accident on his set, even if the culprit is not himself, he will feel sad about it.

And after all, he was the one who caused this incident.

After Zong Qi led Xiao Hong to kill the blood corpse, he released what should have been suppressed, which was also confirmed by Qi Ningzhou.

If the things surrounded by blood corpses really come out, the whole village will probably suffer.

But life is too precious, everyone only has one time, absolutely cannot be ignored. In all fairness, whether it is the villagers who are greedy for treasure or the most hated Master Wang among the actors, they do have mistakes and faults, but at least they are not guilty of death.

Since the incident happened because of him, Zongqi will not evade the relevant responsibilities.

So he stood up without hesitation.